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What happened to honor and gratitude?

Shaking my head here, folks. 2 examples in my life have me questioning what the hell has happened in this world.

My nephew, good kid, I've never actually smoked with him, but always had an open weed bag policy for him and his buddies/girlfriend. I always had herb, and would tell him to take what he needed. This has been over past 5 years or so, and he was an adult when it started. Things have been lean for the Mrs. and I lately, and he offered to set me up, guaranteed, next day or so. Over a month later, we meet up at family function, he tells me ya, connection dropped off, sorry, I'll get ya some. Weeks later, he's got some, but he's tied up all night, catch me right away. Days later, nothing. I just texted him to drop it - let him know I'm disappointed that I was always there for him, but he obviously has no intention of helping out. I'm bummed, wifey is upset.

A friend of mine that I lent some expensive equipment to is refusing to return it. This is some serious money equipment, and I could really use the stuff or the coin for it. I see him drive by my house once in awhile, but he's not returning messages, and I'm pretty much figuring I'm screwed. This guy owes me large over past few years, helped him w/ grow, seeds, nutes, equipment. Now I'm a leper, and to top it off, I think he's moved.

What is it with people? I know there are good folks out there, I have met and hung with plenty, and Lady Karma has been good to me, but this really has me wondering if I'm a sucker.

Sorry to vent, but the hockey game is a shitty one, my Mrs. is upset and gone to bed, and I just had to get it off my chest.

Thanks for listening - it helps a little.



Getting ripped off is infuriating, but your only a sucker if you let it happen again.


Active member
Shaking my head here, folks. 2 examples in my life have me questioning what the hell has happened in this world.

My nephew, good kid, I've never actually smoked with him, but always had an open weed bag policy for him and his buddies/girlfriend. I always had herb, and would tell him to take what he needed. This has been over past 5 years or so, and he was an adult when it started. Things have been lean for the Mrs. and I lately, and he offered to set me up, guaranteed, next day or so. Over a month later, we meet up at family function, he tells me ya, connection dropped off, sorry, I'll get ya some. Weeks later, he's got some, but he's tied up all night, catch me right away. Days later, nothing. I just texted him to drop it - let him know I'm disappointed that I was always there for him, but he obviously has no intention of helping out. I'm bummed, wifey is upset.

A friend of mine that I lent some expensive equipment to is refusing to return it. This is some serious money equipment, and I could really use the stuff or the coin for it. I see him drive by my house once in awhile, but he's not returning messages, and I'm pretty much figuring I'm screwed. This guy owes me large over past few years, helped him w/ grow, seeds, nutes, equipment. Now I'm a leper, and to top it off, I think he's moved.

What is it with people? I know there are good folks out there, I have met and hung with plenty, and Lady Karma has been good to me, but this really has me wondering if I'm a sucker.

Sorry to vent, but the hockey game is a shitty one, my Mrs. is upset and gone to bed, and I just had to get it off my chest.

Thanks for listening - it helps a little.


don't apologize man, fact is, honor and integrity are
forgotten concepts in America, just look at Congress
and you can see you get much farther in life lieing and
cheating than you do being straight with people.

personally, i've had to adopt 2 basic rules of thumb

first, never loan anything i can't afford to give away.

second, i never ask for what i've loaned more than once,
if that doesn't work, they just lost a friend.

lol, here, you can sic my dog on 'em!

Perpetual Nooch

Active member
I have the same sort of policy. Yes, I will lend you what you need. But if you don't pay it back by the time you say you will pay it back, consider it yours and don't bother phoning me again. You only get one chance to not fuck it up.

good drown

i always have one on me, unless im driving and smoking or going to the bar. robberies are rising around where i live, so are home invasions

you really shouldn't need one if this guy was your friend. but you do need to approach this guy and be very firm and lay down you guidelines that he must follow or the police will be involved or whatever you deem necessary to re-acquire you belongings. what type of equipment is this stuff?


St. Elsewhere
I've learned a hard lesson over the past couple years of my (admittedly short) life.. And that is, when you do something nice for someone, (like giving out weed for instance) assume that person is never going to return the favor. Usually in these instances, people surprise you and return your kindness in spades. However, if you are doing kind gestures for people, in hopes that when you are down on your luck they will return the favor, you may as well forget it.

People are people, and if they needed your help that bad to begin with, they never were fit to lend a helping hand to anyone else. And if they were fit to lend a helping hand, they would not accept your kindness without immediately repaying it.

I feel you, bro. Just try not to expect much from anyone, and you'll always be pleasantly surprised.


Well-known member
i learned working retail ,PEOPLE SUCK,not all people but the people who suck REALLY SUCK
i can count the friends i can trust on 1 hand and im missing a finger on that hand


Well-known member
"no good deed goes unpunished" at least now you know what thugs you have been tolerating as "friends". write your equipment (and "friends") off as a bad investment & let karma do your dirty work for you. what assholes...

Gert Lush

Active member
Amazing how weed chills some people.
Go on, smoke some more....

And then we wonder why it gets a bad rep.
Frankly, too many people who shouldn't be smoking are, imho.
Hell, no, I didn't say that, maybe someone will come after me with a gun, now. LOL


MAB, in my view honour and gratitude are things you do personally. If they are returned - cool. If they aren't - also cool. That's the name of the game. (And a part of honour, if you think about it.)

