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What day are you getting there?



I'll be there on the 16th. Early morning so I can start the week off on the right foot. It'll be just me and my girl until Sunday night when I meet up with my bud Boink. Lets us this thread to make plans and let each other know when we'll be there! Can't wait to see everyone! LaterOH

Dr. D

Active member
Hey OHenty, il be arriving on the 18th monday il be there first thing, so far just one of my mates are coming and il be arriving with Hazy cuz we are on the same flight, first stop for me will be The Coin on Woormestraat for one of Soma's strians, his strains are just too nice to smoke, i can taste em already cant wait to get there...peace
I will be there on the 15th - plan to drop in at the Seeds direct shop round midday or one (planned stops at Barnys, my hotel to check in, the bike
shop, the 2e Kamer and maybe the Gray Area on the way - so may be a little later and a little smashed :biglaugh: ) :wave:
I'll be there on the 16th. I'm landing at 1:25 pm So I guess I'll make SD by 3 pm after dropping my stuff at the hostel and renting my bike.


The 15th in the AM - will take the tram from the airport to central


my plane will be arriving at 2:30pm of the 18th. I imagine that by 4:00pm I will be checked into my hotel, where I'll freshen up a bit and then head for SD to pick up my pass and then...uhm? Go check out Fat City?

It'd be nice to set up some kind of meeting place and time for those arriving on the 18th, pass possessors arriving that day will probably be too late to go on the horticus botanicus tour ( I will for sure), and will have to wait for them to return before finally getting to meet. I want to go to the Cannabis College Auction in the afternoon :smile:


like Dr-D says i'll be arriving approximately 9am on the 18th(this is subject to change depending on funds),,then after a nice train ride to the dam its drop of luggage at the Botel (cant get in room till 2 pm ).then its off over to sd to pick up pass, then it's party time and i dont care where i go
:joint: :canabis: :friends: :biglaugh:


Active member
I am arriving the morning of the 15th. Hoping to get a museum or two in, or the Amsterdam Zoo prior to picking up pass on the 16th at SD.
Any of you early-birds, I will be at NH Centre Hotel, give me a holler, and we will smoke out.
With coffeeshops as first stops of the day, will see how the rest of the day plays out.... :joint:
Counting the days....getting pretty excited :canabis:

Dr. D

Active member
tolerance i wish i had some of that :biglaugh: il be under the table going green white green again then probly passing out :biglaugh:


Active member
I will be in sometime round 10 am on the 16th. im stayin at the Flying Pig, should be a good time, if anyone wants to smoke down let me know, maybe we could set a time and coffee shop and maybe people will show... any suggestions?

It's a month even today, for us. We get in on the 17th @ 8:25 am. Stop at the apt. to drop off the bags and be at the shop by 11:00 to pick up the passes and goody bags.


Well I have never felt so ignored in my life...ya'll go find yourselves another Mentor :D, but be warned...I'm the only one without hairy legs and armpits :biglaugh:


Me and my girl will be there on the 16th before 10:00 am. Check in at the Victoria is not till 2:00 PM which kind of sucks. We will probably try to grab some breakfast and then see if an early checkin is possible. I don;t want to start getting baked until I'm sure our luggage is secured in our room. Definetly will be at SeedsDirect by 3:00 pm tho!

Where is everybody going to be the afternoon/evening of the 16th?

Also, do the hotels get pissed if you smoke herb in the smoking rooms? I'm guessing they don't like it. :mad:

Dr. D

Active member
iv always smoked in all the rooms iv stayed in, but it doesnt matter to me now cuz i always stay at a smoker friendly hotel :joint: i shudnt worry about it wot can thye do but moan at u...


Active member
Hey 900, if you cant check in they might have a secured luggage room to store your stuff so you wont have to carry it round till you get in your room. there will be quite a few of us in on that day or the day before so i think a get together might be in order. personally, im gonna be in on the 16th and Im willin to do somthing in the afternoon or evening, someone suggested Blue Brothers, i sorta like the place, its not high traffic realy, it has a decent smoke, love the hash space shakes, pool table, its not impossiably small, and its pretty close to central station. im open to other suggestions tho. and the time hasnt been set.
as far as smokeing in the rooms go, it depends on the hotel, at the hostel im in you cant smoke in the rooms but you can in the bar downstairs and in the dvd room and chill room. in my friends hotel you can smoke in the rooms but you cant burn incense :)

and BlueV dont feel so ignored, hehhe, half the posts i make are ignored, then again, it could be the hairy legs... tho im not realy hairy at all... <shrug> i think people will be at fat city, since thats the venue i would think thatd be the best place to meet up, only reason im suggestion elsewhere is because we'll be there before it starts(i know its a obvious statement so heres a preemptive no offense ment ;) you wont be alone.... promise.
any idea what they could be auctioning? hehhehe, new meening to the term "High Bidder"



my arrival

my arrival

I will be arriving on the 14th at 5:55 am looks like i will be the first on the ground so far. I will be waiting for all of you at SD. :friends: :wave: :friends:

900 - Most Hotels will have somewhere safe where you can leave your luggage - check with them

but as there is no one at my hotel until 11am i use a left luggage locker at central station (no4 tram stop end) for 5eu - IMO 5eu is a bit expensive - but it beats dragging a suit case around for a couple of hours :wave:

baccas125 - see you at SD on friday - if you can still see after a whole day in amsterdam :biglaugh: (jk)
AlexanderS I sugested the Blues Brothers mainly because it's in front of our hostels. We're all gonna meet at SD I have a feeling. Dutchgrown is far too good a hostess. I find it hard to leave the shop. :smile:

I can't wait to meet you all there.


and BlueV dont feel so ignored, hehhe, half the posts i make are ignored

Don't worry Alex, I'm more of a loner than a social creature and will feel quite fine all by myself :smile: