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What happens to your plants if you never adjust PH at all?


As the title says, what happens to your plants if you never adjust PH at all? Even not when you fill your tank with water and nutes.

Will they all die or get sick? Or may they even grow rather healthy?


If you use RO and UV treated water, and you use just the correct amount of nutrients, nothing bad will happen. I used to use Crop King Hydro Gro nutrients at 1/3 strength with water from the machine from Walmart in Mississippi and never had to dump or change out solutions unless I had a problem, which was very seldom. Just top off with whatever it takes to raise solution to proper level and watch it grow. This was in DWC with bubbles.


Active member
That depends on a plethora of variables.. But suffice to say if the ph is off for whatever plant ur growing it will not be able to uptake the nutrients needed to survive..
Read some more about ph and nutrient uptake..
Even in organics the ph is being regulated by the soil.. If the ph is too high or too low in any given media or solution u will have problems


Active member
I had a PH meter probe fail on me, the first 6 months I was growing. In soil, I was adding PH up to my nutrient mix, and happily watering away. I had one plant (Bagseed) under a 600.
By the time I figured out something had happened to my meter, and got a new probe for it, I realized I had been PH'ing my solution to about 8.5... Oh my..
Well, all the leaves yellowed, and fell off the plant, but strangely, I pulled 6 ounces of really good bud off that one plant.
It's not a technique I'd recommend, but these suckers are pretty hard to kill.



Active member
I just use ph drops to check ph.. Not as accurate as a good meter but they cant fail either..


Well-known member
I used GH 3 part and regulated PH religiously. After switching to PBP my PH meter went tits up and I never bothered to replace it. I also never bothered with checking PPM or EC, just kept adding nutes until I saw a little tip burn and then backed off a bit.

Yeah I'm lazy, but it works for me.

Can't promise it will work for you though


Active member
Ya, botanicare pbp is awesome.. One part no mixing.. And i havent had to adjust ph since i started using it..
I still check it but its always close enough..
I just follow the dosage on the bottle


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I grow in coco too and I don't care about pH anymore. Plants are happy the same with no deficiencies.

That said a lot depends on water source and how many (and which ones) solutes are in the water. Mine has 0,2 mS/cm (low ions content) and a pH of 7.8
Its alkalinity (not the same of pH) it's not too high and in my case it works great without adding acids.
Think in alkalinity terms and not only in pH. It's important to understand its meaning IMHO.

This is one of the last plants in coco that never saw acids, it looks nice to me.
