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What do Breeders do with leftover buds and trichomes??


Active member
Hello and a big thank you to all Seed Breeders!

Here is a question i have always wanted to ask all of the Seed Breeders especially the bigger companies. What do the big seed companies do with all those leftover trichomes once the machines have finished removing the seeds for sale? I mean, do they just throw away all those beautiful buds? I have always been curious as to what big companies like Paradise, Sensi, Nirvana, Dutch Passion, Greenhouse, Flying Dutchmen, etc.....

again thank you to all Seed Breeders both amateur and professional...

kind regards,


What do the big seed companies do with all those leftover trichomes once the machines have finished removing the seeds for sale?



Saving the Planet, One Seed At A Time
Straight up hash making material. After all aren't we all just resin farmers!


Active member
lol..GP i thought about that too but as i was picking through some seeded bud to roll up and harvest the seed the answer was there .. i smiled to myself and said dumb ass they make hash lucie & red just co signed that thought .. i like to smoke whats there or make honey oil myself!


Cannabis Helper
make water/ice hash...

Where do you think all that great stuff comes from...



i wish I had access to an unlimited supply of fresh trim for hash and BHO

it must be nice, enjoy


Non Conformist


There is no such thing as "leftover" trichomes... those are called fringe benefits...hahaha take care... BC


Active member
breeders risk more than individuals so they deserve it......without them (and the internet) nobody would have the best genetics......its hard hard work and i don't think they're in it for the trim....kind regards, gp


Non Conformist


I like you GP you have an incredible sense of the obvious.... GOOD DAY SIR ! BC


My little pony.. my little pony
Funny as that would make a great t-shirt.

" Breeders do it for the trim "


Bubblegum Specialist
My seeded buds dont make the best bubblehash but BHO from it is killer and worth a lot of money. Trouble is I dont like the shit and I wont sell it.

I have many friends who are in need so I just give them the weed and it saves me effort. For myself I make high grade bubblehash for myself and it doesn't come from seeded buds. For myself there is plenty of high grade to play with and if making hash I dont want mediocre.

Bubbleman tells me that seeded buds can make good bubblehash however and that kif can as well. When I use kif it often seems to clog in the not so fine bags and bubbleman says dry seiving kif seems to work better but you can use his bags. I will have to try that but kif is easy to give away too.

Seeded pot is often schwag but I find people still love it. So what the hell? Why bother making hash from it when there is so much need out there. BOG


BushyOldGrower said:
My seeded buds dont make the best bubblehash but BHO from it is killer and worth a lot of money. Trouble is I dont like the shit and I wont sell it.

Bog what is BHO?


Bubblegum Specialist
Butane Extracted Honey Oil is made in a somewhat dangerous process I won't teach but the product is of very high quality. Some love it and I have as well but in reality I don't use it much. Extreme potency isn't what I need because I smoke pot constantly. What I like is the best taste and high not the strongest in one toke.

To be truthful honey oil may cause brain lesions. :yoinks:

It can blow you up! It is very frowned on by LEO and they think its the heroin of soft drugs even though it isn't really. But I understand that it is dangerous.

So just make bubblehash ok? Its totally safe and so easy. BOG
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Dont worry Bog, I have no plans AT ALL for making BHO, but thanks for the answer.
I make ice hash with my left over trim and thats plenty for me. Straight weed and some ice hash - I dont want anything else.
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Bubblegum Specialist
Last time I tripped across country I dropped about a lb of my de seeded bogbubble on my relatives back home. You should have seen their faces when I told them it was free. :D That was a priceless gift.



New member
BubbleLator from Mila
If you dont Know now you do !
come taste some of our bubblelator at our DNA/ROOR booth at the cup in Nov.

peaz out A.


BushyOldGrower said:
To be truthful honey oil may cause brain lesions. :yoinks:

It can blow you up! It is very frowned on by LEO and they think its the heroin of soft drugs even though it isn't really. But I understand that it is dangerous.

BOGman do u really think BHO can cause brain lesions? its just solvent extracted resin...if u don't have any open flames around while u do it and keep the area ventilated i don't see how it can blow up...problems arise when people use lower quality butane with impurities...the colibri and vector are pure enough to use...i've taken ochem b4 though so maybe others wouldn't be as comfortable with the process...its definitely not for lightweights though, i'll give u that...i like to put a little in a bowl without people knowing and then they are like just floored and can't believe how strong the bud is, lol...u r right about the LEO aspect of it, its in the same class as coke...if i'm not mistaken though hash is also penalized more severely than pot by LEO...

DNA that sounds hella sweet, i wish i could make it but can't...i'll be at gypsy's cup in april tho...
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