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What does your daily schedule look like? How do you lead a balanced life?


Active member
I am curious what you guys do on the daily.

It would be cool to see a log of your daily routine with times, good days and bad. I'll record one tomorrow. Today was one of those get nothing done/nothing is easy days.


Active member
Here is mine for today...

5 am: wake up in the middle of a dream about transplanting clones, research transplanting rockwool, take a shower
6: pass out til 7
7: drink coffee, sit with g/f
8: go to gym, get bagged soil for transplanting clones
10-11: get home, dog has foxtail in nose, leave for vet
11:30-5:30: drop her at vet, argue with girlfriend, eat lunch, grab food from grocery, get more irrigation gear, more nutri-rich and grow bags for clones, get dog (they couldnt find the foxtail...) go home
6: water all the seedlings, start dragging all the 3 gals for the reg seeds into the hoop. Realize the hoop is in a terriblespotfor sun exposure, that its a bitch to get all these 3 gallons over to it, and some of my seedlings in a mix of my old soil amended + black gold are looking like total shit for some reason, and realize i filled all these 3 gals with a new custom mix i havent even gotten a test back on.... all the while being swarmed by mosquitos.
8: bummed, quit, drink beer, rant on icmag.
8:15: gotta bring all the seedlings back in, and finish wateringthe 8 pots in the hoop. Then go to sleep.

All good. Tomorrow will be a better day!


Active member
They started to say something about work comp between 8 am and midnight. But the went home about noon. Please....lol....work comp don't cover swollen vagina


Well-known member
I just smoke all day watch tv play grand theft auto 4 on ps3 take a nap or two eat way too much no exercise wake at 7am sleep at 10 or 11pm. I was watching a 99 year old man on tv that has been exercising for the past 50 years lifting weights or wifting lates as one friend put it lol and running. He looks like hes 80 and will probably live ten or twenty more years max. Im thinking i wont live past 50 at the lazy rate im going at im about to be 32. I have diabetes from being overweight and wheelchair bound i need to do something soon or I wont be growing weed for long.

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