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What is the punishment enhancement for owning firearms around a grow?


Active member
Been doin some research found this article to be a good representation of the various states and cases, but still cannot find a definitive definition on what exactly are the punishments if the cops raid your grow and find firearms.


(Redding.com) Gun shop manager Patrick Jones says he wants to sell as many firearms as he can.

But Jones won’t do business with known medical cannabis patients, such as Army Spc. Sean Merritt, an honorably discharged and disabled veteran.

That refusal has drawn criticism from Merritt, [Executive Director of NorCal NORML,] and other medical marijuana advocates, who have twice gone to Redding City Council chambers to denounce Jones, who happens to be mayor, for violating patients’ rights.

NorCal NORML Executive Director Sean Merritt (photo by ANDREAS FUHRMANN)

“There is nothing in state law that says I cannot own or possess a firearm,” Merritt said at a recent council meeting. “And to be told as such is branding me as a severe mental patient or a felon. I am neither.”

Jones has said he is merely following the law – in this case, a federal law that forbids gun dealers from selling firearms to anyone who is “an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana.”

Would-be gun owners are required to fill out a federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) form that poses questions about the buyer’s criminal history, mental health, citizenship and drug use.

Along with marijuana, Question 11e on the ATF form asks about “any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance.”

If a buyer marks “yes” to Question 11e, the sale cannot go forward, Jones said.

I have long been pointing out to my conservative gun-owning family and friends back in Idaho that the War on Drugs is just a convenient way to disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens. Any felony crime involving marijuana and guns – even when it is your lawfully-owned hunting rifle or “can gun” – invokes enhanced mandatory minimum penalties.

But now with legal medical marijuana in fourteen states, even law-abiding citizens are given the choice between their health and their Second Amendment rights. Often these medical marijuana patients are growing their own, so as not to pay expensive dispensary prices or fund the black market. These people, like Washington’s Steve Sarich, are the ones who most need their firearms for home protection from criminals who would rob them of their medicine.

(Volokh Conspiracy) The AP reports that Steve Sarich — who “runs CannaCare, an organization that claims 7,000 members in the state,” which among other things “provides patients with marijuana clones or starter plants and delivers about 50 patients a week with usable marijuana” — has been told by the King County Sheriff’s Office that he may not buy a gun.

The federal law underlying the prohibition is 18 U.S.C. § 922, which bars possession of guns by (among others) anyone “who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance,” and bars transfers of guns to such people. The sheriff’s office reported that the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System “informed us that possession of a medical drug card is sufficient to establish an inference of current use,” and that therefore the sheriff’s office can’t approve the transfer of a gun to Sarich.

Sarich had been trying to buy guns to replace ones seized by investigators who were investigating a burglary and attempted robbery at Sarich’s home; Sarich had shot one of the robbers. Sarich is also being investigated by the Sheriff’s Office “for potential violations of the state’s medical-marijuana law.” The sheriff’s office “insists he was making a handsome profit selling marijuana and starter plants and charging patients for attending the clinics,” and claims that Sarich has had many more plants than he is allowed to possess under state law. But the ostensible reason for the background check coming up with a no-sale result was the possession of the card, not any past conviction — Sarich has not been convicted of the drug crimes that the sheriff’s department is investigating.

Here in Oregon, we’ve reported on the case of Steven Schwerdt, who was denied his concealed handgun permit by Washington County Sheriff Rob Gordon. He’s the sheriff who also thinks of the medical marijuana laws as “advice” and regularly posts the general locations of the medical marijuana grow sites in his county.

(The Daily News) Sheriffs from Washington and Jackson counties say, though, that they want clarification from the court on whether federal gun laws prohibiting illegal drug users from possessing handguns applies to people who have permits to use marijuana for medical reasons. Marijuana is still classified as a controlled substance under federal law, they said.

Lower courts had twice ordered the two sheriffs to give weapons permits to people who had lost them because they are medical marijuana users, and both appealed those rulings.

Medical marijuana users who meet all other criteria cannot be deprived of the right to a concealed handgun permit, said [NORML Legal Committee Attorney] Leland Berger, who helped write Oregon’s medical marijuana law.

“What this is about is that the sheriffs don’t like the medical marijuana law. Twelve years after it was approved by voters, the sheriffs want to discriminate against patients,” he said.

Steven Schwerdt said he had a concealed handgun permit for six years before the Washington county sheriff’s office revoked it when he became a medical marijuana user.

“I’m no criminal; I’m just a guy who can’t physically run away from dangerous situations,” said Schwerdt, who uses medical marijuana to relieve the symptoms of severe arthritis and gout.

Im curious because i plan on running a grow, (within legal numbers but big plants)...we have 3 scripts so thats 18 flowering and 36 veg here in California (bay area alameda county) in a 10x10 under approx 4-5k watts.

I own several rifles that would scare the shit out of your regular joe schmoe liberal, all are legally owned and i passed ATF background check. AR15, R700, M14, and a couple others. I own them for various uses, sport, hunting, range time, because i have always had interest in firearms since a child, and i also want to be readily equipped should there be a giant zombie or red army invasion, SHTF scenario with looters, rioters, etc...

I was wondering if i should just move all the guns to my parents house where there wont be any herbs or drugs, maybe keep the Glock around in case someone tries to break in.

Also a friend was just raided in oakland with a grow well OVER legal limits, and he had a legally owned registered shotgun and apparently they are trying to hit him with gun possession charges, any advice on what he should do or what lawyers to contact would be appreciated
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If the feds bust you with guns, you go to "pound me in the ass" prison because you are considered a violent offender even though you haven't committed any violent acts.

If the feds bust you with just plants, you go to white collar prison and you will have a relatively comfortable stay.

But what are the odds that the feds are going to bust you for 54 plants? As long as you are legal as far as state law is concerned, why would you be worried?
Been doin some research found this article to be a good representation of the various states and cases, but still cannot find a definitive definition on what exactly are the punishments if the cops raid your grow and find firearms.


(Redding.com) Gun shop manager Patrick Jones says he wants to sell as many firearms as he can.

But Jones won’t do business with known medical cannabis patients, such as Army Spc. Sean Merritt, an honorably discharged and disabled veteran.

That refusal has drawn criticism from Merritt, [Executive Director of NorCal NORML,] and other medical marijuana advocates, who have twice gone to Redding City Council chambers to denounce Jones, who happens to be mayor, for violating patients’ rights.

NorCal NORML Executive Director Sean Merritt (photo by ANDREAS FUHRMANN)

“There is nothing in state law that says I cannot own or possess a firearm,” Merritt said at a recent council meeting. “And to be told as such is branding me as a severe mental patient or a felon. I am neither.”

Jones has said he is merely following the law – in this case, a federal law that forbids gun dealers from selling firearms to anyone who is “an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana.”

Would-be gun owners are required to fill out a federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) form that poses questions about the buyer’s criminal history, mental health, citizenship and drug use.

Along with marijuana, Question 11e on the ATF form asks about “any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance.”

If a buyer marks “yes” to Question 11e, the sale cannot go forward, Jones said.

I have long been pointing out to my conservative gun-owning family and friends back in Idaho that the War on Drugs is just a convenient way to disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens. Any felony crime involving marijuana and guns – even when it is your lawfully-owned hunting rifle or “can gun” – invokes enhanced mandatory minimum penalties.

But now with legal medical marijuana in fourteen states, even law-abiding citizens are given the choice between their health and their Second Amendment rights. Often these medical marijuana patients are growing their own, so as not to pay expensive dispensary prices or fund the black market. These people, like Washington’s Steve Sarich, are the ones who most need their firearms for home protection from criminals who would rob them of their medicine.

(Volokh Conspiracy) The AP reports that Steve Sarich — who “runs CannaCare, an organization that claims 7,000 members in the state,” which among other things “provides patients with marijuana clones or starter plants and delivers about 50 patients a week with usable marijuana” — has been told by the King County Sheriff’s Office that he may not buy a gun.

The federal law underlying the prohibition is 18 U.S.C. § 922, which bars possession of guns by (among others) anyone “who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance,” and bars transfers of guns to such people. The sheriff’s office reported that the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System “informed us that possession of a medical drug card is sufficient to establish an inference of current use,” and that therefore the sheriff’s office can’t approve the transfer of a gun to Sarich.

Sarich had been trying to buy guns to replace ones seized by investigators who were investigating a burglary and attempted robbery at Sarich’s home; Sarich had shot one of the robbers. Sarich is also being investigated by the Sheriff’s Office “for potential violations of the state’s medical-marijuana law.” The sheriff’s office “insists he was making a handsome profit selling marijuana and starter plants and charging patients for attending the clinics,” and claims that Sarich has had many more plants than he is allowed to possess under state law. But the ostensible reason for the background check coming up with a no-sale result was the possession of the card, not any past conviction — Sarich has not been convicted of the drug crimes that the sheriff’s department is investigating.

Here in Oregon, we’ve reported on the case of Steven Schwerdt, who was denied his concealed handgun permit by Washington County Sheriff Rob Gordon. He’s the sheriff who also thinks of the medical marijuana laws as “advice” and regularly posts the general locations of the medical marijuana grow sites in his county.

(The Daily News) Sheriffs from Washington and Jackson counties say, though, that they want clarification from the court on whether federal gun laws prohibiting illegal drug users from possessing handguns applies to people who have permits to use marijuana for medical reasons. Marijuana is still classified as a controlled substance under federal law, they said.

Lower courts had twice ordered the two sheriffs to give weapons permits to people who had lost them because they are medical marijuana users, and both appealed those rulings.

Medical marijuana users who meet all other criteria cannot be deprived of the right to a concealed handgun permit, said [NORML Legal Committee Attorney] Leland Berger, who helped write Oregon’s medical marijuana law.

“What this is about is that the sheriffs don’t like the medical marijuana law. Twelve years after it was approved by voters, the sheriffs want to discriminate against patients,” he said.

Steven Schwerdt said he had a concealed handgun permit for six years before the Washington county sheriff’s office revoked it when he became a medical marijuana user.

“I’m no criminal; I’m just a guy who can’t physically run away from dangerous situations,” said Schwerdt, who uses medical marijuana to relieve the symptoms of severe arthritis and gout.

Im curious because i plan on running a grow, (within legal numbers but big plants)...we have 3 scripts so thats 18 flowering and 36 veg here in California (bay area alameda county) in a 10x10 under approx 4-5k watts.

I own several rifles that would scare the shit out of your regular joe schmoe liberal, all are legally owned and i passed ATF background check. AR15, R700, M14, and a couple others. I own them for various uses, sport, hunting, range time, because i have always had interest in firearms since a child, and i also want to be readily equipped should there be a giant zombie or red army invasion, SHTF scenario with looters, rioters, etc...

I was wondering if i should just move all the guns to my parents house where there wont be any herbs or drugs, maybe keep the Glock around in case someone tries to break in.

Also a friend was just raided in oakland with a grow well over legal limits, and he had a legally owned registered shotgun and apparently they are trying to hit him with gun possession charges, any advice on what he should do or what lawyers to contact would be appreciated

Buy a gun safe, commiefornia is not friendly on guns, I live somewhere I do not have the safeguard to grow, but my guns are A-OK....if I somehow got busted and they found them....they are in a separate part of the house and there is no $ or Herb kept with them, DO NOT keep the 2 in close proximity to each other otherwise they will link them together.


Active member
Yea i own a gun safe and i keep only guns in there no pot...

I figure as long as we stay within limits we shouldnt be worried

What about having scales and baggies with firearms around. Do they automatically hit you with intent to distribute charges if you have a scale?


Active member
If the feds bust you with guns, you go to "pound me in the ass" prison because you are considered a violent offender even though you haven't committed any violent acts.

If the feds bust you with just plants, you go to white collar prison and you will have a relatively comfortable stay.

But what are the odds that the feds are going to bust you for 54 plants? As long as you are legal as far as state law is concerned, why would you be worried?

Even if its within legal limits...here in the bay area most people are running 100s, i just wanna keep it to lowest possible, but grow in 10 gallon pots and make them monsters.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
This guy in redding is doing them a favor. no guns around grows. You go to prison for up to 20 years, and you cant use the federal safety valve act. you gotta choose between violence and peace, basically. that was hard for me. When I read about the safety valve I decided to give all my guns to my dad. He keeps them in a safe, and he does not break any laws, and I dont even have a key to the safe.

The thing is even if you do have a grow you cant use a gun. The cops WILL come....but if someone is breaking into your place and you have a surefire light (as bright as an hps), a dog, a tazer, and a baseball bat. you will win probably. fairly and quietly. at that point you can drag the person off your property and leave them in a ditch to wake up bruised and confused.

Leon Brooks

remmington 870 12 gauge and a fn 5.7 handgun. i purchased them legally from a gun shop 3 years before i got my mmj card.

wonder if they would still give me shit.

i dont keep locks on them(when im home) but i also dont keep them chambered. when you need a gun you need it then and there, no time to fuck around taking locks off.still more then what leo does. there weapons are always chambered and ready to kill.
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Active member
you gotta choose between violence and peace

violence versus peace? what about the right to defend yourself vs peace.

owning guns doesnt make you a violent person, i never use these things outside of legal purposes such as hunting or target shooting.

and if some thugs are breaking my back window i sure would rather have the Glock than a baseball bat, most likely they will be armed with guns as well.

i will still keep the Glock around me at all times, but im more concerned with all my "black rifles"...i can already see the liberal pussy news saying "MJ grower owns more firepower than local police" which is total horseshit...just like they made TI look hella bad when all he had was some 9mm peashooters which are no match to long range assault rifles....

im probably gonna take my rifles to my dads though..its really inconveniant because now whenever i want to hit my local range il have to drive an extra hour to go pick them up...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^I am 100 percent pro second amendment. I really dont like not having guns. If I was way out in the country, or mountains I would still have them.

