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What is happening to the USA??? Give us your input.

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weed fiend
there is no canidate to the right of Ron Paul ?????

WTF? ever heard of neo-consevatives? Perry, Bachman, Santorum... Tea Party ???

Sounds to me like you're oversimplifying. I don't believe you'll find much to associate neocons to any of the above. These days, neocon is often a euphemism for moderate republicans.

Ron Paul does support getting the Feds out of the War on Drugs and he also believes the War on Drugs is a huge failure. are you insinuating he is suggest moving the WOD to the state level. i think not...

I'm insinuating you're reading between lines if you think Paul will advocate legalization. You have to listen to more than stump speeches. Listen to interviews where reporters ask the tough questions. I've seen him pressed about weed and legalization (only to see him respond,) "I don't need the federal government to tell me not to do heroin." See the arguable obfuscation, weed to heroin?

Not unlike the way Paul obfuscated the issue of earmarks... for decades. Come to find out. Paul's district is the largest recipient of earmarks in Texas.

Paul is right that not playing the earmark game would hurt his district disproportionally. I happen to agree. But he never preemptively disclosed the fact he inserts earmarks into legislation (rather than lobby the administration like his colleagues.)

Paul defends himself by saying he doesn't vote for the earmarks he inserts into legislation he bets will pass. But that's only one vote in 435.

IMO, Paul's being less than transparent when he bashes what he plays better than anybody in the state of Texas. And the fact that Texas receives more federal money than it pays, he's doing better than many other states.

but what is up with all the Ron Paul talk?

among others -

btw, ron paul could fix a lot of the shit that's wrong by getting the govt out of our lives...

My original response was not in support of Ron Paul or against his opponents, it was just to point out there are extremists on both sides of the fence. they are the sheeple. they are the closed minded. they are a problem...

some watch fox news exclusively and others watch msnbc exclusively... they are brainwashed...

Superficial observation might be considered sheepish.

you can't honestly be suggesting that all Americans have the ability to deductively reason, are you?

No. But in my opinion you equate reason with opinion. IMO, fact based reason is far more valuable. Opinions don't go as far as tangible fact.
IMO the issues stem from the majority being brainwashed that new laws will make this country better. All these laws against freedoms are being created for a false sense of security. We are puppets or slaves whether you want to admit it or not.

You can blame TV, you can blame video games but the truth is continuing to allow our government to expand their powers with no accountability is the main reason this country and the rest of the world is fucked up. Smaller government will always be a quality government. The government cannot help out someone without taking something from someone else. The government punishes people for the very things it does itself.

For instance look at the testing we have done on humans. Recently we have admitted infecting people with syphilis or the sterlize program. Rarely is anyone in government held accountable for things that the average american would be placed in jail for life for.

Instead of mass laws on citizens, laws on the government would be a step in the right direction to fixing this country. We need government accountablility and way more strict rules for violating what they are hired to protect. The punishment for our elected officials should be far harsher than any average american would see.


weed fiend
IMO the issues stem from the majority being brainwashed that new laws will make this country better. All these laws against freedoms are being created for a false sense of security. We are puppets or slaves whether you want to admit it or not.

And some of us have the ability to correlate cause with effect. Especially when we have the benefit of hindsight statistics and understanding. Not to mention the fact we've been here before and mitigated the fallout.

You can blame TV, you can blame video games but the truth is continuing to allow our government to expand their powers with no accountability is the main reason this country and the rest of the world is fucked up. Smaller government will always be a quality government. The government cannot help out someone without taking something from someone else. The government punishes people for the very things it does itself.

The truth is, some settle for the soundbite and delve little into detail.

For instance look at the testing we have done on humans. Recently we have admitted infecting people with syphilis or the sterlize program. Rarely is anyone in government held accountable for things that the average american would be placed in jail for life for.

That's an argument, I'll give ya that. But a good argument might touch on all the pollution and disease we reap from industry.

Instead of mass laws on citizens, laws on the government would be a step in the right direction to fixing this country. We need government accountablility and way more strict rules for violating what they are hired to protect. The punishment for our elected officials should be far harsher than any average american would see.

