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Well I'm Heading To Nimbin This Year...

G'day all, i booked my holidays this year, going to catch up with my baby girl for a week, it's a bit hard to take as she lives on the Goldy, going to rent a car and drive down the coast and catch up with some good friends from the area at the Mardi Grass on the 30th April. :jump:

Can't wait to hit the pokies over that way and hoping to buys some strains so i will take a Express Post envelope and container to post in Nimbin on the day as car searches have been a thing in the past few years. Curious to who off this site is heading that way also, never know may bump into you there.



Well-known member
Hit the pokies? hahaha! bit of a gamblor are we>?

Yeah, I'm going if I can help it. I always try to go.... but never end up meeting up with anyone from the site....

Always try to catch the 'seed swap' too. usually around 11am on the sunday. (last day, the day of the parade etc.) You should be ab;e to pick up some good genetics there.....

And yeah, there'll be the 'drug bus' just outside of lismore (usually) at some church-looking hall thing. Pricks pulled me up last year and swabbed me! And I was high as fuck! Just smoked some of this 'kali' that I got off a dude at the seed swap.... Luckilly tho I'd had a hotdog & a can of coke (stuff eating any of that hippy food...!! heh) So I passed with flying colours.... :D

To my (limited) knowledge, the only way the swab can work is from the resins/oils/tar still present in your mouth..... And I know for a fact that coke washes the 'tar-ies' out of my mouth after a bad cone.... And the oils and shit in the hotdog would have helped....

But if you get a positive reading, even once, they'll take you back for a blood test. And THEN you're fucked....

Supposedly the back way into nimbin (not via lismore/casino) has no road-blocks.... But I haven't been in from that way for a few years.... so who knows....

Might see you there!


Well-known member
Luckilly tho I'd had a hotdog & a can of coke (stuff eating any of that hippy food...!! heh) So I passed with flying colours.... :D

To my (limited) knowledge, the only way the swab can work is from the resins/oils/tar still present in your mouth..... And I know for a fact that coke washes the 'tar-ies' out of my mouth after a bad cone.... And the oils and shit in the hotdog would have helped....

LOL! Any hippie who smokes would have rocks in there head to eat all that vegetable matter after reading this:laughing: Good story.

By the way, ou know what an Australian vegetarian is?

Someone who subsists entirely off vegemite on toast:tiphat:

Back to Nimbin, if I was driving to and from the Goldy, I would definitely go the back way via Mullumbimby and the Channon, because the cops won't bother with this this entry/exit point. The other road - Kyogle road, which goes thru Murwillumbah in the North will definitely be manned. Seeds should be pretty easy to conceal though...


Well-known member
By the way, ou know what an Australian vegetarian is?

Someone who subsists entirely off vegemite on toast:tiphat:

hahaha! you funny bastard....

Back to Nimbin, if I was driving to and from the Goldy, I would definitely go the back way via Mullumbimby and the Channon, because the cops won't bother with this this entry/exit point. The other road - Kyogle road, which goes thru Murwillumbah in the North will definitely be manned. Seeds should be pretty easy to conceal though...

Good one man, cheers!

Bloody beautiful road out that way too, if I remember correctly.... (thats a hard ask these days.... :p )


Active member
yeah i will b doin my best 4 me n the missus to get up there for it, been lookin at it on the net since last year. Havent been up there for ages n last time i was there i was young n innocent with my family n had no idea wat Nimbin was all about. the hard part is gettin the coz either of us has a lisence so will have to bus it. with the seed swap can u only swap seeds or can u buy them as well?
Wow great response, yeah Bushweed, going to post them in Nimbin the day i get them, wont be carrying them on me as the plane trip home might get them. Good to see a few folk off here heading that way, allways a good turn out not sure on the food thing either.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I wouldn't waste my time with Nimbin, keep going north and give the survivors of Cyclone Yasi a hand, they need it.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Hit the pokies? hahaha! bit of a gamblor are we>?

Yeah, I'm going if I can help it. I always try to go.... but never end up meeting up with anyone from the site....

Always try to catch the 'seed swap' too. usually around 11am on the sunday. (last day, the day of the parade etc.) You should be ab;e to pick up some good genetics there.....

And yeah, there'll be the 'drug bus' just outside of lismore (usually) at some church-looking hall thing. Pricks pulled me up last year and swabbed me! And I was high as fuck! Just smoked some of this 'kali' that I got off a dude at the seed swap.... Luckilly tho I'd had a hotdog & a can of coke (stuff eating any of that hippy food...!! heh) So I passed with flying colours.... :D

To my (limited) knowledge, the only way the swab can work is from the resins/oils/tar still present in your mouth..... And I know for a fact that coke washes the 'tar-ies' out of my mouth after a bad cone.... And the oils and shit in the hotdog would have helped....