I think the law is bs to begin with. weed shouldnt even be against the law, and it is crap that you are assumed violent just because you have a plant in the same house as guns.


remmington 870 12 gauge and a fn 5.7 handgun. i purchased them legally from a gun shop 3 years before i got my mmj card.

wonder if they would still give me shit.

yeah...that 5.7 is something leo and the brady bunch love to hate on...if you've got any of the real deal old school 5.7 ammo, they consider it as bad as AP...look around on line you'll find plenty of cops hating on FN for that piece...
ironically when they first came out i remember seeing them dirt cheap on gunbroker then when the brady fuckers whined about 'em the prices skyrocketed.
how's it shoot? i always wanted to take one of those to a range just to shoot off a firearm that stirred up so much controversy :)
anyhow if they find that in your house they might beat you a little harder for it, i think. not that it is any less legal than any other firearm, just that the man doesn't like being outgunned.


Active member


if you get caught growing and have guns, they automatically pin you a violent person, youre dealing, or whatever else they could possibly pull out of their asses to make damn sure they have a better chance at a conviction. the best thing to do in that case is not make a bigger pile of problems for yourself and get rid of them. yeah i dont think its right, but thats how it is. revert back to the rules. no smell, no tell, no sell. and your worries are cut back to a minimum, and chances are nobody is going to even bother.
imo having guns is just one more worry to deal with. i like to reduce the amount of just that, and i do what i can to avoid bs however i can. and if someone breaks into my house they have a lot more to worry about than a bullet. ive got two bare hands and two legs and im not affraid to use them.
actually being an unlawful user of illegal drugs qualifies you as being mentally deficient or incompetent for a firearms purchase or transfer. You can check it out yourself.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
any time you can link guns to violence or criminal activity it gets worse. Alot of times the grow will get thrown out but the guns offenses can get you years in jail alone.

Wrong country but canada it's a slap on the wrist for mj but a minimum jail sentence for Guns?????


What would be the penalty for having an airsoft handgun that looked like a pistol? Many of them could pass as real especially if you got rid of the orange tip (I know this is a crime but not how bad - felony? MisD?)
What would be the penalty for having an airsoft handgun that looked like a pistol? Many of them could pass as real especially if you got rid of the orange tip (I know this is a crime but not how bad - felony? MisD?)

You cannot get in trouble for a BB Gun. Unless you use it irresponsibly.

1 shot in the face will put a man down for a few seconds at least. BB goes into and under the skin. Several BBs in your flesh will burn and hurt like a bitch. Several shots in the face could blind a man instantly, knock teeth out shattered, fracture facial bones and even paralyze someone if it done correctly. You can kill someone with one as well. You can kill someone with a C02 canister in their face, too. Freeze their face, then knock it off their neck.

DMSO in a squirt bottle with PH down pure ACID, will work well, too.

Flame throwers are legal too.

Lots of solutions besides a gun.

Living in Oakland, we employ them ALL.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
What would be the penalty for having an airsoft handgun that looked like a pistol? Many of them could pass as real especially if you got rid of the orange tip (I know this is a crime but not how bad - felony? MisD?)
unless you pulled it on an officer it is what it is, just a bee bee gun


Active member
It sucks but guns , Which i love, friends who gett popped with them usaully there bail is SO SO SO SO much more that they stay in prison until trial


Active member
^more specifics, were the guns legally registered, etc? TI got caught buying 3 submachine guns WITH silencers that were unregistered and he only served 9 months. Since all my guns are legally registered i am hoping theres no serious problem.

im still gonna move some of these to another place though. Il keep the Glock handy, also been thinking about getting some golf clubs.


Active member
^more specifics, were the guns legally registered, etc? TI got caught buying 3 submachine guns WITH silencers that were unregistered and he only served 9 months. Since all my guns are legally registered i am hoping theres no serious problem.

im still gonna move some of these to another place though. Il keep the Glock handy, also been thinking about getting some golf clubs.
LEGal guns , He said his pops was a gun smith, He was the one who hounded into me about guns at Home with a grow, They use it to make YOU look like a Gun totting ,Killer, and its adds alot of extra charges, He told me ass i shot archery he cant even own a hunting compound bow , Or it violates his parole, This was Colorado before they went all MJ MEd crazy , as far as i know as long as your plant #z are correct and your not one fucking clone over, You should be fine and just be having a bad day a having your garden MASHED AND YANKED AND YOUR HOUSE TORN APART !!! USAULY THE JUDGE WILL THROW IT OUT,

if your 1 plant over you limit, your a gun totting drugdealing sonabitch and treated like one , scales you can argue that usually your are allowed so much dry product and you have to wieght it to make sure your in your limits~But that is rare to work,,,,,EVen tho it make sence