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What does an 80% or greater Sativa feel like????


Maybe a strange questions but all I have ever had is indica Dom..

What is the High like from a Dom Sativa and do you like indica better Or Sativa if you have a choice???
And Why? :tiphat:



senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
This is kind of like asking what sex feels like......


Most sativas are going to be more of an " up " type high.

It's like when you start toking a bowl and you are up fidgeting with something before you even finish it. Muchies are not as bad as an indica and come down not as fatiguing. Depending on variety it can go anywhere from a centered focused high to a paranoid " hazy" ( hence the word haze ) type high.

That was really hard to try to explain.... your experience may differ


Active member
i prefer sativa for most of the reason outlined above.

up high, all in the head makes you think a lot, peppy, energetic and rushy. whereas indica is all body and stupifying and dulling, not like a haze where you're just confused or overwhelmed with input data, indica makes you feel like you couldnt spell ant, let alone walk in a straight enough line to step on one, then the comedown is all narcotic. i don't wanna sleep nigga its 3 in the afternoon.

sativa all day. if i have any indica its for night time use only.


A good Sativa can be felt in the front of your brain as some sort of unexplainable sensation, sometime while hitting the bowl you'll have some sort of fantastic surreal sensation as if everything your eyes see is some sort of amazing 2d picture that exists in your brain, not your eyes seeing the world.

That's only really good stuff though... come to think of it, I could see how that could freak some people out.


3rd-Eye Jedi
it stimulates the brain opposed to sedating it and opens up pathways of thought in the mind you never knew existed

they can be cerebral and enlightening, serene and soaring or a total psychedelic shit fit

Gert Lush

Active member
How good sativas work on me:

How good sativas work on me:

Say I'm tired, had a hard day, a million things on my mind, feeling ratty and exhausted and not very "here" at all.

First hit: Tiredness just melts away, like a rejuvenating holiday plus a course of vitamins! Headache and general ratty head space vaporises. All's good with the world.

Second hit: I start really noticing things around me and being willing to get involved. Whether it's other people, things that need to be done, whatever - that "piss off, I'm not interested, I'm in my own world right now" feeling is no longer there, and I'm really happy to be where I am doing what I'm doing. I take an active interest and pleasure from my surroundings rather than the opposite.

Third hit: The rocket ride starts - start to see things much, much, more in the bigger picture, first bird's eye view, then view from a jet at 20000 feet. Feel more meditative but also more active. Heightened sense of what the right or appropriate thing to do. Third hit may take a while to kick in, 15' or more. Great if you're with a large group of people like a party or a demo.

Fourth hit: Reaching 30-40,000 feet now and preparing for stratosphere. Regular fliers will enjoy more, may be starting to get too much for novice fliers. Sounds and visuals may be greatly heightened and enhanced, depending on the strain. You will notice things you've not noticed before - big time. Again this may be delayed as I find most good sativas are "creepers".

Fifth hit+: Well, I leave that for you to experience...

PS. Note that this is not all sativas, just the good functional ones. There are also mean, wonderful, sneaky introspective sativas whose sole purpose is to scare you! That's not necessarily a bad thing, it's good to know what scares you. Like reality breaking down, heh-he!
No, seriously though, it's not a bad thing to see what you're truly like when stripped of all familiar surroundings once in a while. This is why some people who use ganj religiously say it belongs to Shiva, the god of Death and Rebirth. Gotta go through the one to get to the other ;)
Don't think these are for daily use though, just a good sesh once in a while.
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Active member
Well Hell indica gives me a hard on too...
A good breeze is all I need. :)

Sativa is manna from heaven.
Rather than get high, one experiences a good sativa.
The right pheno of the right line will tear the top of your head off...with lots more pouring in than coming out. For some that is a great thing, for others it is a bit intense. I always suggest young smokers to hit it a few times easy and put it down, as sativa can creep up on you allowing your state of buzz to intensify without additional hits. Some lines may actually taste like hay, and you may not get the immediate rush as some hybrids can bring on...but just hold on for a few. Taking more hits at that early stage could be a mistake if you don't plan on being super fucked up. There tends to be less of a ceiling point of high with cannabis sativa than with indica. Overdo it and you could potentially wreck your whole afternoon...but don't dispair...it's all good :)
Nervous anxiety and paranoia can be brought on when the less than experienced imbibe. Channel that shit into something positive and you will be hooked on the sativa experience.

And yes indeed it does indeed make things better when pounding the old lady. (am I too brash? lol...)

"Does your old lady smoke after sex?"
"Hell, I dunno...never looked."


Loving the articulate responses ! Can we add the strains ? I don't want to hijack the thread but it would be cool to hear what the sativa strain is that created the experience you all are articulating so well.


Active member
I think the OP would enjoy some sort of haze hybrid that shanti baba offers. ssh or mango haze is hard to beat. Strait up haze such as what Sam, Tom, and others have has the fire, but you might need to grow out a few to find her.

Hell, I have had commercial pressed mexican that was as good as it gets but above 30N good luck with trying to grow the same. Even then...good luck.
Indoors...contrary to conventional wisdom, is the place to grow sativas. Especially the long flowering ones. You can get them to finish indoors for sure, out it's a crap shoot unless you got the climate.

Sour Deez

I had a mango haze that was some fine uplifting potent smoke, perfect for daytime.

And i have had some grapefruit stuff that after 2 hits i was in the fetal position sucking my thumb in the corner.

I love me a sativa:plant grow:


Brand new oldschool
Sativas for me except for sleeping, pain or relaxing... sativas are for good conversations, enjoying music or movies, creativity and great ideas, laughing, dancing, walking around... as some one said, sativas are for doing stuff while indicas just give me the munchies and zZzzZzzZZZzz, it also depends on the ceiling and tolerance though!



Great descriptions guys.. Really good...

Crap.. I want to try it.. But I Micro grow.. Dont most Sativas get like 10 ft tall?????

Anyone know any Small ones??

I have read Russian Rocket Fuel stay small and have a Sativa High... Anyone try it??


switch them to 12/12 sooner than your indicas, like 2nd or 3rd set of leaves you'll be fine. if it starts to look like it will be too tall cut it off or bend it over, it's worth the effort.

Elevator Man

Active member
If it's a proper stetchy sativa, train the hell out of them - tie them in knots if you have to, and they'll eventually give up. Or get a bushy Malawi Gold that won't get too tall. Alternatively, Flo is a sativa wrapped in an indica body, and usually finishes in nine weeks - that's my favourite strain, for all the reasons meantioned above, but it's also fast and compact - not the easiest strain to yield high, but the quality is unsurpassed.


A good bong hit of a pure sativa will give you an ice cream headache followed by either long blank stares into the distance while you ponder the complexities of the universe, or you'll be running around piecing an aeroponics system together using a snorkel a pair of pliers and duct tape. I love them :D
Check out what Fuzz420 is doing in micro with sativa dom plants. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=126981&page=53


shut the fuck up Donny
can someone tell me how the fuck a non smoker could possibly read this thread and not want to try blazing really bad? lol

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