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What about Purple Kush?



So what about Purple Kush.. I see it mentioned from time to time, but never talked about like GDP or Erkel. Does anyone grow this strain or know much about it....other than good luck getting it.

I would like to see and hear anything about it that you can contribute.

Thanks - Jenn


Active member
ive got the las vegas purple kush. unfortunately many people have renamed plants purple kush just because it had a tendency to have a purple tinge.

our purple kush does turn purple, it has a grapey taste and a kush taste. its almost like bubba kush crossed with mendo purps. it has this grapey candy kushy taste. heres a shot of her, its kinda hard to tell but under all that frost she is purple lol


ive got the las vegas purple kush. unfortunately many people have renamed plants purple kush just because it had a tendency to have a purple tinge.

our purple kush does turn purple, it has a grapey taste and a kush taste. its almost like bubba kush crossed with mendo purps. it has this grapey candy kushy taste. heres a shot of her, its kinda hard to tell but under all that frost she is purple lol

so are mine... real deal..not a cash-crop.. but gooooooddd !


Thats a beauty Sneaky!! Was she hard to get a hold of? Ive never heard it refered to as Las Vegas before....


ICMag Donor
Like what, Grape or something completely different?

i read "soap" taste,,,,but ive not got it.....someone had some at the 420 cup ,i believe

some dudes i know on icmag said it was special...


Soap!!!! I dont think I'd care for that....childhood memories......
Garbage...pure garbage. It is the SLOWEST growing plant on the face of the earth. It's nice, but definately not nice enough to justify growing if you have grown out GDP, Urkle, or any other purps that may be annoyingly slow as well, but not excruciatingly painful like PK.

It got a big name because it was widely available in the Bay Area and was the only heady cut alot of people could get a hold of. It is nice smoke. Yeah, kushy and purply...earthy...maybe metallic...which is where I could see the soapy. I've seen it go edifferent ways depending on the grower...and I've seen alot of people grow it. Good if you have ALOT of patience, and can wait 3.5-4 months to get 1 oz of nice heady purple kush.


So it only yields about an ounce a plant huh....thats pretty bad, but I guess if its just for you it would be alright. I wonder why it grows so slow? This is something I have never heard about it.


ICMag Donor
ive had a pheno of PotOfGold that tasted soapy.....soapy hash,,,but strong Afghani Black hash

maybe its the same,,i duno,,,sounds similar tho


New member
the PotOfGold is a breadwinner there englishrick. i wish i had a cutting of that. I have been growing Purple Kush for some time now. I agree Its a very slow growing plant but it produces very solid cola arms so if done right it gives a good yield. I'm getting about 1.5-2oz per plant on canna coco medium. and because this is a short plant instead of doing 40 plants i am dripping 64 plants placed 8x8 on a track (2 gallon pots) (4000w) total). = good yield. Not to mention the price for kush is higher. The cutting during the harvest is easier because of the solid nugs and the smoke is better!! In my book this is a worthy strain


Active member
purple kush isnt that slow when u compare it to bubba kush or urkle, but still no where near as fast as ecsd. and yes it is a pretty low yeilder, in the same league as bubba kush as far as low yeilding


Well-known member
to my knowledge it seems this lvpk is the best representation available these days

im much interested myself but noone claims to hold original pk

pk was a staple in gaberville till 84

supposed origin was a find from a vet outside of petrolia area
also in the 80's the panther gap area of southern humbolt tended som o.pk

its been said the gb pk is som bomb smoke but not the real dukey

were she at?resinryder

resin ryder has one of the most unique standout representation of pk ive seen id lov to hear more details bout her

their r numerous thyread on pk over 30 thirty i bet much info n debate

will the real purple kush stand up is one of my fav pk thread check rr pics

but no debate that many claim to smoke/grow pk n claim of lemon or pinesol b.c pk r far from our original just caz a kush has slight purp its pk wrong
orignal pk blows the dooors off all other kush ive smoked



This strain does sound nice, but it seems so rare that it has to be impossible to get. I didnt realize it dated back to the early 80's. Are ther any more pics of this strain?


The revolution will not be televised.....
PK is everywhere out here and not that rare at all. The real deal thats hidin in the hills is one of the most stunning plants I have ever seen! It is beautiful on every level for sure. It also is a slow grower which could be from the age of the clone and no real breeding her out. She is in effect pure and very old. There are so many cuts and hybrids that you should be able to get a hold of one with relative ease. You can even get seeds now if you know where to look. A true elite she will not be a cash cropper ever but if done right she can do better than a ounce per thats for sure. And the high is one of my favorites of all time so you can see my bias. She is always easliy the most popular herb amongst friends. Good luck with the hunt!

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