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what is the strongest strain & what does it yield?


who wants to compile a list of thc %'s to answer this somewhat accurately
its not a silly question, we know the answer is subjective don't make it so black and white. A trend in everyones opinion is a fair enough answer, for the question asked its being plenty "accurate". think, many smokers do experience similar affect with the same strain and all the different routines, moods etc.
It would be silly to assume theres only one answer.
off topic - pain relief ...

off topic - pain relief ...

First of all, I'm inexperienced and legally allowed to grow 12 plants total by my state. I have severe bone/joint and nerve pain 24/7/365. I want off these damn opiates, been on them for 14 years non-stop.

For bone/joint pain, you might try a fairly new preparation available at "Health Food" stores. It's named "Hyaluronic Acid", and comes alone, or combined with Glucosamine and other ingredients.

An old friend of ours had surgery on both knees many years ago, and for decades the MD's have told him that he needed "new knees". Since he started on this stuff, a few weeks ago, he's been pain free for the first time in memory.

It's not especially expensive, which is rare for a "nutritional supplement".

It might not work for everyone, but it's certainly worth considering.

Best of luck.
Strongest or Longest or ... ?

Strongest or Longest or ... ?

It happens over and over again, and whenever I see this question appear, the very first thing that goes through my mind is: "Be careful what you ask for.".

Not only is the question open ended and essentially unanswerable, everyone has slightly different personal chemistry. Everyones experience is different.

Even more importantly, everyone experiences herb with a different "set" and in a different "setting". Whether you want to believe it or not, those are the two most important factors in how we experience psychoactive drugs.

It's a combination of your mental state, both conscious and unconscious, and where you are, what you're doing, and who you're with. ( If smell and visuals don't effect the buzz, why do we keep seeing the phrase "bag appeal"? )

All that being said, I'll assume that the "junkie consciousness" that spawns the question is looking for a quick ticket to oblivion.

It's out there if you look for it.

It will hit especially hard if you haven't smoked for a week or three.

But, if and when you do find it, you might wish that you hadn't.

It might come as a surprise to some people, but cannabis OD's are not pleasant. Two hits of hash oil can leave you a virtual Zombie. Real-deal Columbian Red could leave you on the floor hallucinating for an hour or two.

Some pheno's of "unsuccessful" crosses like "Romberry" can last so long that after partying all night, you wake up eight hours later still stoned.

Chase the rainbow if you want, but the best herb in the world is in my very next bowl. ; )


Active member
Obviously everyone has had their own experience of a strain that has.....qiute literally......blown their socks off.Personally i tried some of the most trich covered bud i have ever smoked OR seen,and luckily enough it happened to be the world famous Jack Herer. I have been a heavy cannabis smoker for umpteen years and usually toke on many spliffs a day but i just couldn't get through more than 2 spliffs in succession without spinning out and needing a cold floor to lay down on....lol .....so its jack herer for me. Got some unknown afghani at the moment from a friend thats not super frosty but has a hell of a couch-lock power...lol.

Owl Mirror

Active member
For bone/joint pain, you might try a fairly new preparation available at "Health Food" stores. It's named "Hyaluronic Acid", and comes alone, or combined with Glucosamine and other ingredients.

An old friend of ours had surgery on both knees many years ago, and for decades the MD's have told him that he needed "new knees". Since he started on this stuff, a few weeks ago, he's been pain free for the first time in memory.

It's not especially expensive, which is rare for a "nutritional supplement".

It might not work for everyone, but it's certainly worth considering.

Best of luck.

Thank you for the info, I'll see if I can locate some.

Hindu Killer

Active member
For me so far for sheer potency and strength....PURE KUSH cut. However there are alot of potent lines out there. And many friends have shared some of the best.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^take those super potent weeds you grow and make some quality hash. cure it up well, and you will have something much stronger than the bud you had before.


New member
i didnt start my thread correctly, i know different strains effect everyone differently.
i was wanting to know what weed has the highest thc content.
personaly i love amniesia haze,kali mist & the cheese over here the now is awsome,ticks all the boxes.

What do you want? There's Indica and Sativa, and you mention BOTH!

If you want your chin resting on your chest, get Motarebel's HERIJUANA.
Until and Unless ...

Until and Unless ...

It's been six or seven years since Fate dealt the TLC/MS card.

( Thin Layer Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry )

Lots of fun while it lasted, but like so many other kicks, it wasn't meant to last.

Until and unless testing can be done without risking the lab, progress will be slow.

Wonder if the assay kits used by LEO could be adapted?

That would be a wonderful switch, a boomerang.

Use it to screen potential parents as a substitute for TLC/MS analysis.

Large numbers are the key, and quick, inexpensive, results, are the goal.

Has anyone ever tried it before?


Like Owl Mirror, I suffer from joint pain, and have recently found the most effective pain relief in a Soma A+ pheno that delivers more than 5% CBD (destroying the consensus that ~2% CBD was the max!!!) but relatively little THC. I find that it cures my pain in a way that only mind numbing "elite" genetics do, without the resulting loss of ability to function as a normal, productive human being in day to day life that such super high THC strains invariably deliver. For those of us who choose to use marijuana for legitimate medicinal purposes this could be a game changer. But nobody really knows...

Such surprising revelations just go to show that there is a serious lack of credible scientific knowledge about variations in the plant we all hold so dear. I mean, there are over fifty active cannabinoid compounds, of which we can currently identify only six. We have relatively little understanding of how these compounds work, and what synergistic combinations result in the highest "potency." Hopefully time, de-marginalization, and accelerating scientific study will shed more objective light on a question we've all asked ourselves. Even if/when that happens, a lot will still boil down to individual preference. Cheers to Bass Akwards for making such an articulate point about the importance of mental state and environment in determining subjective assessments of "potency." I think its worth noting it has been my experience that although a strain's genetic traits have a great deal to do with the final dried/cured product, the skill of the grower and the method of cultivation employed are usually just as important if not more so.

From a subjective connoisseur's point of view I'd have to agree with earlier posters in saying that southeast asian and other equatorial sativas deliver the most intense narcotic/hallucinogenic effects. Conversely, it's hard to argue with the immediate face slapping, mind numbing highs that can be experienced with resinous indicas like romulan and skywalker og...


strongest known strain?

strongest known strain?

simple question whats the strongest strain with the highest labor ratings? :D


I dont know what the strongest is, but if you like medical sourbubble is good and strong, if you like sativa then go w/ toms haze or pure landrace sativa

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

It's all super potent psychosis inducing hybrids coming out of the dutch coffee shops. You won't be able to handle the reefer madness that will eventually catch up with you.

Seriously a damn fine sativa hybrid like Amnesia Haze is super potent.

The question is a bit like comparing apples and pears, as they say. I've smoked Durban Poison which has a relatively low THC content that just sent me into outer space. Then I've smoked Jack Herer with a high THC and felt very comfortable with it, while one of me mates were throwing a whitey.

But for me the most potent to date was Amnesia Haze.


ICMag Donor
a Hight % of THC content is not a sign of potency,,,,

what do you mean by ,,,,"whats the strongest strain with the highest labor ratings?

adding and even removing constituents changes effects


Active member
Mathematically this will be your only (i mean your breed) if you want to calculate your probability.

The fine herb wich knock out me is not necessarry the most potent for your own receptors and for your "award" nervous system. All differents on it, but generally you have to don't choose a yielder for start your quest on it.


Whatever you believe is the strongest strain + well experienced grower + time to learn strain and diet = strongest strain ever