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What 420 Means: The True Story Behind Stoners' Favorite Number


Active member
old news man, everyone knows 420 was the time a bunch of stoners from a high school in the northbay met at a certain location back in the 70s.....

420 makes sense, its right after school gets out, back in high school once school was over every one would click up and go chief somewhere. 420 was about that time i would be riding the Muni home stoned as fuck pulling a marker out of my pocket tagging on the windows...


btw on 20th april Bob Marley's son was born.

in estonia we have a similar number combination "615" - it means in leet(1337) language "õis"(flower, bud). and also 15th july is "viidipäev" in our national holiday calendar which is very similar to weedday since we pronounce "weed" as viid and "päev" means day :)

hope you underestand what i mean :D