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What do you do to unwind after exams??



I'm in the middle of exam week...........Can't wait for it to be over!!!! Statistics yesterday, Genetics today (was f'n brutal!!!!), Organic chem tomorrow, Calculus on Thurs, and PhySUX is on Friday. Last week was lab exams........They went pretty well except for the Physux lab........After my exam on Friday I won't ever have to take Physux again!!!!! Anyone else have exams this week? The first thing I do when I'm out of an exam is throw on some Animals As Leaders and light a fatty........walk to the closest bar and down a couple of drinks. At the end of exam week, a bunch of us head out to the peelers and make our way downtown to the bars......Usually make out pretty well ;). Anyone have any post exam rituals/things they like to do to unwind? .....oh yeah, If anybody tries to tell ya going back to school is a good idea.......punch them in the throat and by a lottery ticket....J/K......sort of lol. B
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if it smells like fish
the same thing I did before a test ....burn one.... I went back to school at like 36 to get my smog liscense and a few other certs.....


Right on buddy, I can't smoke before......Want keep that 4.0 ;) I'm 35.....I worked as a printing pressman for 13 years before the company had to close it's doors........Figure Id get into the health sciences, very stable with great pay.....Hopefully anyway.

Thanx for sharing your experience bro!



Thanx man!! It really is hard, had to kinda turn off life to pull this of so far but I hope in the end it pays off.

I'll kill myself with the school thing for 4 years to be set for the rest of my life...........Or thats the BS I try to convince my self of lol.

The school work is hard, but the hardest part is trying not to drool all over the little hotties running around everywhere LOL.

Im gonna get back to growing this summer, can't wait.......been to long!! It's just starting to get nice out in my neck of the woods, can't wait to get out there!!!

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One more exam to go........The one Ive been dreading, PHYSUX!!!

I can't ever remember being this mentally tired/drained/stressed the F'out.........This is gonna sound a little stupid, but it's almost like you reach a point where you can't learn/remember things any more.......It's like your brain gets full, if that makes sense?

I'm starting to forget how to do very "basic" things........Calculus is one of my best subjects, and I know I screwed some questions up on the exam today........and I shouldn't have because I have it down cold. Nothing worse than walking home after an exam, and realizing what I did wrong.......little stupid mistakes. Doesn't really matter......I'll still get a good final mark, but still.......The reason I care about the marks so much is because you get bursaries/cash rewards for getting good marks.......I need that cash.....It's about $3000.

This Physics exam can totally F' that up, I have to get 85% on the exam, to get an "A" as a final mark in the course and get a 4.0 for this semester.

Next term is:

1st semester

Advanced computer applications
Biochemistry (this sux)
instrumental chem
Microbiology (sux)
Organic Chemistry 2 (this really sux)
+ Gen ed class (circle-jerk BS)

2nd semester

Animal care & Handling (Animal testing) sounds bad but if it wasn't for these furry, little heroes, we would have no vaccines/medicine........Can't ethically test on humans. (Sux)
Applied molecular genetics (sux)
Instrumental chemistry 2
Pharmacology, toxicology, Nutraceutical (sux)
Research & technical writing
Biochemistry 2 (really sux)
+ gen ed class (final nail in the coffin)


The final year is the real killer LOL.

On my way to the store to buy some lottery tickets lol.

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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Anyone have any post exam rituals/things they like to do to unwind?





Looks like you're dialed in, and as a focused, older student you'll probably blow the curve in most of your classes. Just remember to keep balance in your life. It's easy to focus on the work, but remember your friends and loved ones. Best wishes amigo!


Hey Sisu, your right...........about balance. I can't personally do both, I can't do the social thing and focus on school and get good grades.........too much of a distraction for me personally.

When i say I turned life off to do this I mean exactly that...........no friends, no partying, no dating........until schools done.

I lost everything when I lost my job as a printing pressman, house, car........wife, and son. Losing these things has taken a pretty big toll on me, more so than I'll ever admit...........But it's also potent motivation to achieve things I never thought I could.

Ive got the rest of my life to make friends, date, have a family, party.........Right now I'm doing school.......I know it's not right, but that's how I look at it.

Off to write physux exam...........fingers crossed!!!



Active member
Good luck beakermuppet. Good to see somebody with motivation these days. Keep it up, it will pay off for you.


RIGHT F'N ON..........FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!

Done until September.


there goes edro

Well-known member
You do know that this is a weed growing forum right?! Probably more than obvious what most of us do to unwind!!! Get high grades then get HIGH!!


Active member
exams, LOL wait till you get a load of the daily tests of the real world, not that school isn't real just a figure of speech


^^^^^ Im 35 buddy, I worked as a printing pressmen for 13 yrs and then the company shut it's doors........lost everything.

Been in the real world man, and school is a hell of a lot harder than working in my humble opinion.........after 8-10hrs of work you go home and don't work again until the next day, weekends off..........School is go to class for 8 hrs come home and study until I go to bed then wake up and study until I go to school......... Study all weekend. This is the first summer Ive had off from school from doing coops or extra classes (gen eds, try to get them out of the way in the summer for a lighter course load during the semester) in a couple of years. Next summer I'll be doing a coop and then go into my final year which will be all about my thesis.........I find this stuff extremely hard. Learning Microbiology sux, Organic Chem is really hard, Biochemistry is really f'n hard, Genetics is stupidly, complicated, crazy, f'n hard.....well, to me anyway.

The stress is f'n crazy, like giving a presentation to 300 people for 3hrs kinda crazy/stress. Having to write 3-4, 15 page lab reports every week = SUX a big harry hard one.

When ya write exams, the rule is if ya leave the room you hand in yer exam, yer done..........I bring plastic bags with me because Im so anxious/nervous/stressed the f'out I think I might puke.......and since if I leave the room I have to hand in my exam...... Im willing to puke in front of the entire class, just to make sure I finish the exam........and get the best grade I can......hasn't happened yet lol. But yeah, really stressful.

The most stress I'd have at work would be if an order wasn't running well or the press broke down......adjust the color of the ink to match the customer approved copy was frustrating at times, I worked 3 shifts and rotated every week, that sucked for sure....But....Id give anything to get my old job/life back man seriously......Life was pretty f'n good.

Sorry to rant, F'n hammered lol..........Still a little strung from exams lol.

Just heading out to the Rippers........Heard the feature blows out candles and does some neat tricks with ping pong balls.......wish they'd come up with some new tricks, still entertaining though lol

Then downtown.......This is one of the EASIEST nights of the year to get tail, I shit you not. Chicks getting drunk as fuk and getting ready to go back home and see there boyfriends and wanna have one more night of "fun".........yea, there are some benefits to the school thing for sure I wont argue there lol.

Have a good night guys!!
