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What a trip...tell me yours


Hello all

I know this is a Cannabis based website but i've written down recent experiences i've had with psycodelics because id like to remember my experiences years later and i'd like to see if others relate or have other stories they'd like to share.

I do not do anything but cannabis anymore but i do believe you can get alot of insight and spiritual awakenings on alot of substances and i'd love to here other experiences.

Sorry they are so long so if you don't like to read this may not interest you. please keep this civil as i know everyone has different opinions on spituallity and using drugs.

Hope you all enjoy

My 1st experience of SHROOMS and SALVIA

its around 2006 if i remember correctly, ive just picked up my 1st bag of shrooms. Inside i see what are told to me are called gold caps and stems with silver flakes and blueish bruses on them with dust like shake all over the bottom of the bag. i weight out about a 8th ea. for me and a friend and we start to eat them.
the stems taste like sunflower seeds that have already been chewed and spit out and the caps the same taste but with a nasty feeling of black flakes on my tongue i wash them down with a XXX vitamin water...

we head up to the mountain roads i like to go drive around and blaze in. the scenary is great mountains and trees cows and quails around the roads. we park and i roll a blunt of some lemon kush/blueberry/sensi star and another lemon kush/ erkle i loved mixtures at the time. So i spark the L/B/S up 1st and we set down the street cruising at about 5mph no one in sight this is why i loved these roads. we finish the blunt and i'm as happy as i always get after a good smoke i've almost forgotten that we had just taken shrooms about 30mins before..

i'm listening to bone thugs and harmony weed song and i'm in total bliss...i'm starting to feel alittle weird my lips feeling different and my hands feeling almost fuzzy...i'm starting to sweat now...my hands and face feel like i'm leaking but i'm not drenched in sweat...
next song comes on its andre nickatina and mac dre some bay area rappers i enjoyed as a kid...the musics beat increases and starts to get more bass ,as the beat changes i start seing colors blend together and then become there own, things seem like there alive and have there own feelings of mood and color...everytime the beat would change the colors of trees and plants around me would change with it...

the tall grass on the hills seem to become waves of themselves and i see things running through them. this is very beautiful to me but i start to feel some kinda of paranoia..i've never felt or seen anything like this before but somehow i feel pretty amazing...things start to get overwelming and my girlfriend whos driving lights up another blunt of what i had rolled before some lemon kush and purple erkle the smell in the air is calmin me down but i'm so messed up i don't even think of grabbing for the blunt...
my girlfriend passes it my way and i take a hit unfortunantly i didnt like the taste as it tasted as if i was inhaling fire with no trace of the good tastes i usually taste from these strains...so i pass it to the back to my friend and he declines because he is tripping to much and is laying back with his hood over his face...we are making our way out of the roads and coming back into neighborhoods as the sunlight shines through the windows of the car i see children riding bikes and birds flying overhead...

we stop at a T in the road as we wait for traffic and i'm looking into bushes infront of a wall beside the car...i don't know at 1st what i'm seeing it seems like these bushes are alive but arent bushes at all...instead of seing the bush i see the negative space betweens its branches...we head down the road and i'm beginning to calm down alittle i start to understand what i'm seeing even though it doesn't make sense things seem in some way clear as day...

we are now in town and pulling up to a mcdonalds i had to go bathroom very bad so i go inside...idk why i thought this would be ok but i go in anyways i get out of my car and somehow i feel like my face is right up against the wall of mcdonalds when i'm pretty sure i'm just walkin normally up to the door...

i go inside and the bathroom doors are locked i wait a few secs and out of the girls room comes a well known hermaphrodite that works there. he/she looks at me and smiles and tells me to use the girls room i don't say anythng and just go in...if she/he can use the girls room they shouldn't mind me using it i thought...
i go in and stand up and start to urinate as the toilet fills with urine i see the color of the floor turn the same color...every little dark spot on the tiles below me start to rotate as the floor seems to fill with my urine...as messed up as i was i knew i wasnt filling up the bathroom with piss so i finishd up and flushed...

i now turn around and look into the mirror...i look at myself and feel as if i'm lookin at someone i feel i knew but did not feel like it was me...as i look in the mirror the room behind me expands and i'm now in a huge bathroom i quickly leave before i get stuck and go to the point of no return.

i get back in my car and we drive down to a 7 11 i'm so thirsty i get out before thinking about all the people thatd be inside. as i walk inside i get a beautiful glow of everything around me the gatoraid and sodas glisten and fill the store with colors i walk by everyone not tryin to cause attention as people seem to not notice i'm trippin balls...i go to the counter by a few different drinks and hurry out as quikly as possible..

we drive down the street and end up at a good friends house...we go inside and let everyone know that me and my friend are on shrooms they don't mind and ask whats up ? lets blaze. i tell them to go get my backpack and to bring me my cannabis...

we go outside and the hallucinations continue i now see reflections of the metal roof above me. the floor seems to have aztec calenders rotating below my feet. i feel like if i step on a space i will start moving with them but i do not...the holes in the concrete seem to be leaking blueish purple ink and the puddles of this ink start to grow n shrink back into the floor...my friend brings me back to somewhat reality by sayin so whats up lets get down spark it up...i get my little zong and pack a bowl...everything is beautiful and i'm now about 2hours in...

i try playing pool on the pool table in the backyard...i'm usualy quite good but at this time things seem to be moving to much to concentrate on placement on the balls so we go inside...we start watching t.v things seem so different my thougts on certain jokes on t.v start to seem more vast and my understanding about why things are funny starts to change...i lay there with my girlfriend as my friends try trippin me and my friend out....

