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Nothing, I am listening to nothing.

Hello all,

Well, to begin with my stereo of 30 years finally gave up the ghost. The worst part is I was instrumental in its dimise.

I have had this Toshiba 40W stereo reciever that I bought in 1982. It worked great for all these years...daily if not continuously over these years.

Now over this time it developed flat spots onthe dials (ie volume, mode, balance) but i have kept them at bay mostly by cleaning with a electronics componant cleaner that evaporates instantly.

Anyway, my sweet wife and I are moving into our new house located in a small community somewhere around the center of the redwoods.
So as we begin to unpack our stuff, I decided to clean the stereo as I have about 8 times now over the years. I grabbed what I thought was an aerosol cleaning fluid (trichloralethaylate) turned out to be gun cleaning solvent.

Well, when I plugged her in the next day nothing...I opened it up and there was significant melting of plastic parts and the selector switch was frozen in place.

I phuqued up my stereo...I am so bummed.



Damn, bummer man^^^^. Listening to Govt Mule live at Hammerstein Ballroom 12/31/08. I was at the show as well but can't really remember all of it...................


Natty Ruler - Tubby revenge

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Active member
Hello all,

Well, got a new stereo on its way. I have the tracking number and should be here by Friday.

Merry Christmas to me! Besides, the kids braces can wait...lol, j/k.



Active member
Hello all,

Its here, its here.

Its all hooked up and in place been playing for about 2 hours now.

I was sad when my very old stereo took a dump. I was very close to that stereo.

Well, sometimes saying goodbye to the past and hello to the future is a good thing.

My new stereo (Insignia R201 - cheap - 85 after taxes) rocks...

It has a remote and the sound is clean and crisp. No static when changing the dial and is twice the output power.

All is well in my music world.


PS. I am soo happy hehehehehehe, its here it here.
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