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What am I doing wrong here?


Active member
Hello all,

Has anyone considered the calcium carbonate and salts you also put in with the ash- I would wager you have a high pH and are having lockout issues.

I used to use ash water (lye) for a pH up-PITA and messy.

To obtain the potash from ordinary ash, you must leach it out and through a chemical process seperate the calcium carbonate. Fortunately, calcium carbonate is not water soluable so simply mixing with water will seperate the calicum cabonate fromteh other soluables including sodium cloride and other salts. A further refinement is needed to obtain teh wanted chemical.

Here see for yoruself- I did.

Whatever we extract from wood ashes must be there to begin with. Wood ashes are a complex heterogeneous mixture of all the non-flammable, non-volatile minerals which remain after the wood and charcoal have burned away. Because of the presence of carbon dioxide in the fire gases, many of these minerals will have been converted to carbonates. Burned soil may also be present. So the ashes probably contain predominately sodium and potassium carbonate, sodium and potassium chloride, silica, and calcium carbonate.

If we add the ashes to water, the soluble potassium and sodium salts will dissolve while the insoluble silica and calcium carbonate will settle to the bottom. We can then drain off the water (containing the "good stuff") and throw the insoluble material away. To separate the chlorides from the soluble carbonates, we will exploit the greater solubility of the carbonates in hot water. We will bring the liquid to a boil and continue boiling until enough water boils away for an insoluble precipitate to form. This is very likely a mixture of sodium and potassium chloride. From this point, we will continue boiling until half of the remaining water is removed. At this point we can be reasonably certain that only the soluble carbonates remain in solution. We will carefully pour off the hot liquid into another container, leaving the solid material behind. As the liquid cools to room temperature, the less soluble sodium carbonate will precipitate leaving the more soluble potassium carbonate in solution. Finally, the remaining solution can be drained off and boiled to dryness, producing solid potassium carbonate.




So my ph is wrong 6.5 – 6.8 first one veg pots second is bloom more ash = higher ph water is 6.5 I am going to stop top dressing and use teas instead. I just had LOTS of holes in my buckets for air and added lava rock for the critters so didn't think I needed to. The water is fresh from a pond with waterfall 24" 400gph figured that with some molasses was plenty. but teas aren't hard so no sweat.


Minds I
Thank you so much this is what I'm looking for, help not flames. You and Relik are true heros and all should be hummbled by you.


Jackson_Slade said:
Minds I
Thank you so much this is what I'm looking for, help not flames. You and Relik are true heros and all should be hummbled by you.
PS Just love your "What are you listening to" thread


Before sign off for the night I'll add this food for thought....

Every bag of soil, bottle of goop that you buy was made by "man". It don't fall from the skies or anything like that. He may be using organic materal or not it don't matter still made by "man". Just like I am no better then him, he is no better then me. Smarter don't make you better just smarter.

Someone well known wrote "give a man a fish feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish feed him for life".

Don't know about you but I what to know how to fish
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CaptJamesTKirk said:
was your dad growing reefer?

And bubba,,
- I know some pretty fair gardeners and farmers -
they cant grow weed for shit.

And I can't grow anything but


if what your doing ain't worken - - it might pay to change tatics, because your an idiot if you expect to get better results using the same tatics.

I am not a newbie as far as grows go, just a newbie at organics. Have bought one bag in over three years didn’t need it, wanted it for the beans the same beans I planted to maybe replace mom with real fruity tasting little stronger buzz on than what I got. (didn’t trust him to just ask for a few beans). The few folks that have smoked with me what to know were I got mine from ‘cus it’s better then what’s on the streets most of the time, I just tell them “It’s who ya know”.

Who's the idiot here me trying to learn how too make my own fertilizer?
What are you learning, you just go buy a bag of dirt, Oh I see now, your learning to drive. Good job my friend.

I only seen one 3 foot plant in your gallery, you got two pounds off that, you are truely a god. But as far as weight goes I haven't ever weighted any of harvests I go by the quart jars I average 5 to 6 quarts four times a year. Only use a like 4 1\2 of them between show. More then I need already....
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**AWD** Aficianado
Ok a :hotbounce topic.

Alright here it is from my perspective.
BTW I loved that post about spending and our reliance on the man, I wanted to screan amen after reading it.

There are a few things working against you, the first is your applying outdoor garden concepts to a soil in pots application.
Hair and even ash are fine, incidently your own urine makes a fabulous fert, great source of N, drink lots of water before using it and water it down maybe 10:1.

