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What games do you play while high


Siddartha said:
I've never played it. I definitely consider myself a true FPS fan. What's unique about it?
You can lean, jump around, and your aim is still good, the damage is balanced so it takes a lot more bullets to kill the enemy than in most other games, translating into less noobs getting lucky shots and killing you, and battles between veteran players are dogfights that can last minutes.

I like CoD4 but it's just so lame that you can drop someone with one shot to the chest from an m14. There's a lot less skill involved and more camping.

D Rock

Here is a game that I play. I like to smoke as much herb as I can before I pass out.
Well I dont have a console anymore and am eyeing that PS3, so I can play Tiger woods 08 all day.


cannabis enthusiast
smoked after work and went into a game store this evenin christmas shopping, they had one of those guitar heroes hooked up was fun also played the wii bowling was fun as well 2 great "interactive" games while feelin good rather than just pushing buttons. i will always love super mario kart that game has me laughin as if i was droppin some tongue fun!


i play d2 and Brood wars. I love both of those games and have been playing Star Craft since it came out i believe in '98. I love FPS games too but i have a crap pc right now so those are a no no. as of this moment i'm into Empire Earth and Pharaoh/Cleopatra.


My latest "smoking" game is Geometry Wars Galaxies. Very "old school" type game (think Robotron 2084) but man is it ever addictive and fun. Fire Emblem: Radient Dawn is another great game for chillin on. Turn-Based Tactical games are awesome for the couchy days (just one more turn..... zzzzzzz). And can't forget Guitar Hero 3, fire up a nice sativa and rock away for a couple hours.


Halo 1 multiplayer....at a competitive level it is very thought intensive and there is a lot of skill involved with the shot...I feel extremely nerdy trying to explain this...'it's just a game' and whatnot...but it is difficult enough to do well that it is rewarding when you do. Easy to play, impossible to master, and so forth.
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Quake 3 is way fun playing when high! Have we got more quake3 fans here? Oh the thrill when you hear the quad damage spawn:hotbounce.
Rock Band/Guitar Hero are a blast to play stoned OR sober!

The best game ever while high though is not digital, its a game called Apples to Apples.
Never laughed harder in my life than when playing that game high.


Everyday last summer after getting back from work, I would pack a bowl, turn on gears of war, and just smoke/play until I go to bed.


I usually end up playing "what can I mix together to make some dank munchies" or sometimes "fuck, where's the remote?"


Active member
if i play any game then it is maybe fear2 online ofcours or online poker, but most of the time i am to lazy to play any game and i just play some schranz, techno, house, minimal music (just looking for music that bangs xD, but when i am not high i am a rap fan) and chill on bed . :D


The revolution will not be televised.....
When im high I like to play a little game with my lady called "Just tha tip!"


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
1) Hide the Salami
2) Pull my finger
3) Guess your temperature
4) Doctor
5) How much can you fit in there?
6) What would you really do for a Klondike bar?: Super-Ultra-Hyper-Extreme edition
7) How much can you swallow?
8) Naked-butter twister: Deluxe edition
9) Uncle Access' Filthy-Adult Easter Egg/Scavenger Hunt
10) 3 Holes are open - round of golf


Um, let's see, games I have played while smoking a blunt:

Bridge, Spades, Hearts, Gin, Dirty Scrabble, Strip Poker, Verbal D&D...no board or game pieces, Uno, Truth or Dare, Yahtzee, Pictionary, and Dominoes.

Oh, you meant video games! lol just wanted to make you laugh...but, the above is true!
Anyone else know how to play Bridge?