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what if i wait until it turns brown on stalk


i see harvest info about cutting when glands turn milky / amber will it turn brown during drying/cure or will it stay green. what if i wait until plant turns brown on stalk then cut it down? what are pros/ cons what about taste, high?


Which strain? Some would say browning is ripening for long finish sats. My uninformed two cents.


weed fiend
IMO, it's better to err on the side of caution than curiosity. Again, just my opinion but taste smell and smoothness (cure) is the primary factor. Bag appeal is just icing on the cake.

I can't answer your questions directly because I don't know anybody harvesting according to stalk color.:) Most will judge according to trich color and the particular effect they want.

If you allow the trichs to turn brown, you'll be disappointed. Best wishes with your harvest.


Active member
brown on the stalk?

unsure what you are talking about.

letting the plant go longer, or putting it in darkness still in the container and wait for it to dry?

well if its the former, past a certain point, you will get very sleepy medicine (depending on the strain)

never have gone further, but if you reveg a plant and then some weeks later, smoke the buds that didnt regenerate, well, that stuff gives you headache on delicious 50/50 headbody high strain :)

latter, dunno if taste would be any better.

but when you cut off the plant (finally dry) there might be a shitload of dry trichs falling off, possibly into the soil if you arent careful.

i personally prefer trimming wet, for that reason, not getting trichs everywhere, though i could just use some plastic sheet, id still get crumbly leaves (and fanleaves) mixed in with all the trichs.


you mean you want to flower your plant untill it turns brown and die? Why the hell would you wanna do that it's going to be nothing but problems. First of all, why the fuck would you want gross looking brown weed after all that work? Secondly, I am not sure about this cause I have never ran a plant untill it died but I'd imagine most strains would die very long after the optimal time to pick them so you'd be waiting much longer then nessary and i bet it would taste completly shitty and the high would completely suck. Thirdly, if you leave certain strains to long they'll grow balls and your shit will be seeded to all hell. The only plus you would get out of this would be that the seeds would be female.

Zen Master

the trichomes are where the potency comes from. harvesting based upon indicators (clear/milky/amber) you can gauge your optimal effect harvest time based on previous experience growing a certain strain.

Amber is where the trichome is starting to degrade in thc levels, some however is then converted to various other cannabinoids (CBD, CBN etc).

In most commercial/normal strains you get the best effect (in my opinion) with a mix of a little clear, mostly cloudy, and a touch of amber (5-20% depending on effect desired and strain), usually the more amber the more stoney couchlocky effect.

anyways harvesting the flowers usually retains the general color, usually not quite as 'vibrant' as when it was fresh and turgid (still full of water) right after harvest, but generally just a slightly duller/darker version of the same color.

leaving the buds on the stem to dry till they are brown and crispy would most likely fuck up the quality of the stone by degrading the trichomes as well as wreck any bag appeal and smell it had if you harvested it while fresh with the right mix of trichome development.

why dont you just cut it, trim it, slow/medium dry (multiple days minimum) then cure em up in some jars or something similar? You'll be curing by the time the buds left on the plant start to look really shitty.

edit: I'm assuming you're not talking about just watering the plant for months past its prime in 12/12 or revegging it.


i went to jamacia and they have really kick ass brown there, just wonder how they get it that way.

i have greenhouse seed,
white widow, white rhino, exodus cheese, moby dick.

still have lots of white pistils, and about 2/3 milkey, waiting for amber to show.
these are all outside planted in ground.
very little help in way of water/ferts, just natural grow.

white widow

white rhino

exodus cheese

moby dick


Active member
sounds like the larf you leave on when you reveg something

i have tried this stuff, it was so harsh, it tasted horrible, man it kicked my butt though haha...honestly i would not recommend it, it's gross imho


I have been to jamaica numerours times, it is my favourite place in the world. The weed is brown there simply because it is closer to the equator and the sun is VERY hot there, lots of growers actually slightly shade there plants so the bud doesn't burn so much and they have more appealing green weed. Although I have never really seen nice looking bright green weed there or anything, I have smoked some amazing strains but what I really loved each time I was there was the hand rubbed hash, most of it was great quality.


ok last year i did double harvest one at peak on the trichs and then just let plant go as far as it would, and i found that the stuff that i let go to end was a bit rough and harsh
i wouldn't judge a plants harvest time by the stalk...the flowers are the best way to make sure its ripe...If i flush my plants heavily at the last week of flower my leaves and branches can turn light lime green yellowish...


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I think the buds go brown because with having so much yield each crop they have to sun dry the plants, and I do believe they cure it almost like tobacco in a shed completely filled giving the buds little airation. Also, a lot of the weed is fairly old in my opinion. Just going by what I have read and a lot of assumption on my part, so don't take it as accurate - may be others know for sure and can add their input.
