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What Is Your Dream Job...Only Post One.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Some Guys Have ALL The Luck!

Some Guys Have ALL The Luck!

Seeding the Planet with the aim of Overgrowing it......oh wait a minute!....I'm already doing that!

No doubt....being Gypsy would have to rank high on anybody's list!

Here's a fund raising idea for ya Gypsy....raffle off the chance to be you for a day, including hanging with DG....hehehehe.

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
Casting director for the porn movie industry.I'd be in charge of casting ladies roles.Rosie O'Donnell would do the casting for the guys.If you can keep it up for Rosie,you can keep it up for anybody.:D

Panama Red

Active member
Entertainment industry mogul.

Luckily I aspired to this early, had a plan and get to live it daily, LOL!

Now I have the time and resources to grow awesome organic so I can finally gift all my friends with righteousness and eliminate the "entourage" scumbags/dealers.

Life is good when you plan it properly.......


Active member
a job to do with canna , jobs are boring but at least this way the product is interesting

better then beds or tvs , yawn!


You've all just supported the stereotype that stoners are lazy and unambitious. I just want lots of money to take care of the ones I love.

Analyst at a hedge fund, with the view to move up later is my idea of a dream job.

Unfortunately, I love doing nothing more than anything else...

Guest 88950

what im doing now, growing my meds and working on new ideas and navigating the patent process.

dealing with the uspto isnt fun but developing new technologies & products is the fun part.

working for Shantibaba or just sitting back and learning.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
A grower's housewife and Mommy.....lol, I do have a nice life, though it's far from perfect;) I thank the gods everyday for it too!


Active member
Majority of jobs/careers are boring bull crap... I dont even have a dream one. Growing weed, at least I don't want to kill myself. Professional baseball player maybe. Wouldn't even have to be MLB...


Dream JOB. As in working for money. I want to get into real estate. Hoping the money i can save growing my own meds will help me raise the capital to get started with a house flip.

Ultimately, of course, i would like to do not much of anything.


Old School Cottonmouth
You've all just supported the stereotype that stoners are lazy and unambitious. I just want lots of money to take care of the ones I love.

Analyst at a hedge fund, with the view to move up later is my idea of a dream job.

Unfortunately, I love doing nothing more than anything else...

There is nothing wrong with that. I personally have seen a few people die and not one of them cared about what most people fret over all day.

Within 100 years of you dying (more like 30-50) nobody will ever say your name again, remember you, or give a shit about you. The folks that waste their lives becoming the top insurance salesmen in District B15 of blah blah blahh... thats the guy that wasted his life.

Nobody gives a shit about sellin insurance, or most other careers for that matter. Most of us don't do a damn thing anyone cares about. If we stopped doing it nobody would bitch but your wife and kids. Like that old saying goes "nobody notices what I do until I don't do it."

You're going to be alive for sixty years and dead for eternity. Use it wisely. I don't care what people I don't know think of me. I'm not going to waste my life to achieve "success" in a career I couldn't give a shit less about. I spend time with people I love, I get high, and I do things I enjoy.

IMHO if you spend any real amount of time doing things other than that you've been bullshitted by a religious nut who plans to survive their own death and spend eternity on a cloud with their loved ones. Or your an egomaniac and constantly judge yourself against other people.

This is it for me. These handful of years, and I ain't wasting it under fluorescent lighting, or caring what people I'll never meet think of me when they glance my direction at a stop light.

If you enjoy your job then great. But I ain't becoming a hedge fund manager or something just so I can say "I did something with myself". Nobody knows what they are doing here, and it scares the hell out of people. They look for purpose where there is none, and many waste their lives on things they don't even care about and barely have a relationship with their own children. You don't want to be one of those people.