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We're number 1!



Voting on questions ended at midnight at the change.gov (not to be confused with change.org). Here are the drug related questions that made the top 40 list.

20,000 people voted. Nearly 8000 of them voted for the number one question.


1. "Will you consider legalizing marijuana so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs and create a billion dollar industry right here in the U.S.?" 7947 – 634 (93% liked question)

7. "13 states have compassionate use programs for medial Marijuana, yet the federal gov't continues to prosecute sick and dying people. Isn't it time for the federal gov't to step out of the way and let doctors and families decide what is appropriate?" 3394 – 272 (93% liked question)

11. "The US "War on Drugs" wastes billions every year tracking down and incarcerating non-violent users. What is your position on the legalization of marijuana? How do you feel about treating rather than imprisoning users of harder, addictive drugs?" 2521 – 102 (96% liked question)

13. "How will you fix the current war on drugs in America? and will there be any chance of decriminalizing marijuana?" 2538 – 238 (85% liked question)

15. "What kind of progress can be expected on the decriminalization and legalization for medicinal purposes of marijuana and will you re-prioritize the "War On Drugs" to reflect the need for drug treatment instead of incarceration?" 2329 – 182 (93% liked question)

18. "The U.S. has the world's highest incarceration rate, largely due to the War on Drugs. Our prisons are festering pits of rape, racism, and gang violence, and divert a lot of tax money to the corrupt prison industry. How can we fix this?" 1834 – 142 (93% liked question)

22. "Would you consider the legalizing of growing hemp (not marijuana) for food, clothing and bio-fuel use?" 1677 – 225 (88% liked question)

23. "Drug control policy in America is a mess, most specifically with regards to marijuana. Federal and state laws are in conflict all over the country. What do you plan to do about this? Will you allow the states to make their own determinations?" 1577 – 143 (92% liked question)

28. "What about the use of Hemp and finally legalizing marijuana for personal use?" 1385 – 265 (84% liked question)

29. "If we did not have over 2 million people in jail, many of which on marijuana charges, we would save billions a year and keep families together. Will you commit to a comprehensive drug treatment plan that will help keep families together?" 1296 – 132 (91% liked question)

33. "What will you do to ensure that the government takes scientific research into account when making laws? Especially when it comes to questions about the legalization of marijuana and the use of medical marijuana." 1198 – 129 (90% liked question)

34. "On the campaign trail, you said you would put an end to the federal raids on medical marijuana patients. Will you implement this policy within the first year of your term?" 1153 – 95 (92% liked question)

Proud Mary keeps on burning ..

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Woohoo, I'll keep emailing the link to people i know and keep asking them to pass it on. Way to keep active with a few keystrokes peeps!
RM :headbange :headbange :headbange

Weedman Herb

I'm overjoyed the compassionate non users, med users and stoners took their time to vote in questions for the President Elect. I'm even More overjoyed that we hit the #1 spot but ... Did you really need your own thread PB? robos is doing just fine.


Active member
Soooo...... Wait.

Only 20,000 people voted on items in the "Other" category??


Freaking SHEEPLE!

But hey.... this is GREAT news ;)

Thanks for posting the link PB!


There's next week ..

Got friends that would like to help stuff the box?

I think other groups of people might find out about it by next week.

Storm Crow

Active member
So now ....

So now ....

We gotta KEEP it #1! This is NOT the time to sit back and party, and let things slide! This a battle we have won, not the war! :dueling: If anything, this should encourage us to double our efforts! Being #1 once, COULD be a fluke- we have to make cannabis the consistent #1 issue!

And everyone of you should be "reminding" Mr. Obama about these results -


But DANG, that's really good news! We may actually see legal cannabis yet! :jump:

Granny :joint:


livin my way the high way
thats great its cool to see some familiar statements too. yet even with this minute victory it is not yet time to lay down and wait but the time to be more active than ever and let the whole world we mean business.


New member
My concern is that we will win the battle and retreat, thinking we won the war. Are we ready to push this movement forward to where we actually are within reach of a major victory that cannot be ignored? Do we have what it is going to take to move forward? There are so many great organizations making small but steady strides in the legalization of marijuana, but is any of them independently, large and powerful enough to take the reins of this battle to a forceful end? Norml, Leap, MPP and on and on are all well known activism organizations but the memberships of each one is not going to pull this off. Combined, I feel that we could potentially make a large imprint on this issue, but what we need right now is a Martin Luther King for our cause. We need to unite very quickly or this will be over before it starts. We need to be prepared to take our cause to the streets if necessary. Are we truly ready for that? I fear that if we do not grab on to this tremendous boost to the cause and hold on for dear life, we will go home with our tails between our legs and back to the closets it took us 30 years to crawl out of. If that happens, shame on us.


If we keep hammering away at the subject, we can't be ignored. We just have toput out pipes down for a second, and keep hammering on the issues.

If we keep it up, things will get to be changed. Much faster than we expected, too. It's a good day people, but we still have a long ways to go.
peanut is that site supported by the obama team like the other one you posted.. my concern is that its not official so it wont have the same pull ..any ways #1111!!!! bitches hahaha...

MF Grimm

dude06version said:
peanut is that site supported by the obama team like the other one you posted.. my concern is that its not official so it wont have the same pull ..any ways #1111!!!! bitches hahaha...

Actually the .gov site is the official site, so that is even better news!


Freedom Fighter
Storm Crow said:
We gotta KEEP it #1! This is NOT the time to sit back and party, and let things slide! This a battle we have won, not the war! :dueling: If anything, this should encourage us to double our efforts! Being #1 once, COULD be a fluke- we have to make cannabis the consistent #1 issue!

And everyone of you should be "reminding" Mr. Obama about these results -


But DANG, that's really good news! We may actually see legal cannabis yet! :jump:

Granny :joint:

You tell it Granny!!! We have not won, til Marijuana has all the legal statues of aloe vera!!!
I happened to find a pic of Granny telling the DEA that WE ARE #1!!!! :jump:

big mike

Active member
Change.gov said:
Q: "Will you consider legalizing marijuana so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs and create a billion dollar industry right here in the U.S.?" S. Man, Denton

A: President-elect Obama is not in favor of the legalization of marijuana.


The next Open for Questions feature will go live in the coming days.


big mike said:

The next Open for Questions feature will go live in the coming days.
Hey Mike!! Is that the response to the question or is it a quote from the past?

If it is current, could you please provide a link?


da nut

Storm Crow

Active member
So- Tell it to Obama!

So- Tell it to Obama!


Mike and pb- I KNOW you guys have sent in at least a response or two to Obama's statement, but what about the rest of you reading this. Are you going to let it slide? Click the link above and sound off! ( No :cuss:ing- even if it is warranted!) Express your displeasure in a civilized manner, please! We can get further by being polite.

Granny :joint:


Freedom Fighter
Here is mine from today--

There is hardly a person in America that would not benefit from the Legalization and Taxation of Cannabis and Hemp. It would help relieve the current Economic situation, and also free up Billions currently spent on prosecuting and imprisoning millions of otherwise law abiding Citizens. Please let the "Change" be giving this great Country back to it's Citizens, letting them not live in fear of arrest for smoking a plant, a plant that is not nearly as dangerous as the cigarettes that Mr Obama is currently struggling with.