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What are some successful strategies for a proper introduction to MJ

What are some successful strategies for a proper introduction to MJ

  • Leave them alone as long as they are cool about it.

    Votes: 23 60.5%
  • Try to get them to try it.

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • Break up, and find somebody who already tokes.

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 7.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Invertebrata Inebriata
I got the idea for this thread from another thread, but I think it's something we'd all like to know about.

What are some success stories about introducing a friend or significant other to the joys of getting high? What are some proven failed ways, so we can learn from each others' mistakes?

Basically, if you're a guy who partakes, and in a relationship with a woman who doesn't, what can you do to a) get her interested in the idea of toking, and b) have a very pleasant first experience that's going to help her have a positive attitude about the next time.

Or, should you just forget the whole thing, and either live with your lady as she is, or find somebody who already partakes?

Here we go!


I don't hav a lot of good ways other than by example. I am better with, and so are my patients.
Bad ways? 2 'dudes' get a lady too high then play on all the side effects. She'd drift,they'd change the topic of convers. Cotton mouth? Had her scratch snow from a snowbank. Paranoia? Leavin town a car was doin a U-turn ahead of them so the as says"oh its the cops an they kno u r high". She tried to bet in the glove box, and when that didn't work she hit the floor n hid under the mat. Funny huh?
She recently died of cancer and would not avail herself of cannabis as medicine. Not so funny now.


If you are a grower of merit? Show her the $$$$$. The honey's love the money's. Seein a lot of rethinkin on their part as we come out of the closet and grow as a business.IMMHO


If you are a grower of merit? Show her the $$$$$$. The honey's love the money's. Seein a lot of rethinkin on their part as we come out of the closet and grow as a business.IMMHO

You nailed it

Sorry women, but i've witnessed my mother allow her husband to beat her children for the comfort the rich husband offered.

both parents apart from felony beatings and alcholisim were straight arrows.

my choices about cannabis have caused them to stop communicating with me because they don't accept the way i live my life. he left us a few years ago but i remained cut off from any communication.

it bothered me alot and i always thought maybe i could get on with her w/o him so i recently contacted her after another difficult holiday season alone.

i was immideatly accused of needing money by the whole family who also shut me out, but they all chimed in to tell me what a peice of shit i was and they didn't owe me anything.

first i never asked for anything except an apology for them being so dam judgemental. i have enough cash and don't NEED more and i told them the reason because i don't bullshit anybody. I'm a good grower!!!

Of course they all slammed me again but we were ready to move on.

I recently got divorced well a few years ago but it still seems recent. she always was happy with what ever strech i made with the law as long as it earned money and she would never be implicated.

no surprise, she left me because she NEEDED more money than i thought was willing to bust and risk my ass for.

but the real kicker comes when i tell my mother i am selling my business (my grow all my tools and the things i Hope i won't need on the new path) and enrolling in a music school to have some change and possibly better myself.

i've earned a fair bit of money as a dj in the past so it isn't a real stretch that i will be able to kick it off again, i'm confident and expressed this while telling her my descision to stop growing.

I really thought that would bring us closer and give her reason to respect my choice.

i received no words of encouragement and only a steep warning that she couldn't afford to help me if i ran out of money.

Wow!!! you would have to know her to understand how messed up that is. she follows every law to the T she is a high standing member of the eastern star (the womens branch of freemasons) so one of those APPARENT real do gooder upstanding citizen types.

he was also the same APPARENT do gooder. respected grand master in his lodge yet in the basement of his own home he beat and whipped his children for 15 years

she also has millions of $$$ and lives like it

I now wonder if as an airline pilot back in the day did my dad smuggle coke or something else to get all those millions.

he always said he was a savvy investor.

Alot of personal shit i needed to void and the OP and Paladin420 set it up perfect, Thanks!!!

It's the money & comfort that matter more than anything else to most women.

Sad Truth!!!


I voted "other".
A woman must be a toker to get past the dating phase with me. :D
There is no "how do I deal with this" later on.


New member
I've tried (unsuccessfully) to turn girlfriends / friends into tokers. If your over the age of about 20 I feel like people have already made their minds up about it. This is why my best friends smoke, and any future girlfriend MUST be at the least, an occasional smoker

John Deere

Active member
No need to convince anyone of anything, especially our vices. I'll offer to share but no pressure one way or the other. I smoke, some of my friends smoke, others don't. We all make our own choices. No big deal.


Active member
If it's someone I'm truly interested in, and they're interested in me, I let them know right up front, I smoke a lot of weed, and I think the laws against it are outrageous.
If it's going to be a deal breaker, you find out right away(never has been for me, just some disapproval at worst) otherwise they end up coming around in time, and turning into stoners themselves.

This way you avoid any hassles down the road, like getting caught by them smoking/growing a few months into the relationship, and having a tense talk about it then.

Talk about it upfront, when you're in the honeymoon phase of the relationship, and everything the other person does is still cute, and not annoying yet.

They can never say they didn't know you smoke at lot of weed, and had no intentions of stopping, when they got into the relationship.


Active member
I just told my non-toking wife of many years that its better than pills and everything is cool , except she worries a little about the law.
1. Loosen her up with ONE glass on wine.
2. Take out a pipe OR joint and light it up.
3. Pass her the doohickey.
4. If she refuses, do not push it or even discuss it and do not blaze it by your lonesome.
5. If she accepts inform her about the great herb and get some food and water. Watch Pink Floyd's The Wall or Apocalypto or series one of Trailer Park Boys.

Good Luck Buddy


What were we talking about?
I smoke cannabis . . . my wife does not. Never has.

We're coming up on our 30th anniversary. Live and let live. As long as both folks have that attitude, it's not a problem.


New member
I smoke cannabis . . . my wife does not. Never has.

We're coming up on our 30th anniversary. Live and let live. As long as both folks have that attitude, it's not a problem.

Very cool that your lady is cool like that. My ex didn't smoke & claimed she was cool with it... but I could tell she felt left out when the homies were over & we had the smoke circle goin. This was later proven when she got mad about having to "tolerate" my smoking habits. Guess it just depends on the lady! I always live & let live, but still lookin for the lady that feels the same

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
smoking is perceived as dirty by a lot of people. grease her up with a few drinks and bring out the vape.


Invertebrata Inebriata
So far, the consensus (58% of poll responders) seems to be "Leave them alone as long as they are cool about it."
There's still one more day to vote, so speak your mind, by posting, and by voting in the poll. And if ya don't, fuck ya. ')


in the thick of it
my wife doesn't smoke and she's known about it from the top. we've been together for seven years and all is great. she doesn't ask anything and I don't tell her anything weed related, that way, if she ever went to trial, she wouldn't have to lie under oath. i am very blessed to have an honest woman who lets me be me. tell your friend to be honest with her and if she cant live with it....she needs to move along.


Well-known member
I told my g/f straight up when we met 16 years ago. She doesn't toke, but doesn't care if I do. I do have to go outside or in the garage, as it causes her to have panic attacks.

Small price, really.



I agree, you are blessed

I think it's awesome that a person can smoke and that person's partner doesn't but is okay with it

I understand if the person isn't though, thr the plant is illegal in many countries and can bring some harsh penalties to the whole family...

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