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Western Australia Gov..... Lamers...


I had to laugh at this. A web site set up by the WA gov to "educate" people on the "facts" about drugs. All the comments made me giggle, it seems you can't pull the wool over everyone's eyes.

http://www.drugaware.com.au/sitecore/content/DrugAware/Drug Information/Cannabis.aspx

So I clicked on the video and followed it through to youtube. More great comments there but the disturbing thing was it appears the government has created a FAKE youtube account.

The user is called MyHumpcomau and claims to be someone called Camel Girl. I checked out myhump.com.au and it redirects right to that youtube channel. Seem's their deception knows no boundry.

Green lung

Active member
Funny, first thing i do is click on the website and look to the right and see in FAQ "What is a Bong" as the first one lol.

Good laugh:tiphat:


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Yewh i lol at this stuff,
Its on some posters inside the mall i work in, and in a few music magazines workmates have been reading,

I didn't realize spreading lies was still a legal matter -_-

My favourite part was, smoking leads to depressiong in 13-17 year olds,
Well last i checked smoking cannabis leads to less depression and a more relaxed state for majority of people, and that
the social pressures of being a young adult and peer pressure is what really brings on depression,

I love people who have to get a government to give them all the so called facts,
when they are majority lies with no factual evidence to back them up.

Peace AS


Active member
I love the comments on that page -- I saw one positive one and all the rest are negative.

Maybe pot would help with their spelling:
What is Hashish oil?
Hashish oil is a think and oily liquid extract from the cannabis plant.

On second thought, maybe it's a Freudian slip.


Active member
What a load of crap pot is the least of society's problems when it comes to drugs, its the ice heads that r biggest worry but thats all connected to pharmacuetical companies which I'm sure the government has a finger in. Damn poor old Australia is going backwards whilst other places like the US are moving forward with the medical marijuana scene. WTF is wrong with our pollies?


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
yeh but all in all us is going down hill,
If the whole worlds stocks keep going down,

They are going to need war to boost the economy again.....
As they do when they need monies!.


Active member
Sadly ur rite there about the war stuff Afro. I watched a doco awhile back showing how wars r started to boost economy. There are so many industries involved with wars so yes they do create work in that respect. But all for the wrong reasons


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
yes, and all lead and enforced when with the policies of the private investers/bankers aka the powers that be.
Sad world we live in, and we let it get this way haha, god dam human beings xd.


Reading that sober, makes me angry. But with a deep breath I let it all go.

Don't be ignorant Be informed.

Its all love.

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