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What is Fair?

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I have too many plants for me to grow, so i gave 2 each ro some friends and brothers....what would be fair to give them for growing....i told them take half...is this fair enough,or should it be more....thanks


Take nothing or you will no longer have friends or brothers.That's experience talking...:)


Well-known member
I would let them decide what is fair.

"Hey, you guys grow this out, I don't have room. If things go well, feel free to kick me back some. :) "

is how I would put it.

at least they won't be bugging you for weed


Am I following this right? OP gifted some plants to friends and family with the condition they give him half the yield?
Wow, I don't know anyone personally that would have the audacity to say that. I would just laugh and tell them to stick the plant up their ass.


Oh shit I hope none of the friends I've gotten clones from have been expecting half of the harvest or anything. Although I guess not since they haven't given me half of the harvests from the clones I've given them either... :D

They grew it all, let them keep it all. That's fair.


Well-known member
gotta agree with the others. if they risk jail by growing out your extras, it is THEIR weed now. when i give away a plant, it is normally to keep the genetics safe from a disaster at my "spot", LOL! doesn't always work; had my fave mom die mysteriously a couple years back. called good buddy when i got home from "farm". when he answered he said "got bad news. my dog dug up little sister & chewed her into doodledust..." stupid dog...:laughing:


Now in technicolor
Unless you're providing the equipment, veg time, security, insurance, peace of mind and so on, I wouldn't ask for shit! Instead, THANK them that you don't need to murder the plants and you found somebody to actually take care of them.

Maybe they'll smoke you up if they're good friends.. I give my friend who gives me plants maybe 1-2oz of every 5oz I yield but only because we're good friends - not because he expects me to.


I agree

I agree

Am I following this right? OP gifted some plants to friends and family with the condition they give him half the yield?
Wow, I don't know anyone personally that would have the audacity to say that. I would just laugh and tell them to stick the plant up their ass.
Tooo True lol:tiphat:


Active member
I'd just ask for a smoke out.. so you can see how different the weed is being grown by someone else..


New member
Nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

The only thing I would ever ask for would be a clone if for some reason I lost that strain. Other than that rare instance, Give more and expect less.
I tried to give away excess plants not so long back,
the arsehole wanted paying for it! Told him where to go,
and when he wanted bud cuz he had none, I suggested he tried
somewhere else. Karma in, Karma out.


Am I following this right? OP gifted some plants to friends and family with the condition they give him half the yield?
Wow, I don't know anyone personally that would have the audacity to say that. I would just laugh and tell them to stick the plant up their ass.
Hey coconuthead.. go see your doctor i think you have dyslecsya who said anything bout "condition"...get off the pipe. I was just asking a question cause they knew i had a few extras..and THEY asked me what i wanted ....except for my brother who always gets his... I hope i grow enough for myself and when (if) i run out hey i know who to ask for some smoke....best way i think.....It was a good question i paid 300.00 for the seeds,growing room i gave them all the soil,nutes cages......better to grow something

P.S. you won't get busted for growing 2 plants in your yard............so no danger there
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