Sounds like the argument that business should be held accountable. Might even be argue that executives should be held to a higher standard.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Sounds to me like you're oversimplifying. I don't believe you'll find much to associate neocons to any of the above. These days, neocon is often a euphemism for moderate republicans.

I'm insinuating you're reading between lines if you think Paul will advocate legalization. You have to listen to more than stump speeches. Listen to interviews where reporters ask the tough questions. I've seen him pressed about weed and legalization (only to see him respond,) "I don't need the federal government to tell me not to do heroin." See the arguable obfuscation, weed to heroin?

Not unlike the way Paul obfuscated the issue of earmarks... for decades. Come to find out. Paul's district is the largest recipient of earmarks in Texas.

Paul is right that not playing the earmark game would hurt his district disproportionally. I happen to agree. But he never preemptively disclosed the fact he inserts earmarks into legislation (rather than lobby the administration like his colleagues.)

Paul defends himself by saying he doesn't vote for the earmarks he inserts into legislation he bets will pass. But that's only one vote in 435.

IMO, Paul's being less than transparent when he bashes what he plays better than anybody in the state of Texas. And the fact that Texas receives more federal money than it pays, he's doing better than many other states.

among others -

Superficial observation might be considered sheepish.

No. But in my opinion you equate reason with opinion. IMO, fact based reason is far more valuable. Opinions don't go as far as tangible fact.

the people i mentioned are about as right as you can get in this election... ron paul is right as well, but a libertarian, not an authoritarian...

now check this out...

neo·con·ser·va·tive - a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and United States national interest in international affairs including through military means

these people i have mentioned fit the bush neocon mold perfectly.

it was not my intention to discuss Ron Paul. by continually responding to your Ron Paul statements i allowed myself to get into a conversation i never intended.

AGAIN, My only point was EXTREMISTS ON BOTH SIDES of the political spectrum are a problem. They are sheep and cannot be swayed. CLOSE MINDED... They also are quite vocal and obnoxious.

The truth of the matter is most Americans are moderates, not extremists...

I've voted all over the board, Repub, Dem, Independent, Lib and Green Party... I prefer to think for myself and not blindly follow a political leader or party who is obviously fucking up and doing damage to the country.

i agree facts out weigh opinions always... the mistakes the previous administration made should have been more than enough FACTS for a smart man to see problems. the same can be said for the current administration. to continue supporting politicians that break promises, take our rights away, cater to the rich and corporations, make deals to help their buddies make money, fight unnecessary wars, etc... is ludicrous in my opinion.

but then again there is that percentage of americans who CAN'T think for themselves and want the govt in their personal lives solving their problems...

i got nutin against bro. we obviously see things a little differently. i just wish our political leaders worked for us. :cry:


Active member
HANDOUTS!!! In many ways. People who HONESTLY could work getting $$$$ to sit at home,robbing the system.That is an issue. I stated this in another thread,but it fits here as well. The folks with the benifit card with 5 kids who eat better than most of us, who btw, have pretty nice cars,who also seem to have really nice necklaces,rings,ect, also those same people go home to a spot where they pay NO rent!! PLEASE, don't get me wrong....there are folks out there that REALLY need help,I have no problem with that at all. There needs to be some sort of further investigating before handing cash to just anyone. Right now as I am typing this ...there are Vets living on the street hungry,homeless, who fell through the cracks. BUT, others who have done nothing,contributed nothing,their future plans consist of nothing.....are getting paid serious $$$$.

I completely agree with you. The issue to me is not the ability for those who don't deserve to receive benefits. Rather the fact that many of these benefits are long term in nature. If we want to provide a helping hand to Americans in order to grow the middle class and make our lives better (without taking the rights from the people) I am completely for it. We cannot, however, allow ourselves to pay long term for problems that can be mitigated in a short period of time. If you receive Sect 8 housing you should be able to afford your own housing within a year because of the benefit you are receiving. Will it be easy? No. But just as Clinton reformed the welfare system for the better, we will have to reform many of our social programs to prevent long term abuse as that is the real drain on these programs, those who use them for 7-15 years at a time. I mean seriously, if you can't get yourself out of a hole in that period of time you really need to be more ambitious and if you aren't, we don't need to be helping you in hopes of gaining entry to the middle class because obviously you have no desire to become part of the middle class.


weed fiend
the people i mentioned are about as right as you can get in this election... ron paul is right as well, but a libertarian, not an authoritarian

now check this out...

neo·con·ser·va·tive - a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and United States national interest in international affairs including through military means

these people i have mentioned fit the bush neocon mold perfectly.

it was not my intention to discuss Ron Paul. by continually responding to your Ron Paul statements i allowed myself to get into a conversation i never intended.

