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Well, I've done my best... Now I'm asking for your help


Would I be better to put two of those in my tent and have them vertical then?

What about those yellow leaves? Anything I can/should do for those? I bought some nutrients from the hydro shop, I'm gonna mix a tiny bit of them in with the water for next watering... Very miniscule, like 1/5th of what it says to.
Emph, yellowing is not good. Its a sign of some sort of problem. Nitrogen will normally green those ladies up no worries. Any kind of "grow" nute will have N in it. Good idea not to feed at full strength. Pretty easy to burn little plants. 1/3 or 1/2 strenght will be fine in soil. Remember from now on you will start feeding them but only every other watering. ( water tomorrow with nutes then next time they need water with plain water mixed with Drip Clean if you can find it, then next time they need water nutes etc....). Drip clean is a fantastic product that will save you lockout problems during your run, and shorten your flush and curing time at the end. get it if you can!!
FFOF has alot of nutes in the soil already, transplanting them into FFOF and prob a week or growing time will show you some good results. Feed light for awile cause the soil already had nutes and too much will burn


I just mixed some nuts with their water today, not going to transplant them for awhile because the soil they are in is pretty decent and I don't want to risk ruining their root structure by transplanting so soon.

I'm using Biothrive by General Organics for veg, and their bloom for flowering. It's a 4-3-3 mixture and a 2-4-4 for bloom.

I've lost two plants so far from shock... sadly. I've got another batch germing right now to replace them, though. I plan on veg for about 10 days of solid growth, then I'm going to switch to 12-12 for flowering...

What do you mean flush? Give them a lot of plain water to clean any deposits of the nuts out? I used 1/2 strength of light feeding on the instructions.

I've heard good stuff about superthrive, anyone know about it?


Superthrive is dangerous stuff...

Some folks swear by it, some despise it... lol, I personally don't recommend it, but to each his own...

FF's Ocean Forest, is a pretty hot mix, I suggest you stick with what you got, and feed lightly with your nutes... Your nutes, are they organic? Just asking, considering the name...

Yes, you would hang them vertically, and/or maybe at a slight angle..


Yeah, both the bloom and the veg nutes are organic.

I guess we'll see in the next couple of days how they are doing... Hope they are doing well, though. :p

Just remembered I should be getting my 68 watt 5000K CFLs today.... :dance:


Good stuff...

my past experiences, true organic nutes aren't available as quickly as hydro, and synthetic ferts, ...meaning to correct nutes problems, sometimes take a little a longer before you see and visual changes...


Good to know, man. They look worse today than yesterday... but I'm usin' organic nutes so that might be why..

Just swapped out my 2700K lights for two 5000K lights... Hopefully that makes all the difference and I start to see some good growth across the board.

If those nutes kick in and these lights make a difference, then my only problem from here out will be male or female and deciding which plants I want to keep to flower... I only have room for 4 but I've got 10 in the soil!!


Hey Emph,

Chard, they are bag seeds. I like your setup a lot, and it's making me rethink buying a HPS for my bigger tent, if I decide to get one still. Did you get that tent from HG Supply?

I was going to buy from HGS but found a generic no name cheaper tent on ebay. It's an OK tent but probably not as good as the ones from HGS. I figured since it would be in a closet and I can shut the door for the night cycle, why get a top line tent for a 1st time grow. My thinking for the tent was it would be easier to control odor, environment and good light reflection. It's been a while since I bought the tent and I'm loving this whole growing thing...so maybe I would have rather gotten a better tent, but it'l do.

If those nutes kick in and these lights make a difference, then my only problem from here out will be male or female and deciding which plants I want to keep to flower... I only have room for 4 but I've got 10 in the soil!!

All right dude, here's hoping you have a good problem to have soon!


No bueno... Got a lot of yellow leaves on my girls. My laptop HDD fried, so I'm stuck on my iPad and can't put up pics for a few days :(


Haha well the HDD is completely dead... I work for a computer repair place, so kinda sucks that it happened to me...

As for the yellow leaves, I think it might just be the color of the strain... Because I gave her nutrients last feeding and she's still got that color, but a whole bunch of new growth, even on the new growth... I'll do my best to get pics up ASAP.


I'm back! Pics comin' today, I want your insight...

Look at my previous pics, see how the lights are? That creates two concentrated "prime" growing spots (directly under the light) but spreads only a little light throughout the tent... If I turn the lights so they are pointing down, and put them in reflectors, would that give better light dispersion? All of my ladies neeeeeeeeeeed more light... =\

Also, I'm gonna need some help identifying male or female. None of them are showing 100% I don't believe, but the pics I'll post in about an hour will let you all help me decide. Thanks!


Let's see if I remember how to do this embedding pictures thing... ;P

Ok, this is a view with lights off... My biggest problem is that this only gives the plant in the middle, and the plant directly underneath good light exposure. If I hang the lights vertically with reflectors around them, then suspend them pointing down at the plants, would that be better? Or should I just raise my lights higher so that the light distributes better?

An overview of the back right corner.

Male or female? Or too early to tell?

Same thing, M or F or too early?

See the spots on the leaf? Is that 'cuz it was too close to the light?

I'm new at this, but I don't see any indication of male or female on this one either...

Thanks for the insight guys! Keep growin'!:canabis:


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