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What do you say if someone asks about the noise behind the locked door?

Just looking for some ideas. The noise i have is from my fans and its not insanely loud but someone could probably hear "something'' if they stood in front of the door. I was thinking acquarium but then she would want to see it.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah, you have a roommate, but he's gone for the week camping with his girlfriend. He has a big aquarium and forgot to turn his AC off before he left. Worked on my dad back when I had a bedroom grow in his old house, lol. A sheet of thick foam stapled to the back of the door works well as a muffler too.

Zen Master

just say its your roommates computer, and he's always at his girls, practically lives there.... because you will have absolutely nothing of anyone elses (i.e. a room mate for real) layin around.


just play the keep away game... if she gets curious or starts heading in that direction pick her up and make sexy time. and if its a dude just take balance's advice
have you considered a speed controller?

I have 5 separate fans going in the summer. 3x400cfm and 2xstanleys. She coming over in a couple hours. I think im going to put a stand fan in front of the door. Its going to look a little weird sitting in the hallway though.
I'd say (to myself) ¨Damn, I should have either made this grow stealthier or kept curious people away from my door.¨

Then I'd say (to curious Georgette) ¨Hmm? Oh, that fan? A mouse died in the closet and really stunk up the room so I'm running a big air filter to get rid of the odor¨.

She probably won't want to see dead mouse stains, but she might want to see a big aquarium.


dude, if this is a girl you want to be part of your life, shes gonna find out. Period. And if you lie about it, it will kill your relationship. If she can't accept it, kick her to the curb and find one who does, or else kill the grow. What's more important?, her and what comes with females or your grow? You make the call.
dude, if this is a girl you want to be part of your life, shes gonna find out. Period. And if you lie about it, it will kill your relationship. If she can't accept it, kick her to the curb and find one who does, or else kill the grow. What's more important?, her and what comes with females or your grow? You make the call.

Maybe on the west coast you can be that open early in a relationship, but in much of the rest of the country I wouldn't be sharing the fact that I grew with any woman who wasn't wearing a ring I gave her.

And if you did share it & she didn't accept it & you 'kicked her to the curb' - I'd sure shut the grow down quick!


something that generates noise in the room with access to the locked door will help .... an air purifier like those sold for allergy problems works great to mask sounds and is intended to be left on all the time


Well, if she likes you and cant accept the fact that you grow, she will leave. Only a f'in bitch would rat you out cuz you wouldn't quit growing because of her. If your nice about it and say "baby, I grow weed, stay or leave, but if you care at all you will never speak to anyone about this."

Does she smoke? Does she know you smoke? do you plan to lie to her?

And this IS my mindset considering in cali noting is going on that is illegal. not sure how that matters to people elsewhere. There's really no big deal about growing a little bit of weed. It's more in the presentation.


Depends on where the door is I suppose. Mine is next to my furnace and under my laundry room. If ask I would just say its part of the heating system and calmly change the subject.

But if its an obvious bedroom then you might need a bit better excuse. I think adding a house fan in the living area may not be a bad idea. A bit of ambient noise....

Bud Bug

If you have an internet connection tell them you are running two big game servers with hi performance fans or you do lots of 3D work.


hang a blanket on the inside of door frame, it will dampen the noise. if you wanna go with your roommate thing, he works nights and the only time even you see him is when he goes out to smoke a cigarette and to and from work. Fishtank a nono. I like the dead mice idea, but where's the smell (obtain dead mouse?)? Ambient noise and blanket on inside of door you best bet.


May your race always be in your favor
LOok them in the eye and say what noise?. and then just look at them like MYOFB


id hope that i could show her the grow, and she would instantly suck my d?

gotta get girls who also love jah.