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What are these?


Well-known member
Hey guys please help before it's too late!!

So I found these bugs just destroying my cilantro plant
today and right next to it is my budding plant(4 weeks)
but there are zero bugs on it.

I moved the infected cilantro plant away from my bud plant but I'm afraid that when they get done with that one they'll just migrate to the rest of the garden.

So what are they and how do I kill them?
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Well-known member
Anyone? Second attempt outdoors so I have no idea what these things are. Indoors is so much easier when it cimes to leeping bugs off your crop!

Dog Star

Active member
Bro i dont sees proper that bugs.. you need to made more focused pictures,close ups.


Well-known member
Rgr that

Looks like afults are black
Youngsters are white
And the white stuff is the shedded skin or something

See the rest of the attachments
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Dog Star

Active member
Looks like aphids but still i dont have clean shot of grown up bug so i am not
100% sure..


Well-known member
I agree with the aphids but it is hard to tell from the pictures for a positive ID. Try a little insecticidal soap, Safers, etc.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Just hit them hard with the hose. Usually works well for aphids, white flies etc. I wouldn't worry, just blast em.


Well-known member
Knocked those little fuckers right off! Haha well that worked great for the cantro plant but I wouldnt wanna do that to my bud plant. Thnks


Well-known member
The water shower may have knocked them off but a lot of them probably survived to scurry back or elsewhere. Aphids are soft bodied and that’s why an insecticidal soap works well to bump them off with little long term residual on the plants, the residue will rinse off with a rain or water spray.

I don’t have major problems with aphids here outdoors, there are a lot of beneficials that keep them in check. I did have a problem one time when I over wintered a chili pepper and probably didn’t decontaminate it well enough when I brought it in. It was also somewhat neglected, not keeping an eye on it. Being the plant was probably stressed a bit and without the natural predators those little suckers really multiplied.


Well-known member
The water shower may have knocked them off but a lot of them probably survived to scurry back or elsewhere. Aphids are soft bodied and that’s why an insecticidal soap works well to bump them off with little long term residual on the plants, the residue will rinse off with a rain or water spray.

I don’t have major problems with aphids here outdoors, there are a lot of beneficials that keep them in check. I did have a problem one time when I over wintered a chili pepper and probably didn’t decontaminate it well enough when I brought it in. It was also somewhat neglected, not keeping an eye on it. Being the plant was probably stressed a bit and without the natural predators those little suckers really multiplied.

Never used insecticidal soap but I'm scared to add anything to my flowering plant, will this residue wash off? Can I rinse it off like a week later or something?
My cilantro plant was being attacked on the new shoots, I think the bastards were in the soil since I used recycled soil. So far I havent seen a recurrence but I will keep a close eye just to make sure.

Thanks for the suggestion, I will look for that soap on amazon.:tiphat:


Well-known member
Most of my growing for flower is done outdoors and I haven’t really had too many insect problems other than some caterpillars and grasshoppers. I haven’t had to use soaps on the outdoor cannabis but have used them in the vegetable garden. I’ve also used them with plants I keep in veg indoors. Most soaps are potassium salts of fatty acids and can be used up to the day of harvest for veggies. Safers is also OMRI listed.

Soaps are contact killers so the bugs have to be hit directly. It will rinse off the plants with rain or a spray. Probably a good approach would be not to use late in flower and make sure they get a good light rinse or 2 or 3 after the last use.


Well-known member
Harvested early today at about 7-1/2 weeks. Trichs were mostly clear and more amber than cloudy for whatever reason.

Harvested early due to caterpillars. I saw one leaf on one of my buds just die randomly...I was like wtf!! So at first I thought bud rot was to blame but upon closer inspection I saw the cat pellets...those fuckers were hiding on the inside of the buds!! They ravaged 2 out if my 3 main colas but I caught them in time and only lost a couple of grams due to meticulous removal of cat poop with tweezers and a jewelers loupe....took me 2 hours.

Anyone know how to prevent them?

Dog Star

Active member
Buy a Pit-Bull maybe...

cat feces can be infected by Toxoplasmosis or some other
disease... not good to smoke or play around mouth with those buds..


ICMag Donor
Cat/dog repellent...
Comes as a granular to place where you don't want the animals going.


Well-known member
It’s been a terrible set of circumstances...first I find worms on the bud the same day some relatives from out of the country decide to visit us for a week. So I had to harvest right before they got here. Then I had to rig a drying box in 20 minutes to avoid the odor. Then I found mold on one of my biggest buds so I had to break it apart and lost a few more grams of bud....now I just hope I have time to check on them so I dont over dry them.