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what constitutes animal abuse vs being a shitty owner?



A person in my life was basically required to take the doggie of a deceased family member. So, she means well, but she's not a dog person. At all. She's very busy with work, school, etc. that the dog takes a distant back seat. She pays someone to walk the dog for 15 minutes or so twice a week. The dog goes outside to pee 3 or 4 times a day, and basically just sits in a bedroom locked all day. She has food and water, and gets to play with people maybe once or twice a week for a few hours, aside from the 2 or 3 minutes of interaction she gets when she goes outside to pee. FWIW, this is a very, very small dog that, according to google, doesn't need as much exercise as most dogs.

I know dick about dogs, so essentially what I'm asking is how bad of a life is this for the doggie? She isn't abused or fed poorly or in a piss soaked room or anything, she just doesn't get much exercise or interaction. She is treated with love when she is around people, it's just that she's rarely with people...

I'm thinking of taking the thing myself. Thanks for your insight here.


if it's confined to a room all day, yeah ask if you can grab it. But if you mean it's inside all day...meh.


Active member
sounds like she is doing as good a job as she can considering the circumstances.

paying someone to walk a dog that you cant take time for is more than alot of people do.

prolly not the greatest life a dog can have, but could be alot worse....ask if you can take the dog if you can do better or help find it a home where it'll get more attention.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
at least get the dog a playmate. its sad when people have animals
and leave them locked up all day. im sure there is someone out there
who would rather have the dog...because having a pet shouldnt be an
obligation it should be a privilage...
Yea, dogs are social animals. That dog is going nuts. She isn't abusing it exactly, but it sounds like she is probably not in a place in her life to have a dog.

She should adopt it out. If you can give it the attention it deserves, and you want a dog, talk to her about it.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
this is why I say 99% of people should not have dogs or kids, they don't have enough time / knowledge

I guess ask if you can have the dog if that's what you feel, just know what your getting into. dogs are more work then most know and should not be a disposable object... also make sure you have money for vet bills if they arise, my dog developed allergies and now has around $600 a month in meds for life..

good luck with whatever you do


Well-known member
same thing man, anyone w/ half a brain would know how to care for a dog....feed it, make sure it has water and get it outside twice a day...duh


I know dick about dogs, so essentially what I'm asking is how bad of a life is this for the doggie? She isn't abused or fed poorly or in a piss soaked room or anything, she just doesn't get much exercise or interaction. She is treated with love when she is around people, it's just that she's rarely with people...

I would say that's "abuse"


The Hopeful Protagonist
My dogs are spoiled and would run away from that situation at the first sign of daylight. :laughing:

Whom ever said dogs are social animals and need more interaction... +10000000

I wouldn't say that this situation constitutes abuse (I've seen and rescued much worse) but it's certainly not an ideal life for the dog.

Props to the OP for at least giving a sh!t, which is a start.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I've been accused of being hard on my dogs, I demand an instant
reflex from my command to them stopping dead in their tracks, they
pee & poop w/in 30 ft of the centerline of a state highway & a 55mph
speed limit but everyones doing 65+. They sometimes are attracted to
what's happening on the roadway although they ignore it 99% of the
time, it's that deadly 1% I must guard them against. If any of the girls
ignores a command they're scolded harshly enough to keep their mind
right the next time they hear any commands. Springer spaniels are a
flushing breed which means they chase or charge game, my dogs are
keen hunters and so I'm up against instinct on some ocassions, so far
so good as I've not lost a dog to that roadway yet. Four springers w/
two of them raised as pups near that road. A "NO!" stops them dead.

Aside from that info my girls are spoiled rotten, I take them on every
roadtrip type of vacation and allow them to travel on most short day
trips too, good food, healthy treats, excercise and tons of love.......



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
You don't mention any aberrant behavior: destruction of property, relieving itself indoors, excessive barking, ...

More activity would make it happier but, I don't think the dog considers itself abused.


Its not how I treat my dog but it doesnt even rise to a case of neglect,much less abuse.Sounds like they could both be happier without each other but its up to the two-legger to make the move.She could give it to someone that would really love to have her


I'd say most of the responses are right on.

the way you describe the situation is certainly not abuse, and sounds like she's trying harder than many people would to do right by the dog, but as was said upthread, dogs are social animals, the more interaction with them the better.

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