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What brought you to International Cannagraphic?


Kiss My Ring
clicking on favorites in the browser history of my grandsons laptop brought me here, now i can't figure out how to leave this site...can i just turn off the computer? doh!


clicking on favorites in the browser history of my grandsons laptop brought me here, now i can't figure out how to leave this site...can i just turn off the computer? doh!

Not the way I found the site, but I never expected to become part of some community. I am really not part, nobody knows me here. But the place is full of interesting characters. Funny and smart people here with outlooks that are out of the box so to speak. Kind of fun. Always have a browser open here and just pop in whenever.

I do have a lady coming over though and I will have to turn it off. She is a freak and thinks I will be social networking here without her cognizance


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I was referred here by a good friend and because I don't want any of you to be hating on him for pointing me this way he'll remain nameless for now.......



Active member
google and the suggestion of a helpful budtender in the sfv, thanks again for those $45 1/8s of kush and og kind budtender sir and thank you for the suggestion of icmag and lastly i'm sorry but due to your suggestion i seem to no longer need to frequent your establishment hmmm...


I was on OG for a while when I was a lot younger, around 15-16 and learned the basics of growing there. After a few years of mediocre cultivation, I decided I wanted to take it to the next level, and I found GrassCity forums. All was good there for a couple years, but then it just slowly went downhill with the quality of members, and instead of sharing information it became belittling newbs, mockery, and insults. I didn't know of any better websites at the time.

Then I did a little 60-day stint in a county jail for a public intoxication charge, and ran into a guy who also grew some herb, and was a member on this website. I got out of jail and registered within a week. Found it to be a much better community and source of information than GC. I do still pop into GC now and again to keep in touch with some good people.


A hydroponics store retailer in NoVA pointed me to ICMag. :)

I have stayed to learn all I can, and for the community spirit. :)
ICMag is the best cannabis website on the internet, bar none.



I was pointed in this direction a few years ago by a former board member. Lurked around for a while then decided to join back in Dec after like 3 some years.


honestly it was overwhelming to me at first so i joined a smaller site where a real life friend of mine was a main member. i have lurked the mag for years but a few good guys i know like funkfingers and space case are here and that made me come over. now im ready to get involved over here lots of cool ass peeps and some great shows and breeders so im down!


The canna-bus :)


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livin my way the high way
Saw a link for yukons trash can grow. It blew me away. been all down hill from.there as they say. lol.

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