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What Do YOU do to stay Healthy..?

Wu Wei

Pro the site you have provided if from a high up american institute... That says enough for me buddy, do you understand the corruption at the core of america? I have nothing against americans, but there are company's that are paid billions to provide false information, I would never trust any high up american institution!!! The last site I provided is from a doctor ~ http://drlindsey.com/balancing-the-b...rall-wellness/
enough said friend :) take care and don't forget to keep your body's ph in balance for maximum weight lifting benefits!

Peace Brother, Infinite love to you <3 :ying:

Pro Headies

Active member
Look buddy you are really stressing me out and I never get stressed, please explain to me fully how a doctor is wrong or incorrect? If you can explain to me how a doctor is wrong or lying I will understand your opinion.

Peace Brother :ying:

Doctors can and are wrong all the time. They PRACTICE medicine. There is always new advances in science. Im not trying to stress you out sorry! Its just every link you provide is biased. The american cancer site tells the truth man. You need to read between the lines on the sites you provided. If they only talk bad about one thing and the whole site are biased towards one thought they are biased or trying to sell something. You can see im right about the sites you provided. Im not here to make you upset just to inform based on proven scientific facts. To take 1 doctors thoughts as the truth is what a stupid man would do and i dont feel you are your just narrow minded towards your own believes. Its ok to believe in something just dont try to push it as facts when there is facts proving what is right and wrong based on modern science. I think if we hung out together we would get along great since we have strong ideas and arent afraid to exress them would create great conversations. I for one applaud you for wanting to live a healthy life be it your way or anybody elses way. Peace to you now lets go smoke a bowl.


Sorry bro your wrong again. Obviously you know very little about nutrition and are spreading misinformation based on myths not science. Fruits and vegetables also have dna just like everything else we eat, dna of what we eat has Zero to do with nutrition. Your piss is the only thing that can be effected ph wise by what you eat. Those alkiline diets are bullshit. Science has shown that cancer doesnt care about ph and they have done tests that grow cancer on alkiline and acidic cells equally. Your stomach is naturally more acidic then anything you will ever eat. Read more and learn more before you tell people myths and lies created by the leaders you speak of. Your minds eye needs to be more open and not think its way is the only way because so far its been wrong on most accounts. Peace bro...oh yeah im the one repping your post because i love a good argument and see your side of things right or wrong.

Said everything i was gona say..nothing you eat changes the bodies ph urine yes but not blood. Cancer need blood to survive not piss! And the whole dna thing is laughable, so if i chase and kill my food and consume its dna im gona get cancer but let me guess..the plants whisper to you "eat me pleeeease".

being corrupt has nothing to do with eating meat humans have been doing it way before governments and money existed! Why do yoi think we have fangs and not a mouth full of molars?

Fair enough your on some spiritual alkaline path but let me tell you my great grandfather and grandfather were both butchers, both ate high meat diets both lived over 80. My mums best friend was a vegan since she was 14 years old and dies of cancer aged 42....myth busted!



Look buddy you are really stressing me out and I never get stressed, please explain to me fully how a doctor is wrong or incorrect? If you can explain to me how a doctor is wrong or lying I will understand your opinion.

Peace Brother :ying:

You mean how most doctors say that cannabis has no medicinal benefits? They're right or wrong?

Wu Wei

Doctors can and are wrong all the time. They PRACTICE medicine. There is always new advances in science. Im not trying to stress you out sorry! Its just every link you provide is biased. The american cancer site tells the truth man. You need to read between the lines on the sites you provided. If they only talk bad about one thing and the whole site are biased towards one thought they are biased or trying to sell something. You can see im right about the sites you provided. Im not here to make you upset just to inform based on proven scientific facts. To take 1 doctors thoughts as the truth is what a stupid man would do and i dont feel you are your just narrow minded towards your own believes. Its ok to believe in something just dont try to push it as facts when there is facts proving what is right and wrong based on modern science. I think if we hung out together we would get along great since we have strong ideas and arent afraid to exress them would create great conversations. I for one applaud you for wanting to live a healthy life be it your way or anybody elses way. Peace to you now lets go smoke a bowl.

Hey pro, I appreciate your view and understand too but all I am trying to say is that eating is all about balance just like anything in life is about balance. If we consume a constant diet of acidic forming foods with zero alkaline then yeas it will be detrimental to our health, sorry but you do not have to be a scientist to work that out! Why is it detrimental to our health if we only consume acidic forming foods? Because there is no balance! And it is the same for alkaline forming we can not consume only a alkaline forming diet, why? Because there is no balance... Getting your five fruit and vege a day is called a balanced diet. Life itself is about balance and everything within life is about balance. I do appreciate your opinion and understand your view too. Take care brother and take it easy!

Peace and infinite happiness to you :D :ying:

Wu Wei

Said everything i was gona say..nothing you eat changes the bodies ph urine yes but not blood. Cancer need blood to survive not piss! And the whole dna thing is laughable, so if i chase and kill my food and consume its dna im gona get cancer but let me guess..the plants whisper to you "eat me pleeeease".

being corrupt has nothing to do with eating meat humans have been doing it way before governments and money existed! Why do yoi think we have fangs and not a mouth full of molars?

