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What issue would cause 9 fingered varietals to put out 5-7 fingered leaves?


New member
This is a constant symptom if I use my local tapwater. Smaller fans with less blades. I'm wondering if it could be pinned down to one excess/lockout? I get signs of magnesium deficiency if I skip a feeding, even though tap contains 25ppm mag (and 65ppm cal).

Plants seem to eat more than they should as if the roots are being restricted from taking up something? Growth gets slower when it should be getting faster. Lots of crusty buildup on the fabric pots even though I'm using Mills, specifically for its "no salt buildup" composition.


New member
Yes Mills A + B. It does it in all containers that receive tap water. I'm wondering if it could be sodium? 100ppm...

I unfortunately don't have any photos of 9 and 5 finger leafs on the same plant, but here is one plant I stuck in a 10g, topped heavily (and removed all the old fans) after the "tapwater choke" happened,just to see what it would do.



Yes that's the same plant. See how much the fan leaves change after a few weeks? Everything is normal then bam, new growth shrinks to half the size (The burnt tips if you see them are from forgetting to raise the light after repotting, not a related symptom).

And yes my guest bathroom is my research facility, lol.

Let me clarify this problem does not happen with RO. But I'm wanting to encourage my neighbors to grow when rec passes, meaning it has to be simple, and not everyone wants that hassle (especially me, there's no money in being the RO plug lol)


New member
What medium and how old is it? I'm wondering if the change in water affects the soil microbial community.

Joint Lock

Active member
This is a constant symptom if I use my local tapwater. Smaller fans with less blades. I'm wondering if it could be pinned down to one excess/lockout? I get signs of magnesium deficiency if I skip a feeding, even though tap contains 25ppm mag (and 65ppm cal).

Plants seem to eat more than they should as if the roots are being restricted from taking up something? Growth gets slower when it should be getting faster. Lots of crusty buildup on the fabric pots even though I'm using Mills, specifically for its "no salt buildup" composition.

Why care ..... 99% of ppl on this forum wouldnt care bout the number of blades as long as its 5 or more . most the time in my 20yrs of exp its from less light getting to that area