AGAIN, My only point was EXTREMISTS ON BOTH SIDES of the political spectrum are a problem. They are sheep and cannot be swayed. CLOSE MINDED... They also are quite vocal and obnoxious.

The truth of the matter is most Americans are moderates, not extremists...

I've voted all over the board, Repub, Dem, Independent, Lib and Green Party... I prefer to think for myself and not blindly follow a political leader or party who is obviously fucking up and doing damage to the country.

i agree facts out weigh opinions always... the mistakes the previous administration made should have been more than enough FACTS for a smart man to see problems. the same can be said for the current administration. to continue supporting politicians that break promises, take our rights away, cater to the rich and corporations, make deals to help their buddies make money, fight unnecessary wars, etc... is ludicrous in my opinion.

but then again there is that percentage of americans who CAN'T think for themselves and want the govt in their personal lives solving their problems...

i got nutin against bro. we obviously see things a little differently. i just wish our political leaders worked for us. :cry:

Likewise, GP73LPC.

I agree, extremes have a way of messing up the system and both sides share the blame.

Didn't mean to infer extremist as nefarious. I meant extreme as in regulation (or in this case the lack of.)

Reasons I consider the Libertarian party as to the right of the GOP:

End the federal reserve. End whole departments and agencies. End fractional reserve. End amendments to the Constitution. Nationalism - (arguably) to the point of being against national interests.

We have GOP politicians who steer certain aspects in libertarian directions (like Bush allowing the oil and coal industries to regulate themselves.) But IMO, the libertarian platform eliminates much of what the GOP continues to advocate.

IMO, neocons are preemptive warriors who said deficits don't matter. Gawd, that sounds like the whole kit a caboodle. I'm gonna quit while I'm behind.:D


aside from some major geo-political issues that will be affecting the entire world in about 50 years or less, the phrase:
"disease of disconnection" rings true for the culture i see around me.
to the world, to each other, to our food, to ourselves.
i would not say it's some crazy conspiracy because even rich people i know
are full of fear and loneliness.
something about being outside and fresh air i think


Active member
I meant it's becoming like the movie "idiocracy"

this government is brought you by carls jr.
I was thinking today about how I don't believe in the concept of a republic. We need tyrants to do everything wrong in our name?


Game Bred
said for years the republicans are far from conservative and libertarians are the only conservatives left only to have someone argue i was redefining terms...

someone loves argument.


the whole system is corrupt. one person cant do shit. we need some major change. just sayin

OMG don't say that your vote counts soooo much :D lol I love it when I hear people say that, they obviously didn't follow the election that went arie in FL with Gore. Your vote means nothing unless they need it to count, its hard to swallow but unfortunately it's the truth!!


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
ill tell ya whats wrong with this country. its no longer "we the people" its we the corporations.
the globalist elites r taking her down, heard krs one put it down great.........
its like when you get served @ Burger king , if you dont like your fries or burger cold you can complain to the server , she may not help u , so you can ask for the manager, or but that's as high as your going to get up the food chain you will never get a face to face with the corperate owner of BK. , its like the mafia - soo structered impossible to decapate the elite which r pulling the puppet strings..........


I'm insinuating you're reading between lines if you think Paul will advocate legalization.

Paul does advocate legalization. Openly.

You have to listen to more than stump speeches. Listen to interviews where reporters ask the tough questions. I've seen him pressed about weed and legalization (only to see him respond,) "I don't need the federal government to tell me not to do heroin." See the arguable obfuscation, weed to heroin?

I don't see where he is obfuscating here. Paul believes the entire issue of drugs should be for the states to decide. All drugs including heroin. Where is he being misleading or attempting to confuse?

