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what is this??


Active member

In the picture with my thumb, its the tiny white dot in the black. Please help me identify what this is and how to kill them. They are all over inside each bucket and on the inside of the net pots. Most plants look healthy still.Thanks GWE

joe fresh

Active member
i think its a spring tail??? not sure never had them, but its my guess from what ive seen

use a pesticide like "hydrofarm AzaMax"...........on the next grow try to reconfigure your system so that you can go without netpots, less places for them to hide and simplifies your grow.


Active member
Really, no harm? I thought they were doing some damage because one of my plants in my system was yellowing a little more than the rest and thats when i found them. They are in all the pots now but I would rather not have them unless they are beneficial.


Active member
I thought the same, untill i was corrected being on an international board. apparently there are thousands of different species of these things globally & some to attack living root matter(thats iirc), but from what i know if you live in the UK they are the harmless ones that only eat dead organic/decaying matter.
Ive heard Bifen IT kills them(Biferen) but i doubt its properly compatible with edibles/fruit etc.
Ive had them in my Jade house plants for years(5) & they thrive.
I Had them in some cheese(BS's Cut) grown in solely coco, fkin things made my skin crawl, so i took cuts & dashed the thing outside, yielded something tidy.(dont handle the jade plants in the same way so never been a prob!)
generally they are considered harmless over this side of the pond" still a royal PITA imo!
They thrive in moist conditions btw, dont like the dry! AKA as Snowfleas, they say the dont bite but im sure they fkin bit me! makes me wonder! tbh! maybe it was just me though, fkin skin crawlers! errgggg
(note- think they got into the coco cause i had soil grown plants near by for a time) see em in alot of shop bought composts)

On a down note they are considered a pest in alot of countries & infest houses with moisture probs, cladded etc, they like carpets, moist cavity(wet to dry) walls & esp bathrooms for obvious reasons, fkin things, i dont care if they are harmless or not, fkin horrible lil fookers"!

judging my conservatory plants they pose little problems, but get rid i say! wouldnt even bother treating for em this time & clean up for next!

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Active member
2 to 3 more Weeks left and rez changes every week. Then I'll do a major clean and dry out the system. I like the noodle idea too. Thanks