my good friend we call uncle bill comes home and he starts laughin askin me how i'm doing and making funny voices and laughs he asks were the weed at so i prepare to roll a blunt he throws in on it and i start to break things up...my hands so sweaty that it makes things difficult so i let my girl do it...i start to try and roll and it begins to become very difficult. i put bud in the blunt and bring it up to my mouth it looks big then i stop look away and look back and its way to thin...i reopen it and add more....same thing happens...
the doorbell rings and just so happens the cops are here...no1 answers the door...and in a flash i hide the bud and the blunt...then poking his head through a side window a sheriff says hello does no1 know how to answer the door? my boy jumps up and says get the fuck out of my backyard and they come around to the front door...luckily uncle bill was just being served papers for a restraining order from his brother long story but things were ok and they left...

everyone pissed off at the cops being let in the backyard by the family drunk...we all let out a sigh of relief and everyone asks were did that blunt go...i dont know and i start to look around can't find it then i sit down n it comes to me its under the couch right beneath me...we laugh and spark it up...

then something scary happens uncle bills sister in law enters the room and as she walks by me her face turns into what would seem like death...her face gets darker and caves in as if she was deteriorating...i found out a year later that she had cancer...this still confuses me til this day of what i actually saw...

the nights calms down and we all go home i lay and hold my girl all night thinking wow what a day this has been...that was my 1st real experince with shrooms and was the beginning to a long enjoyable relationship up until a few years ago
hope you enjoyed the trip


Its the year 2007 and i've just picked up salvia from a local smoke shop. i'm sitting in my friends garage.I read the package it says use with caution and don't try this extract if you haven't tried salvia before...the package says XXX supost to be 60x extract. of course me thinking that i've done shrooms on many occasions and this is legal so how crazy could it be.

my friend brings out his 5ft glass bong and we all sit down in a circle as they wait for me to smoke it for the 1st time. None of us had tried this but weve all seen the videos on youtube. So me being the most experienced i go 1st.

I read the package it says 1/10 doses out of a gram. so i grab my scale and pour it on. it goes to .2 so i take alittle off.i'm guessing its now a .19 ha thinkin thats ok i grab some of my blue dream and pack a bowl in the bong and pour the salvia on top. I always smoke cannabis when ever doing psycodelics because it calms me down and gives me a sense of being normal.

so i stand up and my friend lights the bowl and i begin to inhale the 5ft bong is filling up and as i get nervous i see the smoke turnin yellow white. my friend pulls the bowl out and i breathe in hold it in for 30 secs and let it out. i close my eyes because people have told me you get nice visuals behind the eyes..this was my 1st mistake..before i open my eyes i feel confused and not knowing where im at. i feel like i have awaken from a dream and then it hits me visions flash through my mind like i'm watchin a movie of things that haven't happend yet flash right in front of me.

I open my eyes and look at my friends and stand up my feet magnetic to the floor i start to lean but don't fall down. i feel like gods giant hand is on my shoulders holdin me up from falling. as my friends look at me they have no idea what is going on and my friend sits me down i now see myself on a conveyer belt sitting in what seems like a factory toy shop. my body feels like its disconnected my arms and legs floating close by my body my face being put back together by little machines.

as i look at my friends they look back at me is as theyv seen a ghost. all of a sudden my vision splits i now see my friends on the right side of my face and now on the left i see a bunch of people in white lab coats talkin to me and asking me ?s...i do not know what they were asking me but i remember that i would be replying in a language i don't believe exists.

as i have this vibrating line between my face separating me from one dimension and another i don't know what to think my body starts coming back together and i see flashes of light fly back into my body. i feel like i'm being made into something new being put back together by a machine made by a higher power...the people in white lab coats finally disapear and i'm sitting in my friends garage trying to speak..

i ask how long its been and they look at me and ask are you ok?...i ask again how long has it been my best friend says eh maybe a few mins...i reply NO! how long has it been? i've read descriptions on this drug and people have told me its peak last 5mins...my friend says he doesn't know so i ask him haven't you been recording ? he says no he was trippin on me trippin so much he never started to record...i'm starting to come back now i only feel like the last hour of a shroom trip and i calm down..since ive experienced this feeling before i feel like i'm going to be ok things don't seem so overwelming and vibrating and they start to feel nice. as i sit there trying to collect myself my friends ask if i'm ok i look at them and say someone please pack a bowl..

not 1 of my friends would try it after...this was my 1st time hangin with sally d and her friends and i feel like a days gone by...everytime after that i've only blacked out and don't ever remember my trips...

i don't see why this is legal and i sometimes wish id never done it but i now feel like this memory will always be with me and in a sense ive become a new version of myself.

I've not done acid and after doing shrooms and salvia on ive felt more then to often of occasions ive stopped doing psycodelics for now...i do not enjoy the flashbacks ive had years after but i can't say i didn't enjoy the time ive had with they amazing visions

please go ahead and tell me your stories i'd love to here them i'm going to write down other memories i have because its hard to remember when things actually happend

Take it easy and i hope u enjoyed the trip

Ioni Botani



Hello all

I know this is a Cannabis based website but i've written down recent experiences i've had with psycodelics because id like to remember my experiences years later and i'd like to see if others relate or have other stories they'd like to share.

Take it easy and i hope u enjoyed the trip



"To fathom hell, or soar angelic
Just take a pinch of psychedelic..."


