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What is wrong with some of the younger generation?????


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Police arrest 2 teens in Ga. baby killing

By Russ Bynum
Associated Press

Published: Friday, March 22 2013 3:44 p.m. MDT









Sherry West breaks down in tears as she describes the incident the day before where her 13-month-old son was fatally shot and she was wounded Friday, March 22, 2013 in Brunswick, Ga. West said Friday a teenager trying to rob her at gunpoint asked "Do you want me to kill your baby?" before he fatally shot her 13-month-old son in the head.
The Brunswick News, Bobby Haven, Associated Press

Police arrested two teenagers Friday who are suspected in the shooting death of a 13-month-old baby in a stroller and wounding the baby's mother during an attempted robbery.

BRUNSWICK, Ga. — Police arrested two teenagers Friday who are suspected in the shooting death of a 13-month-old baby in a stroller and wounding the baby's mother during an attempted robbery.
Seventeen-year-old De'Marquis Elkins is charged as an adult with first-degree murder, along with a 14-year-old who was not identified because he is a juvenile, Police Chief Tobe Green said.
Police announced the arrest Friday afternoon after combing school records and canvassing neighborhoods searching for the pair. The chief said the motive of the "horrendous act" was still under investigation and the weapon had not been found.
The mother, Sherry West, wept Friday while she told The Associated Press that she pleaded with the gunman and a younger accomplice who approached her Thursday morning while she walked near their home in coastal Brunswick.
"He asked me for money and I said I didn't have it," she said. "When you have a baby, you spend all your money on babies. They're expensive. And he kept asking and I just said 'I don't have it.' And he said, 'Do you want me to kill your baby?' And I said, 'No, don't kill my baby!'"
West said the gunman fired four shots, the first into the ground. West didn't see a shell casing ejected and she assumed the gun wasn't real.
Then he fired at her head and the bullet grazed her left ear — she has a small scab and bruising there. He fired again and shot her in the left leg above the knee. "I didn't know I was hurt."
"The boy proceeded to go around to the stroller and he shot my baby in the face," she said. "And then he just shoved me when I started screaming and he ran down London Street with the little boy."
The mother lives in a rented house in the city's Old Town historic district. Beverly Anderson's husband owns the property and she said West has lived there for six or seven years.
"We're just very sorry about what happened and very aghast that something could happen in our little neighborhood," Anderson said. "It's a quiet, safe little neighborhood."
She said West stayed home to care for her baby, who was often spotted in his mother's arms.
"The house has a front porch with a swing and we'd see him out on the swing with his mother," Anderson said. "He was a happy, cheerful baby."
It's not the mother's first loss of a child to violence. Sherry West said her 18-year-old son, Shaun Glassey, was killed in New Jersey in 2008. She still has a newspaper clipping from the time.
Glassey was killed with a steak knife in March 2008 during an attack involving several other teens on a dark street corner in Gloucester County, N.J., according to news reports from the time.
"He and some other boys were going to ambush a kid," Bernie Weisenfeld, a spokesman for the Gloucester County prosecutor's office, told the AP Friday.
Glassey was armed with a knife, but the 17-year-old target of the attack was able to get the knife away from him "and Glassey ended up on the wrong end of the knife," Weisenfeld recalled.
Prosecutors decided the 17-year-old would not be charged because they determined that he acted in self-defense.
Associated Press Writer Christina A. Cassidy in Atlanta and news researcher Monika Mathur in New York contributed to this story.


on a serious note that is a truly fucked up story

on the lighter side .......... in this case the biggest problem with this particular young person is that his aim really sucks

seems like Mrs. West is not destined to be a mom, and her kids got to pay the price

sad story no matter how you look at it


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
There is no "lighter side" to this incident.

These two animals executed the toddler. They dont deserve anything but a slow painful death.
Now for the mothers of these two darlings to come out so we can hear all the drivel about how they were good boys. How they were "turning their life around" when they are nothing but predators looking for an easy mark with no regard for life.

Blah. People wonder why I carry everyday. Its because more and more wastes of skin like this exist everywhere, every day.


shitty choice of words on my part ........ my bad

trust me i am not laughing about this story. i gotta look hard some days for a reason not to cry, and the only way to do it is stare into the dark


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
This isnt about guns. It is about POS that have no regard for anyone's life, including their own.
I know plenty of 17 year olds with guns. They dont run around shooting anyone, never mind babies.


3rd-Eye Jedi
shitty choice of words on my part ........ my bad

trust me i am not laughing about this story. i gotta look hard some days for a reason not to cry, and the only way to do it is stare into the dark

quite reasonable logic by which I abided by for some time

I found however I was programming myself to be desensitized or in other words "dark" myself

That didn't bring more light in the world but merely perpetuate the darkness

I try to avoid mainstream media for this purpose but on occasion when I see a tragedy I let myself feel it because it gives me reason to continue to be me and it also gives me contrast so I can have a greater appreciation for what I do have, which sometimes doesn't feel like its enough when I look at what others have, which manufactures a different darkness of its own


Active member
I cannot stop thinking about this. I am a mother, and could not imagine what it must have been like to see your baby, shot in the face. Crap, just typing that, is making me cry again. Sometimes I sometimes feel so despondent for the world, and that it doesn't matter how much good there is, because the morally and ethically bankrupt people seem to be winning. This has nothing to with race, gender, or socioeconomic bankground.....it has to with the fact, that these murderers, have no humanity, left in them. It is so sad.


Active member
This isnt about guns. It is about POS that have no regard for anyone's life, including their own.

Right, it's about the entire nation losing its grip- hip-hop gangsta; men who serially get women pregnant with no regard for the consequences; dirtball politicians telling us by their actions that it doesn't matter what you do as long as you get yours, etc.

From what I understand this poor baby was more or less a victim of crossfire- that the killers weren't targeting the baby. Nonetheless, very sad.


As horrible a crime as this is, and take nothing away from that, but I don't feel it's fair to blanket "the younger generation" under this one envelope. There always have been disgraceful acts like this in the past from the generations of our parents, and their parents, and their parents etc, and there probably will be for generations to come.

But not from "the generations"... from individuals. Lets not let stereotyping mess with this.

These two individuals need to be treated as such - two individuals. They do not represent their generation, nor do they represent society, and our upcoming doctors, nurses, scientists, engineers of tomorrow need to know that we're supporting them, not looking down at them simply because of one or two bad eggs.


Active member
I cannot stop thinking about this. I am a mother, and could not imagine what it must have been like to see your baby, shot in the face. Crap, just typing that, is making me cry again. Sometimes I sometimes feel so despondent for the world, and that it doesn't matter how much good there is, because the morally and ethically bankrupt people seem to be winning. This has nothing to with race, gender, or socioeconomic bankground.....it has to with the fact, that these murderers, have no humanity, left in them. It is so sad.

You're so right castout. It would be nice to hear the killers are distraught, hurt, despondent themselves for taking an innocent life. Well, they say prisoners who molest kids are dead meat in prison. I won't be disappointed to learn the inmates consider shooting a baby just as bad.


Active member
Looks to me like a festival of parenting fail.

Granted, there are some kids who become degenerates in spite of being well raised but by and large, they are rare exceptions, not the rule.

The only thing you can make with unskilled, untrained labor.


These two individuals need to be treated as such - two individuals. They do not represent their generation, nor do they represent society.


these two don't represent humanity any more than craziods like susan smith represent motherhood.

better not to dwell on the miniscule number of people who are that fucked up if you are trying to make it through the day

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
When is the mother of the shooter going to come out and say what a good boy her son was? "He wasn't raised this way...." etc, etc.

Seems to be par for the course for cases like this.

This is such a tragedy. Every time I read stuff like this, it just really makes me wonder where our society is headed.

"Teach your children well..." indeed.



Man the fuckin world we live in, probably some low life ghetto pieces of shit that think harming defenseless innocent people makes you "hard". What a bunch of fucking losers, I can't stand "ghetto" "hood" people, almost every "hood rat" I have ever met in my life will rob just about anyone if it means they get ahead.


hope for the best!

there was a little girl abducted and killed here in colorado a while back and the killers MOTHER turned him in.

the media does very little to remind you that there are good people out there.

the parents of these kids are going to get torn apart one way or another. WTF could you possibly say or do to make anyone understand any part of this. even former white house press secretaries would balk at trying to explain this kinda shit ......... thats a scary thought considering their function

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