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What brought you to International Cannagraphic?

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
I got linked here a few times from OG. then OG got shut down and I came here to see what happened, still here


What were we talking about?
I received a tip from a friend. Figured I'd give it a try. So far, I'm liking the forums. A lot of good people here. :tiphat:


Active member
Long time OG'er and Cw'er................Joined here when Gypsy first formed the site. Glad this one hasn't been shut down...............
i followed northern farmers stadiums to here if i remember correctly.. i used to be an OG lol.. this sites got the best vert section and its got a quebec canada thread.. winning..


I honestly don't remember, its been so long. But have been here ever since

CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
Heard about this site from another forum. They were talking about how most of the OG members ended up here. So I was inclined to leave the "noob site" forever :).
Surfin' the web, lookin' to grow some cannabis. Googled up "High Times" and U TUBED a whole bunch a shit and finally I linked up to ICMAG. I am still in "SHOCK AND AWE". All my life I have heard "money won't grow on trees". Ahem....WRONG!!!