If you sit there expecting them from others, you've kinda lost the game.
"Pearls before swine" also springs to mind. ;)


Active member
What is it with people? I know there are good folks out there, I have met and hung with plenty, and Lady Karma has been good to me, but this really has me wondering if I'm a sucker.

Of course you're a sucker but so what? It's a nice thing to be able to be a sucker, a kind of luxury. Don't expect others to match up to your standards and just take joy in being a sucker.
Shaking my head here, folks. 2 examples in my life have me questioning what the hell has happened in this world.

My nephew, good kid, I've never actually smoked with him, but always had an open weed bag policy for him and his buddies/girlfriend. I always had herb, and would tell him to take what he needed. This has been over past 5 years or so, and he was an adult when it started. Things have been lean for the Mrs. and I lately, and he offered to set me up, guaranteed, next day or so. Over a month later, we meet up at family function, he tells me ya, connection dropped off, sorry, I'll get ya some. Weeks later, he's got some, but he's tied up all night, catch me right away. Days later, nothing. I just texted him to drop it - let him know I'm disappointed that I was always there for him, but he obviously has no intention of helping out. I'm bummed, wifey is upset.

A friend of mine that I lent some expensive equipment to is refusing to return it. This is some serious money equipment, and I could really use the stuff or the coin for it. I see him drive by my house once in awhile, but he's not returning messages, and I'm pretty much figuring I'm screwed. This guy owes me large over past few years, helped him w/ grow, seeds, nutes, equipment. Now I'm a leper, and to top it off, I think he's moved.

What is it with people? I know there are good folks out there, I have met and hung with plenty, and Lady Karma has been good to me, but this really has me wondering if I'm a sucker.

Sorry to vent, but the hockey game is a shitty one, my Mrs. is upset and gone to bed, and I just had to get it off my chest.

Thanks for listening - it helps a little.

It is infuriating, but these instances can be blessing in disguise, because you have now seen the true colors of these two individuals.

If your former friend gets busted, he may snitch to LEOs and say the equipment doesn't belong to him, but to you, draggin you and your family into his mess. It's best to cut your ties when it comes to him. I do not want to comment too much on your nephew since he is your family, but if gets caught up with LEOs or other shady individuals, it's probably best to leave him alone as well.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Amazing how weed chills some people.
Go on, smoke some more....

And then we wonder why it gets a bad rep.
Frankly, too many people who shouldn't be smoking are, imho.
Hell, no, I didn't say that, maybe someone will come after me with a gun, now. LOL


MAB, in my view honour and gratitude are things you do personally. If they are returned - cool. If they aren't - also cool. That's the name of the game. (And a part of honour, if you think about it.)

If you sit there expecting them from others, you've kinda lost the game.
"Pearls before swine" also springs to mind. ;)

you do realize RL's intent with the 'gun?' remark was one of sarcasm, aimed (rad pun hahaha) at good drown's post immediately before RL's advising locating the guy and bringing heat
i'd find the guy and bring a gun

just saying i think you are pointing out the obvious to the wrong person


Active member
What happened to honor and gratitude?

I think they killed eachother, in one of those homicide & suicide deals



Active member
Ok honestly..

You seem like a really nice guy, unfortunately sometimes nice people are being abused, just try to learn a lesson from it, If you see that a friend of yours refuses to help you with any small thing while you keep doing him favours, then cut it off, that selfish bastard doesnt iserve someone like you...

Sunny days wouldn't be special,
if it wasn't for rain...
Joy wouldnt feel so good,
if it wasn't for pain...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
What happened to honor and gratitude?

it seems to have become impatience & entitlement
i think we can thank politcal correctedness for transformation


Active member
If you let them

If you let them

If you let them take the majority will and not repay.
Ive never needed to ask for anything .planning ahead so as to not need.
Ive had many people even friends avoid me not answer the phone.
To avoid paying back.
Well i got busted after being informed on by someone i helped.
Lost everything house truck my liberty.
Well that was the final straw,ive a good memory so i decided when i got out im leaving this shit hole of a country but not before taking my pound of flesh,actualy many pounds.
The amazing thing is even when in such terror that one guy pissed his pants in front of me shaking and crying .
I could see he wasnt thinking about paying me back,just how he could getaway n save his sorry arse!
Well im living in thailand now n things are different here if you rip someone of it cost next to nothing for a coulpe of 9mm in the head.
I read the paper often and smile another scammer found in his car or a ditch 2 x 9mm holes in his head .
justice is served and so be it!

Lucky 7

Active member
Yeah . . . honor & gratitude are most certainly foreign concepts to many. I've been giving away weed for more than a few yrs as I can't smoke it all, but . . .

After recently trying to get a "Thank You" from my recipients I was told, "Aw, pot has always been easy to get around here," :-(

It's always been a pain for me! Thus I grow my own, problem solved; I also thought I was doing said "friends" a favor . . . now I learn I'm just another sucker :confused:

Well we'll see how easy it's going to be for them now! Let 'em smoke Northern Ditch #5! :whip:

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