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What amount of herb do you have when you say "I am out of pot"?


aka "Doc"
Everyone is different but we all experienced the horrible feeling of being "out of pot"...but how much is "out"? When you are down to the last mason jar (1-2 ounces), down to the last bud (1+ gram), when you look under the couch for any dropped/fallen buds, or when you eyeball the bong goo for a possible hit?

Wifey and I collect wine and when the cellar is under 100 bottles, she behaves as if we are down the last bottle and says "no wine tonight, let's save it for another day". Same with pot...when we have half dozen mason jars of herb (each a different harvest) nothing is said...but when we have just one mason jar...she nearly rations out the herb..."don't smoke all of it, gotta save some for tomorrow" she tells me. LOL.

When I was a consumer--out for me was when I had less than a weeks worth left...time to get more. But as a cultivator--out for me is when I am down to a single mason jar with harvest day more than four weeks away--so I guess out for me is when I get down to 1 zip--like now (harvest is 3 weeks away and 3/4 mason jar of herb).

Now, anyone know how to get rid of a commercial jingle that is stuck in your head?...when I get low/out of pot, the jingle "when you are out of Schlitz you are out of beer" usually pops up in my head....LOL.

How much is "out" for you?


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
When I'm out of pot, I say I am out of pot. Thankfully, I haven't had to utter those words in ages.

Many times though I've found myself saying, "Shit man, I'm almost out of pot." or "Babe, you need to chill, I'm almost out of pot."


aka "Doc"
What's "out of pot"?

Perceived outage....may not always mean "really out"--but your innerself says, "hey we are almost out--better cutback--or else." You know--that magic threshold that causes a "behavioral change" within yourself to consume less herb (or not share)...cuz your "out".


Active member
When I have no more primo and I'm smoking older pot from a previous grow or two. Once pot is cured to the max I smoke the best bud first and save any secondary grade for 'out of pot'.


Hi ho here we go
I really haven't thought about that for a number of years :dance013:

If I do get close to running out I'll head to the local club :tiphat:

That would probably be down to my last jar :woohoo:


Active member
For me it depends which friend is asking...we all have our preferred peeps list..lol dj


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
This phrase "out of pot" is foreign to me...........I do feel anxious when I have less than 2 units of fire.

Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey everyone,

To me being out of pot is not having a thing to smoke

Which has not happened for a while !

Thankfully !



Active member
I tend to start freaking out when I'm down to 10 grams of hash and/or a couple ounces of bud.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I get down to less than a gram about 1 day a month. I hate running out and made a priority of always purchasing buds like groceries


if it smells like fish
I don't count hash ..still got prob 18 grams or so....I don't smoke hash/oil much. I actually like buds better


Active member
ICMag Donor
I haven't run out in a long time. Not since the 90s. I'm taking a break from growing for the next year or two, but I won't run out. I have enough bud, hash, tinctures, and capsules to last for a while.