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free your SELF
That keeps you going?
Everyone needs something to hope for, otherwise you're just pissing in the wind...
What is the light at the end of your tunnel?

I may be severely deluded but my hope lies in the 2012 date...at the moment that is all I'm living for...if it is all for nothing then for ME there is no future for the human race there is nothing to be called true.
In my mind we WILL transform our culture into the hyperdymensional object capable of carrying us beyond history...(yes I listen to alot of Terence Mckenna)
You could say I'm obsessed...but then again isn't everyone in their own way? Be it with religion, work etc.

So again I ask you...what is your hope?



What keeps me going is my bike. Call it pathetic but I love riding and on those days that everthing seems grim I need to know that my bike will be there to help melt away the stress. Weed is the same way. So for me its bike first then weed. Hell all that is keeping me going right now is my bike, weed, and the fact that I want to be able to save up enough money to be in a situation to grow my own bud.

Did I take this thread wrong? If I did then my hope is in the fact that I'll be able to find a nice girl someday that will really make me look forward to the day ahead.

I'm also with you on the 2012 thing...the way I see it now there is no future for the human race.


A 1 bedroom 1 bath house with hardwood floors and a study.

2012 would be an interesting turn of events, I hope it happens, but I'm not on enough drugs to think it ever will :p


free your SELF
massholebmx said:
Did I take this thread wrong?

No I think you hit the nail on the head buddy...whatever gets you through the day at work or the bad times in your life...the shining light that you strive towards.


I'm waiting for Jan. '09 when Bush will finally leave office!!! :woohoo:



Old School Cottonmouth
that I'll get some land. in the swamp or the country. put a lil shed and a tarp out there. with a hammock. rasta it out with some plants for a while.

no stress. just pig hunt on my land, go catfishing.


Love keeps me going, I'm a lonely person and I just want to find the day when someone loves me with all their heart and wants to be with me. Whats the point of life without someone you can share it with? Life is like weed, your want the best out of it, you keep it well cared for, when its good its good and when its bad you never want to go through that again, and it always feels good to share.


thorodee said:
what's going down in 2012?

I'm going to be come the badest motha fuckin assassin and kill everyone.

But on a serious note, I believe its the Myans that predicted it's when the world will end, and all of their predictions are on the pin.


free your SELF
thorodee said:
what's going down in 2012?

Basically the Mayans and Hopi Indians and other ancient cultures believe that we have been living through the last dark age of the planet and we are coming upon the dawn of the new light age where humanity will go beyond time and money by Dec 21st 2012. The Mayans have a calendar that is the most accurate to date and it ends on that exact date which they say means the end of time as we know it.
Also Terence Mckenna has a mathematical theory of time which shows it is made up of 2 elements called novelty and habit. And at 2012 we will reach the 'trancendental object at the end of time' which means we will fall into a well of novelty that is infinite.
Could be the discovery of time travel, could be the total conversion of our culture to something completely different...whatever it is it is something which we have never seen before and it will change our society indefinately.



Gangabiss I dont think you should live for a certain time point, what if nothing happens? You shouldn't kill yourself, or atleast I hope your not thinking of doing that.


Active member
Not to be a buzz kill, but I wouldn't put too much emphasis on that whole 2012 theory.

"The end of the 13th b'ak'tun is conjectured to have been of great significance to the Maya, but does not necessarily mark the end of the world according to their beliefs, but a time of re-birth. According to the Popol Vuh, a book compiling details of creation accounts known to the Quiché Maya of the colonial-era highlands, we are living in the fourth world. The Popol Vuh describes the first three creations that the gods failed in making and the creation of the successful fourth world where men were placed. The Maya believed that the fourth world would end in catastrophe and the fifth and final world would be created that would signal the end of mankind.

The last creation ended on a long count of Another will occur on December 21, 2012, and it has been discussed in many New Age articles and books that this will be the end of this creation or something else entirely. However, the Maya abbreviated their long counts to just the last five vigesimal places. There were an infinite number of larger units that were usually not shown. When the larger units were shown (notably on a monument from Coba), the end of the last creation is expressed as, where the units are obviously supposed to be 13s in all larger places. In this age we are only approaching, and the larger places are nowhere near the 13s that would match the end of the last creation. (Schele and Friedel 1990: 430)

This is confirmed by a date from Palenque, which projects forward in time to, which will occur on October 13, 4772. The Classic Period Maya obviously did not believe that the end of this age would occur in 2012. According to the Maya, there will be a baktun ending in 2012, a significant event being the end of a 13th 400 year period, but not the end of the world."


Also Terence Mckenna fried his brain years ago. While his ideas are interesting they are all a bit...delusional. All of his theories require a suspension of disbelief...which is fine if I'm going to a play, however scientific evidence is what a proper theory needs. Even his more reasonable theories are all but discredited by scientists.


free your SELF
saix said:
Gangabiss I dont think you should live for a certain time point, what if nothing happens? You shouldn't kill yourself, or atleast I hope your not thinking of doing that.

To be totally honest I really don't know...I'd like to think that by 2012 the world as we know it will no longer exist...but if everything is exactly the same as we pass the dec 21st 2012 date I really don't know to be honest with you...like I said that's the only thing keeping me going at the moment...


New member
Hempster said:
A 1 bedroom 1 bath house with hardwood floors and a study.

That's a good one. The 2 bed 2 bath apartment I will be moving in to sometime in the next 6 months is something that keeps me going. I’m sick of living in this hideous thin-walled shoebox that hasn’t been renovated since the 70’s. I daydream about my new apartment on a daily basis.

Winter keeps me going, although this particular obsession is masochistic and increasingly frustrating. The climate is getting warmer, Daylight Savings Time is going to be extended starting in 2007 (thanks to the Energy Policy Act of 2005), and I’m moving south to the DC area in December, which will cut my average yearly snowfall totals in half. Still, despite the crushing disappointment of being screwed over by Mother Nature time and time again, nothing is more exhilarating than tracking the progression of an impending snow storm and subsequently hitting the jackpot. It completely makes up for all the sleepless nights.


Gangabiss said:
To be totally honest I really don't know...I'd like to think that by 2012 the world as we know it will no longer exist...but if everything is exactly the same as we pass the dec 21st 2012 date I really don't know to be honest with you...like I said that's the only thing keeping me going at the moment...

You honestly shouldn't man, why dont you be like me and look forward to love? I went through a horrible depression for 2 years and latly I have been smoking weed and listening to a lot of music and man I just feel amazing, it makes me more social and feel good about myself. Weed honestly makes me incredibly happy! Oh I forgot to add, even though it makes me more social and easier to express myself with words, I still do hate being around people lol.
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free your SELF
Laxpunker said:
Also Terence Mckenna fried his brain years ago. While his ideas are interesting they are all a bit...delusional. All of his theories require a suspension of disbelief...which is fine if I'm going to a play, however scientific evidence is what a proper theory needs. Even his more reasonable theories are all but discredited by scientists.

I really disagree that Mckenna 'fried his brain'. Unless you can show me some medical study that actually shows that hallucinagenic plants can actually 'fry your brain'.
IMO he makes some VERY good points regarding the emergance of human intelligence from primates regarding the use of psilocybin mushrooms...and this guy bacisally talks about all the things that i THINK about but can't find the words to english...also is it not true that his timewave software has been proven false and then recorrected to be even more accurate?


Active member
Gangabiss said:
I really disagree that Mckenna 'fried his brain'. Unless you can show me some medical study that actually shows that hallucinagenic plants can actually 'fry your brain'.
IMO he makes some VERY good points regarding the emergance of human intelligence from primates regarding the use of psilocybin mushrooms...and this guy bacisally talks about all the things that i THINK about but can't find the words to english...also is it not true that his timewave software has been proven false and then recorrected to be even more accurate?

He didn't just mess with natural plants. And while I don't know of any links that aren't biased towards LSD (I'm not knocking the drug, it's fun in moderation) if you've ever hung out with someone who dived too heavily into the drug culture that are clearly changed by the experiences. Changes brought on by heavy drug use tend to involve memory loss, a lack of understanding of true reality, etc. etc.

Also the Timewave software was proven false, and was reconstructed to be more "accurate" however it is till based around pseudo science and numerology as opposed to mathmatics. Even in the latest version the programs creator issues a statement when you log off that in no way should one view the program as an accurate assesment but rather as something that inspires faith. However Mckenna never issued this statement, so it can be disregarded by some as a ploy to darken Mckenna's already spotty record.

Not to mention 'novelty' so to speak doesn't occur in natural units which is a main point Mckenna attempts to make. Also like I stated earlier the calendar he based his theory off of was flawed.

And while his theory about the human mind evolving from eating psilocybin i can't seem to find any records of it existing 15,000 years ago which is around the time period he was talking about. And while it's possible that they did (I don't know, I looked into this awhile ago and briefly as of now)it seems likely the human mind and mushrooms do not correspond. It's possible apes ate psychadelic substances which expanded their mind, however realistically they weren't off the dung of nomadic animals which apes supposedly followed.

I really mean no offense by my arguments, I enjoy a good discussion. I really don't know what the world has to offer, that alone should keep any one going. The sheer fact that at any time in your life there is no certainty, there are no boundaries determining what you can acheive.


Active member
the thing that gets me up every day is the love I have for my job (comes and goes) and the thought that someone out there needs my help. I don't do anything noble like save lives but I take my responsibilities to my customers seriously.

I think the main thing is not being beaten day in day out..... stubborness perhaps...cause it gets pretty tough out there sometimes

as for everything else, the hope that the governments will realise what their citizens already know and that is that the world is dying from our crap and it needs putting a stop to.

thats my true real hope. I don't have kids or a family and I am close to the end of that path option so I dont really have any care for what happens to everyone else after I am gone..... its the rest of it that bothers me

humans have a choice in everything they do, animals don't... they have to live with our choices.

unfortunately the debate about stopping pollution and sourcing better energy is all related to how much it will impact on the economy. I ask.... if you have the opportunity to make a choice.... shouldn't you make the right one instead of just doing and polluting and saying ...ah well to f#$k with it.

Thats the bit I don't understand. So the hope that the human race will get "it" in time keeps me going but like any human I have the power to delude myself at will so I won't hold my breath.

peace n calm to ya.


Old School Cottonmouth
u wanna hear a funny story about them? montezuma used to have council with midgets or little people which he viewed in high regard, I think even in a spiritual way. thinking they were close to god or something.

well one of my friends growing up. I guess he had their ancestry. when we were at a wal mart or where ever if we saw a midget he would make a B line for him and act like he was squeezing past him or trying to get something from next to them so he could touch them on the back or shoulder.

He thought it was good luck to touch midgets. he wouldn't tell me why and I always thought he was fucking around just being weird, but then I got high with this guy from texas and he told me that there are some people that believe that. he told me about montezuma and all that and apparently its not all that uncommon of a superstition. like walking under a ladder for some people but they take it seriously.

I didn't know I'm from new orleans, we got cubans here. up until post katrina we really didn't have that many mexicans.

I just always thought it was funny that there are a bunch of people sneaking up on midgets to touch them for good luck. still makes me chuckle.

or to be a midget and always be a suspicious of mexican people trying to touch you for good luck. and then i think about a midget being all paranoid at a wal mart looking over his shoulder like "they're going to steal me lucky charms!" and then I chuckle a lil more.
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