Not unlike the way Paul obfuscated the issue of earmarks... for decades. Come to find out. Paul's district is the largest recipient of earmarks in Texas.

Paul is right that not playing the earmark game would hurt his district disproportionally. I happen to agree. But he never preemptively disclosed the fact he inserts earmarks into legislation (rather than lobby the administration like his colleagues.)

Paul defends himself by saying he doesn't vote for the earmarks he inserts into legislation he bets will pass. But that's only one vote in 435.

Again where is the obfuscation? Paul is an advocate for earmarks. He believes they are very beneficial and that we should have more of them.

IMO, Paul's being less than transparent when he bashes what he plays better than anybody in the state of Texas. And the fact that Texas receives more federal money than it pays, he's doing better than many other states.

Where exactly is this lack of transparency?


Active member
the globalist elites r taking her down, heard krs one put it down great.........
its like when you get served @ Burger king , if you dont like your fries or burger cold you can complain to the server , she may not help u , so you can ask for the manager, or but that's as high as your going to get up the food chain you will never get a face to face with the corperate owner of BK. , its like the mafia - soo structered impossible to decapate the elite which r pulling the puppet strings..........

hahahhahahahahah oh noes not the cold fries! :D Those evil corporations.... :laughing:

this gave me a hard laugh :dance013:


weed fiend
Paul does advocate legalization. Openly.

I don't see where he is obfuscating here. Paul believes the entire issue of drugs should be for the states to decide. All drugs including heroin. Where is he being misleading or attempting to confuse?

You can quote Paul saying he's against the feds telling you what not to do. You can quote Paul saying he'd wax the DEA. I'm betting you can't quote Paul advocating your right to smoke pot.

IMO, Paul misled the interview when the original context of the discussion (weed) was explained away with (heroin.) Paul said he didn't need the feds telling him not to do heroin (in the context of a weed discussion.)

If one extrapolates, Paul is suggesting he doesn't need the feds telling him not to smoke weed.

IMO, you're reading between the lines until you can quote Paul expressing your right to smoke weed.

Gary Johnson says he'd like to release all weed offenders and make weed legal. Paul doesn't approach his personal stand on (you and weed.) He say's he wax DEA and states rights yada yada. Based on his public statements, Paul wouldn't rebuke your state saying no to smoking weed.

Again where is the obfuscation? Paul is an advocate for earmarks. He believes they are very beneficial and that we should have more of them.
Lol. I know more of Paul's plank than you do. He's on public record against earmarks. Defends his stance by not voting for the earmarks he inserts into legislation.

Where exactly is this lack of transparency?
You don't see the hypocrisy? The only guy in the presidential race dissing earmarks is the #1 earmark procurer in his home state.

He doesn't lobby the feds for funds, he inserts funding into legislation he expects to pass. (backdoor) Then he says he doesn't vote on the bills that carry his earmarks, shirking national voting responsibilities for district interests.

Not to mention one less vote in 435 is a drop in the bucket for the #1 pork pusher for Texas.


Active member
the entire country and world is getting upset at its leaders, and it will only get worse if taxes keep increasing and our standard of living keeps decreasing. you think people are mad now? wait until the next few years when each family and person is going to be paying 3k more every year in taxes and healthcare bullshit. taxes, fees, permits, everything is being raised to generate revenue for politicians who know FUCK ALL how to handle it....

and meanwhile, the majority of population has had to make sacrifices, yet the fuckhead politicians get to keep their nice benefits and keep living their aristocratic lifestyle. in the old days of history, situations like this with a huge economic gap between the social classes would result in REVOLUTION!! these politicians and bankers would be taken to the guillotine in front of public!! yet this wont happen these days, because they have built up a massive police state, taken away rights, and now they can laugh and dump mcdonalds applications on protesters because the police protect them. makes me fucking angry as hell when i see what is happening, but there just isnt much i can do except continue to work the system and be a "virus" to their plans. all of us on here on IC are doing our part, making sure that future generations smoke the herb and wake up. and getting our tax free slice of the pie and building up our networks so in case SHTF we wont be standing in soup kitchen lines or killing eachother for resources.

end rant. time to smoke and forget about all this BS. i got acres in the foothills i will be set for life no matter what happens to this country.
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