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What Defines A Hot Man?

so a mans uhum size factors into thier hotness? how can you ladies be sure before you find out? is there a secret that you can tell from that we dont know about and how can we cheat the secret?


full time daddy
AppleFarmer said:
alright so maybe I shouldn't be posting a "real" pic, but fuck it.

here iam in the rockies @ 12,000 feet
sorry Dutch grown i'm Not the freakishly large wwf type!
peace af

EDIT: Okay I let my paranoia get me and had to take the pic away....sorry everybody!!

paranoia.....not me...... i like to live freely.

i dont see my self as a hotty.
but if i where i would not be growing id be in playgurl ;)
*sry about the bird's gurls.*
"it's more for the ppl who dont like what i do not you"


Oh GL, your so funny.. a few posts back Dutch was tellin' about the time Brad Pitt posed for Playgirl before he got real famous, and well she said she was not impressed. lol .. and I remember her tellin' that story about Brad when they were here (cause, i was thinking, bummer for Jennifer..) anyway.. I was askin' if perhaps she knew if Johnny Depp had ever embarked on such a photo spread, or anything of sorts.. :p lol ..
But, Brad is still hot, nice looking, attractive, and all that good jive, but according to the photo in Playgirl not well endowed... and I guess it's kinda like, a female breasts, ya never know if it is a push up bra or as big as you thought they'd be..
There is not any secret to tell, I don't think, well... Not that I know about anyway...?? :confused:
Oh Dutch, you have met so many cool ass people, girl... You should really carry those X-ray's with you at all times..
but don't tell green lantern.......... sshhhh.... :D


ICMag Donor
420...you are a hotty!..i know first hand :) great pic....

there's something about a bald head...very sexy...lots of things make a man hot, knowing that he loves with all his heart is very hot!...i could go on and on...i do know i love my man :) mrs.b


.ok, heres a pic of myself.I had to cut out my face for security reasons.lol But the bubble hash does me justice right up to the bubble hair at the top of my head.I think i need a tan though. :wave:




I used to have a 6 pack pretty close to an 8 pack...until my metabolism kicked in :eek: now i have to actually work for my muscle....but yea now im at a 4 pack which is better than nothin :whip:



00420 said:
paranoia.....not me...... i like to live freely.

i dont see my self as a hotty.
but if i where i would not be growing id be in playgurl ;)
*sry about the bird's gurls.*
"it's more for the ppl who dont like what i do not you"

00420's a hottie, birds and all...and I like what he does do, hem hem :wink: don't have to be in Playgirl to be a hottie 00420, ICMag will do nicely :yummy: LOL :D


A hot man....well i can see a good looking guy and then realise that we can't coonect.
For me a hot guy means(and of course i must also like his looks) a guy with whom i have a big chemistry and one tipe of guy that can also fuck mt brains(in good way) even if we just talk on the phone.


Y'all crazy! I like extremes. Very Black, very blonde, very muscular,very tall, very well endowed, every intellegent, very whatever.


Im 2 Sexxxy for my razor!

Im 2 Sexxxy for my razor!

OK, I need to shave, but I think I kinda resemble Brad Pitt in this pic! Don't you all agree? This is my mug! Whatcha think ladies? Come on give it to me, I can take it! Peace, SW


i got hotties lol

i got hotties lol

well ladies im not a hottie either but , if ya take a look at these pics ,i got two lil hotties on my lap .lol....and i feed them daily ..lol


LOL Friend...major props for the audacity! :D I opted for a black lace mask in the only pic of me posted....and even that was a bit risqué for me :rolleyes:


Lovin' the bucket head Farmer John....you're not blond? I imagined you as this hippie viking type of dude :D...can't wait to take a peek under the bucket :wink:

I see the ladies do love you though.....:smile:


only 63 days to go Farmer John....I'm running around buying 128Mb memory cards for my camera, a new small trolley suitcase, a pair of snakeskin boots :D just generally having fun preparing myself for the adventure :wink:...still thinking what to bring Dutch and Gypsy....a small gift is in order :smile:

I like looney crazy in a good way people...and vikings turn me on :D
*digging up month old threads....* Oh... uhhhh... okies... what makes a guy "hot" for me is an 8 figure net worth, and at least 8 decades of life under his belt. hee hee hee

Number 1 "turn on" for me is a world class sense of humor.... I don't mean he should be a clown or anything (although the bedroom "roleplay" with a clown might be a hoot and a half). He must respect his Mother.... and show respect to other people. He opens doors for me... is very patient when I am shopping....

and NEVER, EVER trys to control or change me in any way.

If he looks like Mark Whalberg, Bradd Pitt, or Johnny Depp ... hey, that's worth a few extra points too!

By the way Brad... if you're reading this.... still waiting for your call......

*waves bye* Akiko


:rolleyes: Hmmmm. Weird thread, to say the least. :rolleyes:

Gotta get pics of 9" hands & 4" thumbs, 6'4" - 180#, swimmer. Now where did I put that extra wide lens???? :eek:

LOL Hope you all have exactly the type that you need. :biglaugh:


Ain't I the handsome one???? :biglaugh: