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WHat do you do when you are about to hurt someone bad...


Active member
just ease on out of there..dont CRUSH her..women are emotional creatures..

so men are supposed to be emotion-less creatures ?

I suppose I will write a long note. I am moving 120 miles away in one shot, no return trips. Its not like she didn't see this coming, she moved in her little sis, and ever since I been uncomfortable and cramped! Her little sis is NOT attractive, too young, and annoying as hell. Plus I can't GROW with her being here, and she is ALWAYS hogging the bathroom!!

Also I can use SUN POWER where I am moving to! :) ftw

So if her sister would be older or prettier it would help ?

I gotta agree with the guys...
Be honest and upfront, she deserves respect, she is human after all

I think if you really liked your girlfriend, you would stay even if her sister was cramping you up, and always hogging the bathroom

deal with it like a man, man

Bend over, pull your balls outta ya pussy, man up, and tell her the truth. Write a long note......bullshit

gotta agree, that the long note is like... a total lack of respect towards the girl


so men are supposed to be emotion-less creatures ?

Not necessarily ...I speak for MYSELF when I say I'm not AS emotional as most people..well except maybe for anger..but yeah,generally speaking girls are without a doubt ALOT more emotional than guys..you dont see guys crying over every little thing..crying cus they had a bad day,crying for a sad movie,crying after sex..etc...well I sure as hell dont,most guys I know dont..

What I meant was,the guys GF will (well already got) devastated..what I would have done is just kinda slip out..call her every day..then every 3 days..then 1 a week..and pretty soon she'll forget all about you..but if you just up and leave in the middle of the night,and dont ever call,text,nothing..then shell be completely SAD..and it'll take longer for her to get over yourself..shell probably cry herself to sleep every night..lol poor thing..ahhh,gotta love women..they'r emotional wrecks..sooo cute lol


Haha she's NOT even good looking!funniest part I'm sorry. Fuck that bitch and her freloading sister. You think she wouldn't do the same. Or would she pay off your upcoming bills n call to console you. Who knows maybe she would
Point is sounds like you don't care either way n don't blame ya. If she knows anything that could potentially incriminate you I'd be sweet about it. If not. Still be nice but quick n don't look back.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
did ya at least hit it one last time? lmfao.... seriously a gurl i was dating and living with back in the day did that shit i wanted to kill her.. Plus she took shit that wasnt hers.. real man would wait pack and at the end of it all sit her down explain wtf happend and why your outtie.. crying included, what do you expect her to be doing, settin up a party and decorating for the party while your moving..? Just man up do the deed and get on with your shit.. to even write this thread tells me your not that sure... peace..



im in a similar boat, i dont know how to do it, been with her a few years, but i dont want her in my life as my partner anymore. But i want the apartment..

when i am more financially secure i will make the jump on the hey look i need to be real honest with you step.

It's sad i brace my whole relationship on finances, but it's the way it is right now, we need eachother, and not the way i actually want.

ps. if any of you want to lend/throw me a few g's and pull me out, ill televise the whole thing for entertainment value. no, im not that sadistic, but i will make the step! promise!


did ya at least hit it one last time? lmfao.... seriously a gurl i was dating and living with back in the day did that shit i wanted to kill her.. Plus she took shit that wasnt hers.. real man would wait pack and at the end of it all sit her down explain wtf happend and why your outtie.. crying included, what do you expect her to be doing, settin up a party and decorating for the party while your moving..? Just man up do the deed and get on with your shit.. to even write this thread tells me your not that sure... peace..


Yeah I gotta agree man..Ill prolly sound like a prick,but I woulda hit dat one last time..EXTRA rough & hard..:yoinks:

h^2 O

dude you should have just done it like a man, like the way I've done it - take a weekday off and while she's at work move all your shit out. Yup. That way there's no crying and drama. She'll come home and go "oh! that p.o.s. coward blah blah whine whine" and the most she can do is call your cellphone over and over and leave text after text. It's advisable to just turn the power on your cellphone off for the entire week. Also don't forget to block her from emailing you.


So looks like karma caught up with me. I suppose.

I was expecting her to call a lot, but she was calling A LOT. Maybe 30 or 40 times after she got off work. I finally called her back hoping she would not be crying. She was crying, but from something else.

She got into a 5 car accident (not at fault, rear ended HARD).

Her car is totaled, and she is banged up black n blue, she will be out of work for a few days...

I feel like crap.

The same thing happened to me!! I swear to god. Don't go back. Within six months you'd feel the same way you did before the accident. Move along...


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
You gotta remember the Karma bus imo. Have yoiu stuff packed when she gets home she will see whats up then you tell her to sit down DON'T ask her to but say it with a tone thats caring but firm. If there are bills that need to be paid that you had anything to do with give her cash to cover them and if you can spare a little extra do that as well.

Your going to a JOB plain and simple,don't mention a word about you can grow there thta means shit to her at this moment and you gotta cover your ass. Man Up and explain it's for the opportunity of work use that and here's why, after time apart if as Sack put it (ever need to hit that) the door is open and she's gonna tell her friends what you did how you did it and why and if you do what I said they gotta respect that. Now if things don't work out and you move back her and all of her girlfriends know your a straight up MAN not a boy that ran away like a thief in the night.

It's because of the job thats your story and IMO you better stick with it.

My Penny


Active member
I suppose I will write a long note. I am moving 120 miles away in one shot, no return trips. Its not like she didn't see this coming, she moved in her little sis, and ever since I been uncomfortable and cramped! Her little sis is NOT attractive, too young, and annoying as hell. Plus I can't GROW with her being here, and she is ALWAYS hogging the bathroom!!

Also I can use SUN POWER where I am moving to! :) ftw

Sounds like you guys didn't talk enough. Relationships don't work without communication and you've pretty much put yourself in a hole so.... man up.
yeah u need to still be civil and think about her feelings since she was a nice girl and u respect her.. we dont like to be lied to though..so tell us the truth.


Active member
Not necessarily ...I speak for MYSELF when I say I'm not AS emotional as most people..well except maybe for anger..but yeah,generally speaking girls are without a doubt ALOT more emotional than guys..you dont see guys crying over every little thing..crying cus they had a bad day,crying for a sad movie,crying after sex..etc...well I sure as hell dont,most guys I know dont..

What I meant was,the guys GF will (well already got) devastated..what I would have done is just kinda slip out..call her every day..then every 3 days..then 1 a week..and pretty soon she'll forget all about you..but if you just up and leave in the middle of the night,and dont ever call,text,nothing..then shell be completely SAD..and it'll take longer for her to get over yourself..shell probably cry herself to sleep every night..lol poor thing..ahhh,gotta love women..they'r emotional wrecks..sooo cute lol

yeah, I agree with you, and I think it's good that you want to spare her


I suppose I will write a long note. I am moving 120 miles away in one shot, no return trips. Its not like she didn't see this coming, she moved in her little sis, and ever since I been uncomfortable and cramped! Her little sis is NOT attractive, too young, and annoying as hell. Plus I can't GROW with her being here, and she is ALWAYS hogging the bathroom!!

Also I can use SUN POWER where I am moving to! :) ftw

LOL!! The shit you read on IC these days.So what does your new girlfriend look like?


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