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Jennifer's body


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
The Dave Chappelle Show (DVD)
one of the best fuckin shows EVER....sux that its no longer on
Im Rick James, Bitch!!!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

The Twilight Zone (B&W '62)

'Nothing in the Dark'
Gladys Cooper & Robert Redford

From imdb:
Every time I see The Twilight Zone, I become more and more impressed with it! Nothing in the Dark is a story about the most frightening thing known to man; the unknown. The themes of mortality and fear are well felt in a story of an old woman who forces herself to remain in her small tin shack. She remains there through fear; fear that death may claim her. When she finds a young wounded policeman on her doorstep, she faces a dilemma - does she let him in, and risk letting death claim her - or does she let him die? This episode is shot entirely inside one room, and yet never becomes dull or uninteresting. The claustrophobic feel bodes well with the dark plot, and the way that the program takes an age-old fear and spins a story out of it is fantastic.

This is a stone cold rod serling classic, if your cable guide lists all of the shows and info of them be sure to watch this episode, tivo or dvr it for sure, very early Redford, very late Cooper.......


h^2 O

Apollo 13 is on HBO1 at 2 or 3pm - i have the reminder on. First time I'll get to watch it on the plasma - space+weed+plasma=cool

h^2 O


Twilight Zone still and my all time favorite episodes: 'To Serve Man'

i'm watching that right now. it started like 10 mins ago:joint:
EDIT well that was short didnt even catch the "its a cookbook" part
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h^2 O

well i totally missd the beginning of Apollo 13 and the launch. can't set reminder for more than 1 thing i guess
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