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What do you do online when you're bored?



Man, I ALWAYS have something that needs done, be it the garden,property or some other commitment.

Sometimes it really does blow to have a full schedule, but switching it up is where it's at. :tiphat:

Who am I kidding...it's all about the porn :dance013:

Capital G

findtubes.com for my porn(the best porn search engine on the internet)

solarmovie.eu for all movies past, future, and present(in theater releases too)

worldstarhiphop.com for my urban content

fling.com for my freak hoes

tagged.com for my semi freak hoes

facebook for my friends, family, and business network(i don't see how people hate fb)


May your race always be in your favor
stumbleupon.com One of the coolest sites on the web. never boring always something to see.


New member
findtubes.com for my porn(the best porn search engine on the internet)

solarmovie.eu for all movies past, future, and present(in theater releases too)

worldstarhiphop.com for my urban content

fling.com for my freak hoes

tagged.com for my semi freak hoes

facebook for my friends, family, and business network(i don't see how people hate fb)

I died fucking laughing with your comment man.:blowbubbles:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor


What were we talking about?
cracked.com (updated daily - funny as hell)

pandora.com (nice streaming music site)

somafm.com (a great streaming music site that offers different stations with different styles . . . I listen to Space Station Soma mostly)

fark.com and snopes.com are both sites that you can spend some serious time exploring. Bizarre news stories and urban legends.


sorta cool, can find some very interesting reading. however there is some shit a little "outthere". check it out


Cool thread man. Thank you to the people that started describing entities for ease of understanding.

That lost city looks incredible, I would love to go there one day.

When I'm bored (read: have time), I like to:

Facebook - networking
Youtube - guitar lessons
ICM - chronically speaking
Google - learn and explore