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What exactly are coco specific nutes?


Now in technicolor
In terms of chemical composition and properties, what differentiates hydro nutes from coco nutes?


Not a fan of coco specific nutes so take this for what it is worth...the diff, far as I can tell, is some extra Ca and possibly Mg which some feel you need due to the cation exchange capacity of coco. My experience...keep your pH between 5.5 and 5.9 and you will never have to worry one second about coco's CEC...coco specific nutes or not.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Coco specific nutes should contain extra K as coco messes with the uptake, for instance I find Vitalink 9/18 P/K works better than 13/14 P/K

Whether they do or not is another matter
for some reason coco nutes dont have phosphorus! i couldnt believe it seeing it missing from various brands of coco taylored nutes. any explination for this? i know canna needs you to use the 1314 however, but, during weeks 1-3 your not feeding any P???? whaaaa???

and yea if anyone with a break down of the percent analysis of the chemicals in coco specific nutes, could post, that would be awesome.
coco is mostly inert no?

nah its kind of the opposite. it has a strong ability to hold on to cations such as K and Mg. big levels of these should be applied at the beginning and elevated levels throughout essentially, is the jist of it from what ive gotten out of this site and what i do myself. therefore, the coco holds onto these elements and doesnt let very much get absorped by the roots. good and a bad. bad, you need big amounts to always have a high available concentration. good, you always have reserves of these considering you always dose high. therefore, coco is not inert, and can RO water YET still supply your plant with nutrients it has been "holding".


Active member
Coco actually is an inert media. It will decompose over time but that won't happen for several grows. Your talking along the lines of CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity) of the coco. The ability of the coco to hold nutrients (cations).

Coco nutrients have different elemental ratios from that of hydroponic nutrients because of the ability of the coco to retain these cations.


i consider my lucas formula or similar ones like it ideal for coco, 6/9 micro n bloom is good also. i keep it real simple, tap water n theese, im happy so far, theese n the art form of properly watering plants not to much not to little.