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What are your tips on seedling care?

My tips for a fool-proof method that gives seedlings an excellent start:

Soak seeds for a few hours in shot glass of water with a drop of H2O2.

Germinate between a few sheets of moist paper towel (two underneath, one over the top) in a tupperware container in a warmish dark spot.

When the root is visible, plant in fine perlite with 3cm of fine vermiculite on top. Place the seed 1cm under, with the curve of the root tip aiming downward, but with the seed itself angled up about 45deg.

Start with quarter strength flowering nutes and move to half after about a week.

Water at least once every two days or as much as you see fit. You can't overwater this media.

Use a decent amount of fluorescent light and don't have it too far away or they will stretch too much. 6 inches is ideal to start.

This one broke the surface under a 125w, 6400K compact flouro.


At three weeks

Cheers :)
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Still Learning
Indeed, which is why I only water with one or the other*, but I suppose I could've made that more clear, rather than confusingly implying I use both at the same time.

I prefer to use enzyme products as they're less likely to shock the system, but peroxide is cheap and readily available, and has filled in the blank effectively for me a few times.

*in truth I actually HAVE watered with both when I was extra paranoid about particularly expensive seeds, figuring that they might knock each other out, but the 'winner' of that conflict was still going to protect my seedlings from damping off.
I didnt look at it like a one, two punch.. reasonable, I guess, if one has a root problem it would be an avenue to explore..


ICMag Donor
My tips for a fool-proof method that gives seedlings an excellent start:

Soak seeds for a few hours in shot glass of water with a drop of H2O2.

Germinate between a few sheets of moist paper towel in a tupperware container in a warmish dark spot.

When the root is visible, plant in fine perlite with 2cm of fine vermiculite on top. Place the seed 1cm under, with the curve of the root tip aiming down, but with the seed itself angled up about 45deg.

Start with quarter strength flowering nutes and move to half after about a week.

Water at least once every two days or as much as you see fit. You can't overwater this media.

Use a decent amount of fluorescent light and don't have it too far away or they will stretch too much. 6 inches is ideal to start.

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Cheers :)

Good way to start em out!
natural high. use seedling soil? right?
No perlite and vermiculite, but I grow my indoor plants in a 60/40 mix of coarse perlite/vermiculite over the whole grow cycle.

For plants destined for outdoor I will pot them up into a high quality soil-based seed raising mix when I move them outside.

Lost in a SOG

To proactively work on damping off, and just for best root biome health, I use mykos, azos and or great white shark innoculant around the seed/ling and on pot up. If i was concerned id also just pour it through the medium until run off a week before putting babies in it. You really just have to try and outcompete pathogens with other microbes.

I also spray babies and soil surface with dilute EM1 twice a week.