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Donkey Lord and the Menacing Salamanders... Artsy flick
Star Wars: Clone Wars -- way more realistic and heady then I would've thought... interesting perspectives, too.
Justice League Unlimited... why, certainly I still watch cartoons... great comfort viewing..
Non Stop... went to the theater but, only watched half... had to pick someone up from the airport. seriously. i avoided watching it for quite a while because I fly and I didn't want to get bad vibes
House of Cards season 2... same ol' stuff... space gets power... loses power... repeat.. plenty of intrigue and human drama... well made.
The Borgias holee crap... super dark but good
..Might go check out Bad Words this weekend

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. Episode 2, called "Some of the Things That Molecules Do."

This show is so damn good. I think it's so good it might even convince some of the "evolution deniers" to change their minds. Neil Degrasse Tyson really is at the same level as Carl Sagan when it comes to making science understandable. Carl is number 1, but Neil is 1A.

A link to Fox where you can watch the show:



Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
The walking dead.
Someone take that kids gun away FFS. And make her walk at the front, I definintely wouldn't want that little nutcase at my back.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Just watched the rest of the walking dead...... Lizzie had to go, but they could have left Mika to carry on with Ty and Carole.

If I had written this episode, I would have had Mika walk in on Lizzie just as she was about to "Change" Judith, and kill her. This would also be a tidy way for Mika to get over her inablilty to kill bad people.
The other way would be Ty or Carole in the same situation, or Ty or Carole finding her about to stab either Ty or Carole in their sleep....

It was Carole's fault. she knew that kid was nuts...she shouldn't ever let her out of her sight.
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Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Just finished watching "The Act of Killing"
From IMDB "A documentary which challenges former Indonesian death-squad leaders to reenact their mass-killings in whichever cinematic genres they wish, including classic Hollywood crime scenarios and lavish musical numbers."

I´ll keep my views to myself but i advise anyone interested in human behaviour to watch it. Very strong stuff almost too strong at times.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
I watched that a few weeks ago. That is one strange country, if the movie's portrayal was accurate. Human behavior is mind boggling.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I watched that a few weeks ago. That is one strange country, if the movie's portrayal was accurate. Human behavior is mind boggling.

I watched it too. Awful fucking people. It was the way they told the stories the same as relating something that happened at the office or wherever...mind boggling is right mate.

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
There was an interesting moment at the end of the film where the main killer who was the focus of the film started puking when he was brought back to that spot where he killed many of his victims. Somehow the reality of what he did managed to affect him a bit. But not much.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I´ve found it deeply sad and poetic at once. The deep contrast between Victors and Defeated ones and how unstable all that was/is.
There were too many impressive scenes for me to mention them all but one of the last ones where a couple of locals playing the role of executed communists thank Anwar Congo for killing them and give him a gold medal for that. Straight after Anwar states how happy and proud he is BECAUSE the waterfall on that scene inspired deep feelings...what the fu**?!?!?

Mind boggling must be a family name for those guys.

And what about the morning TV show with the pretty lady and Anwar?!?
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