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What do cannabis dispensaries/collectives really want????


Prices for indoor weed are gonna go up, just wait and see. The flood isn't affecting indoor prices anywhere near as much as last year, and with Prop19 defeated and medical dispensaries being closed and threatened by the dozen, indoor prices will continue to climb.

I know some guys that are trying to lowball indoors, but they're not getting half the bites they used to. Me and most of the bigger indoor growers I know (throughout Norcal) have said NO to dropping our prices this year during the flood, making less indoor available.

We will stockpile and cure it longer, and sell it for what it's worth when the flood ends next month. If you want cheap weed buy outdoor, and buy it quick cuz it's disappearing fast!

I completely agree man.. Although I still get 3600 a P every drop... I believe prices will soon be going up up up!

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