Fair enough your on some spiritual alkaline path but let me tell you my great grandfather and grandfather were both butchers, both ate high meat diets both lived over 80. My mums best friend was a vegan since she was 14 years old and dies of cancer aged 42....myth busted!


Hey turpes, The human body is made up of 70% water, comprised of a wide range of solutions, which are either acid or alkaline. Your pH is a measure of the acidity or alkaline of these solutions – the ratio between positively charged ions (acid-forming) and negatively charged ions (alkaline-forming.) The pH of any solution is the measure of its hydrogen-ion concentration.*The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen-rich the fluid is.* The lower the pH reading, the more acidic and oxygen-deprived the fluid is. The pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral.* Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic. The pH of human blood should be slightly alkaline (7.35 – 7.45).*Too acidic or too alkaline can result in symptoms of disease. The body will always strive to keep the pH in balance. The bodies pH can be knocked towards alkaline or acidic, if we consume a constant diet of only acidic forming foods then yeas it will move towards acidity. And exactly the same goes for alkaline forming foods! Eating is about balance, life is about balance.

I am not saying you can not eat meat just balance the acidic forming meats with some alkaline food! my grandfather was also a butcher and my grandmother still has his meat cleavers to this day... And he used to eat sweet bread (sheeps testicles) if you want to go into detail.

Your comment about doctors thinking wrong of cannabis... Do you understand why they have the wrong impression on cannabis? It is because they have been brainwashed by the corrupt government, no other reason!

I love history and trust me there have been corrupt leaders ever since the days of picking cotton, they were not called a government that is all. There have always been few in power who abuse and manipulated others to maintain their power.

Your comment about the animals DNA... If you read this thread fully brother you would understand that the comment about digesting animal DNA has nothing to do with cancer! And about the battery animals carrying stressed genes... That is very true, just like a clone from a stressed plant carries the stressed genes, or why some people do not like to use female seeds because they carry stresses genes.

About your vegan friend dying of cancer... I am unsure of that I have never heard of vegans dying of such a crude disease's, scientific statistics actually show vegetarians live up to seven years longer, that is statistics.

As I just said to Pro it is all about balance and consuming the correct amount of acidic forming and alkaline forming foods, no on at all needs to be a scientist to work out we need balance in life :)

Peace and love to you brother :ying:


Registered Non-Conformist
2 oysters every other morning. raw with cayenne. Yuk, makes me feel like Superman though. Getting into Kombucha drinks.


Active member
wieghts 1-2x per week.
heavy bag 2x per week
testosterone 1x per week
1/2 on the treadmill 1x per week

i try to eat gluten free, locally grown/raised as much as possible.
this winter took a toll on me, smoked too much herb which effects my copd in a negative way...
but id rather have a little asthma than be depressed...
ive been pretty good at taking care of my body, but my soul is another story... it seems sometimes that its dying a slow, attention deprived death..
i need to get out into the wilderness again... and do some traveling and not this constant stream of work/work/work...
balance has always alluded me. iam an all or nothing kind of guy..

rob feature

Most of the year




And I eat whatever I want :biggrin:


Cool thread........I at least take a walk everyday.....try to bike once a week as well. My diet...well, that could use some work :eek: as I eat out a lot. Getting better though!

I screw like a rabbit . At my age that's all I do lol...
:stfu: Pictures in the zen thread or it never happens!

Wait......nevermind! :snap out of it:



Well-known member
I'm 50. I work a 12 hour shift. I just pulled 7 days in a row. I regularly run circles around people half my age. I like my steak medium rare. I have a few beers every day and smoke weed like a fiend. But I actually eat pretty healthy. We eat a lot of fresh vegetables and don't eat out often, or eat much processed foods. I do like my coffee with lots of sugar and cream.

I'll die when I die. In the meantime, I'll enjoy my beer, and my steak and my herb.


Well-known member
Stay strong, stay Happy - tis my motto. It actually is stay happy stay strong for me.
I always work to never give negativity any energy or attention. Some people like to watch horrible aspects of life. We all must recognize that they exist but we should put our time and focus towards those beautiful things in life
Doing kayaking nearby every day and eat a Hotdog everyday -beliving on 1 hotdog at the day,keeps the doc away-and then take around 2000 miles at the year into the yak -makes me feel satiesfied..
Takeiteasy and think positive,


Registered Non-Conformist
Awesome posts.. Thanx for keeping the thread going.. !

Gym every other day - challenging myself and sweating a lot. Ending with 20-25 mins in a 180 degree sauna. Detox.
The regimentation of the facility seems to work for me. Someday, I will do my workouts in Costa Rica outdoors entirely. For now, I'm stuck in Babylon.

Kayaked Lake Huron the other day. Mow the lawn, Eat an endocrine-enhancing diet. Go for a bikeride. Play with the Animal Mascot.

I miss surfing.