BUT, you have to composts non-soluble solid ammendments such as hair or even blood meal, feeding these items to your worms and then using alot of that compost is a great way to make it availble quickly.
When growing in pots you need a better balanced environment and a 3 month compost for hair is a little short, your father prob. gave them the whole winter, a good composting will help buffer the alkalinity of ashes but i recommend using eggshells or ground fishbone in your vermicompost for Ca and Mg if using less dolomite lime.
A very good quality vermicompost supplies alot of N, so I would skip the hair in the pots and use it in the compost.

Mother plants can eventually fill the pots and exhaust their soils resources if they get too big.
Use a bonsai mother technique and prune about 1" of roots or more around the edge of the present rootzone and give her some new soil rich in EWC.
Then I would water her twice in the same day with an activated and aerated tea to reset the soil population.
Reefer feeds agressively, it has a short life span once flowered and requires ALOT of elements, and ounce of bud represents alot of elements from the soil synthesized by the plant.
This being said these types of crops get unbalanced quickly, the ratio of soil elements to each other is very important so if you feed 20/20/20 to a Nitro hog like a MJ plant in veg then you'll have a buildup of P and K.
I'm sure you already know this but just to clarify.
Ashes are very High release, that's why the K number is so high, it is quickly availble and can stunt the plant if it's root zone is not big enough to use it quick enough with respect to the other soil elements, you could be seeing K burn.
I would feed the ground peels to the worms and keep a seperate wormbin for flowering compost and feed P and K rich goodies like banana peels etc.
Keep coffee grounds for an N rich veg compost ...you get the idea.

Like my boy Relik said check out the OFC thread for NPK value of compostable items.

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**AWD** Aficianado
MI great post, I'm always weary of using uncomposted ash but carbonates...do they composted as well or what??
Shit more googling, can you post that in the OFC please :smile:



Suby said:
MI great post, I'm always weary of using uncomposted ash but carbonates...do they composted as well or what??
Shit more googling, can you post that in the OFC please :smile:

For sure spent quite a while reading that info....


What I've learned so far....

Yes I was useing outside concepts my bad, but that's why I'm here. For someone to point that out, not just flame me.

I need to find another N source, more casting for right now. Start eating more apples for the K and feed them skins to the worms instead of the oranges which this skins the worms just don't like.

Start a new worm farm for the fruit skins and some bloodmeal for a treat. I was already feeding them bonemeal as a part of there treat mix but I'm going to cut that out in the old bin.

But I'm still going to try a little less lemon ash (boiled, cooled and filtered now) 0/6.33/1.0 in my bloom tea because I'm not having any trouble in that room you can all most see them smile after I've give them some.

Lots more reading for sure.....
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As for the urine, I didn't what to add that because of not wanting to add fuel to the flames. When I said I tried add more food that is what I had tried. Because of some of the things I eat and drink for my kidneys I knew it would be HOT so I mixed it 2 oz to a gallon 64:1 but it still started to burn the tips so I stopped. I realy think now that even thou they weren't showing signs of burn that I'm realy OVER feeding them atleast P/K and will cut down on that and add some more N.
i would never use urine on a plant. kinda gross in my opinion. i mean i might as well pour me a glass of it while watering and chug it! yuk.... my plant is not r kelly


WeedKrazy420 said:
i would never use urine on a plant. kinda gross in my opinion. i mean i might as well pour me a glass of it while watering and chug it! yuk.... my plant is not r kelly
Then by all means do not use it.

Below is just me taking it out on someone else. And I am sorry.
Preaty well known if you ever smoked Mexi brick you already smoke weed grown with urine any Mexican grown veggies from the store for that matter....
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Below is just me still taking it out on someone else. And I am sorry.
Knew I throw a log into that fire with that post. Let's not forget lots of cities still mix "grey water" into the system. So you could be drinking everybodies urine and then some.
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Active member
Jackson_Slade said:
Who's the idiot here QUOTE]

If ya gotta ask -

Jackson_Slade said:
I only seen one 3 foot plant in your gallery, you got two pounds off that, you are truely a god. QUOTE]

And where the hell did I say that was a 2 lb plant - I didn't - your tiny little brain took the notion and you can't control it. Again. still?
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I LOVE you, but I love each and every person it's just my nature. How any man can hate another is beyond my grasp. I think maybe you just need a free hug. I hope one day you'll free yourself of your demons and at last be truely free in spirit.


Suby, Minds I or Relik

It has come to time for water, you think sould I flush or just go with the changes. I am just going to add a water, EWC and molasses tea. No one answered me on the PH 6.5 soil / water ok? or should I try to change that also?


Found the my answer on the PH, and maybe on the flush I'm not going to do it this time at least. Just adding the tea for now we'll see how that goes.

By looking at the seedlings that I transplanted into this soil a few weeks back I think I just got poor cuttings from mom and shouldn't have replaced her with one. Dang it! :badday: