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Well since no one gives a shit....

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
... about this forum, I've decided to drop a :eek: noncannabis :eek: brew recipe on ya'll:

10 lbs. extra light DME
1 lb. crystal 60
1 lb. crystal 120
2 oz columbus 15.6% 60 min
1 oz cascade 5% 15 min
1 oz.cascade 5% 10 min
1oz. cascade 5% 5 min
1 oz. EKG Dry hopping

Nottingham Dry yeast

The result is a deep red, sweet and bitter IPA of the finest quality and a potent caliber. PS Use a blowoff instead of an airlock... we're talking EXPLOSIVE fermentation!!!


Beer! Years back I bought my brother a brewing kit for his birthday. All went well until one day the bottles started exploding. We were dodging and ducked....running for our lives...lol. I think beer brewing should be left to the pro's. I'm glad weed doesn't explode.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Yeah.. exploding bottles is a common problem, but fortunately one I've never encountered and probably never will... I mix my priming solution evenly with the beer before I bottle it. This prevents uneven carbonation. I have seen HPS bulbs shatter and that is a huge mess plus a bit of a fire for a bit... NEVER spray your plants anywhere near a hot HPS bulb :D

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Here's the porter I just started... I'll keep ya'll posted:

3 lbs. amber DME
3 lbs. light DME
1 lb. 60 6 row malt
1 lb. chocolate malt
.25 lb. Black Patent malt
1 oz. Nugget (pellet) 12.2% 60min
1 oz. Willamette (pellet) 4.6% 45min
1 oz. Willamette (whole leaf) 4.4% 15min

Nottingham Dry Yeast


Active member
yum, i love a good porter!

you ever use brewer's licorice in yours?

a little goes a long way, but the flavor it imparts is unique!

brew on! :yummy:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I've seen that licorice but I get scared everytime I think about adding it... it's like a six inch stick... how much for a five gallon batch?? I may try it soon, but I'm still somewhat reserved in terms of what I toss in there.. I put coffee in a stout but that's as far as I've gone in terms of extras.. maybe it's time :smile:


Active member
mean mr.mustard said:
I've seen that licorice but I get scared everytime I think about adding it... it's like a six inch stick... how much for a five gallon batch?? I may try it soon, but I'm still somewhat reserved in terms of what I toss in there.. I put coffee in a stout but that's as far as I've gone in terms of extras.. maybe it's time :smile:

for 5 gallons, a 1"-2" chunk will do the job.

too much is not good.


You're right MMM, this forum has been neglected. Think I'll chat with the Bastard Brewer in Amsterdam and see if he'd like to Moderate this forum. Many have tried his brews at the cups and I'm sure he could give those interested much insight into using cannabis to make various drinks. :D



Active member
I am the true drunkard. I would add sugar (not too much) to my beer to boost the alcohol content. Unfortunately, the local malted barley supply store has sold out and the new owner is charging too much so I have discontinued brewing. Those recipes sound great. Nothing like a hoppy brew.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I don't like the off flavor fusels that plain refined sugar puts in the beer. If I want to up the alcohol content I just up my malt extract or malt... The first recipe in the thread can achieve 9% - 11% ABV (depending on your yeast strain) ... this is pretty potent to me. If you think it's not then you truly are the true drunkard :D Typically I don't want to brew beer under six percent because it's just not worth the time :friends:


Active member
Damn 9 to 11% abv. :yoinks: Thats pretty strong. I would use brown sugar rather than table sugar for boosting the alcohol. I was an all grain brewer and never could afford extracts. I heard you end up having to use champagne yeast at the end of the fermentation to up your alcohol really high because alot of regular yeasts cannot tolerate too much. Have you heard of this? I was never sure what the alcohol content of my brews were but a six pack would make your toes numb. I spent alot of my time trying to make a guiness copycat. On a funny note, home brew gives you gas I guess because it is not pasteurized. :moon:
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I have used brown sugar as a priming sugar for carbonation. Champagne yeast attenuates (converts maltose to alcohol) to a much higher percentage than normal beer yeast. It also provides a very long lasting rocky head to the beer. There are yeast strains that attenuate up to twenty some percent, but it's my belief that those are for shiners :D There are many clones but in my opinion Guiness stands alone as a benchmark in brewing history :friends: Homebrew tends to give one gas due to two factors. One is yeast. That is why you have to decant homebrew into a glass, leaving the yeast layer in the bottom of the bottle. The second is heavier sugars and proteins that aren't used in fermentation and are left to be broken down in your guts... causing nasty gas. Much the same as beans' long strands of protein and sugars causing an evening of anguish for that loved one (with her face hidden in a pillow yelling something about divorce) :D


damn 11%...I wish I knew what the hell the ingrediants where and knew how to brew beer. heh . Ive been planning on brewing my own beer for a long time, just dont have a clue how to ang would prolly end up with something that taste like shit...:pointlaug

lol @ all that gas talk....does only homebrew give bad gas...? what does pasteruziation have to do with it....sorry im a newb to all this brewing talk... :confused:


I've had some damn good beers that were around 20% ABV, for instance the dogfishhead worldwide stout, or their 120 minute ipa


damn..I checked out the site for dogfish head, that beer sounds good cosmic...I need to find some of that stuff.
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yea, its really only around in the midatlantic, i try to visit their brewpub in rehobeth whenever i am over by the beach. they have some great stuff. On a note about the earlier posts, i noticed the Bastard brewer himself did post a few recipes on another thread in the forum a few months ago, hopefully he will keep doing so, he's got some interesting things i'd like to try.


well I found one shop about 20 minutes from me that has that brand of beer. Might need to check this beer out.


yea, for their normal brews i'd recommend the chicory stout or the 90 minute IPA, the world wide stout and the 120 are expensive as hell, but worth it if you like trying pretty extreme beers.