But if you get a positive reading, even once, they'll take you back for a blood test. And THEN you're fucked....

Supposedly the back way into nimbin (not via lismore/casino) has no road-blocks.... But I haven't been in from that way for a few years.... so who knows....

Might see you there!

hey rex ,,
thought you never met anyone from here there ,,
i recall having a good toke with you ...
mardigrass is always a blast ...


Well-known member
hey rex ,,
thought you never met anyone from here there ,,
i recall having a good toke with you ...
mardigrass is always a blast ...

How could I forget!

That was my first time tho.... And there was some form of 'meet up' with people from overgrow.... I didn't attend....

You were bloody sick tho, and you had your own little ceramic pipe. I was 'working' for the Advanced Nutrients dude.... hehehe, we rolled him a big fuck-off blunt with them flavoured papers and it wrecked him! He sat on one can of 'Old Crow' for hours! hahaha!

He gave all us blokes a barrel of that 'Heavy harvest' each, (plus all the other bits and pieces) but we swapped it for some buds/money for beer.... (we had less than $20 each on arrival to nimbin! pov bastards!)

Funny **** he was....that Advanced Nutrients bloke..... He showed all us boys his little stash of buds from all the mad growers that had come to see him (being the big new nutrient company in Aus) .... So as you can imagine, they went missing by the end of the festival.... hehehe. (not my doing, by the way.... He'd looked after us, fed us and given us a bit of smoko here and there.... I'd have felt rotten taken all his nice buds.... But the boys reckoned they'd be able to 'look after it' for him.... Fuck, why'd he show them where he hid it? Silly bugger.... Show ****s who've got nothing all your best shit?...bah)

Found some pingers too.... I was off my head when I met this 'Wallyduck' character.... Here I am sitting around in the A.N. 'grow tent' in Peace Park, and these two Aussie grinders come over to have a chat with the head bloke of this Nutrient company.... Me and me mate hanging around listening in and learning from the pro's.... So I bomb over two these two dudes, all hyped-up and over-friendly (from the ones I found :) ) and gave these guys some hats (the bloke had heads of shirts and hats to give away....) And one of these blokes was showing his wares.... And he shows me this packet, and its got 'Wallyduck Seeds' on the label....

My face just lit up when I saw those words.... I'd seen that damned name on Overgrow! I couldn't believe my eyes! This was the guy! So we had a smoke with him, and he gave us some of his favourite smoke of the time, and a little chunk of hash.... (Later on there was a little stand infront of the 'Grow tent' which consisted of a chair with a piece of cardboard sitting on it, with different grades of water/ice hash, and a nice little blown glass pipe.... Just behind the pipe/hash, there was the first edition of the Cannabible, sitting open at a page with several balls of hash, which I think was taken at Wally's place! ....anyways, we thought we'd be smart and asked the guy standing with it if we could try some.... "Oh, yeah! sure!" he says and starts packing some into the pipe.... Our eyes lit up once again, thinking he was gunna say "Oh, nah boys.... its just for demonstration" or something.... Next thing we knew we were basically choking! Fuck it was good stuff!...... Fuck I can almost taste it..... even tho it was years ago!)

Fucken lovely bloke too, I might add.... A bit under the weather from food poisoning if I remember correctly, but still a real friendly, happy bloke.... Its great to meet a 'celebrity', in any shape or form, and they turn out to be nice people.... Its a rare thing, it seems! That Kog dude doesn't seem to like the look of me!! Ha!

He was there at the same mardigrass too, seting up a telly to show his new video..... I thought it was just some fat old grey local dude.... Untill I got the DVD a year or two later.....

There was like 6 cops that year, too, I might add.... And they didn't seem to bother anyone (who wasn't off their face trying to fight people.... A few drunks around the pub usually) ....Whereas the following year, they had 60!! (I dunno if anyone remembers, but they claimed that was because of the 'Cronulla riots'..... they thought all us stoners were going to revolt! What a joke....)

But I haven't met up with anyone since.... Haven't really made an effort, to be honest.... I'm usually overwhelmed with things I want to do there....

I'ma either make some camp somewhere, with a few of my friends, and have you guys come over, or I'd like to make some big 'dope suit' and rock around the festival harrassing people....

Either way, someone should work out some spot/way to meet up. In years gone by people have met up at the hemp bar to use the computer/internet there.....

Hope to see yas there! You too, Wally!!

p.s. -Sorry for the big-arsed story.... but that was a Mardigrass I'll never forget! (Well, maybe ocassionally i'll forget!)




New member
yea , well, we will be there at nimbin caravan park ... if any one wants to drop in for strains or herb or beer or dinner .



Well-known member
nimbin is now wholly inhabited by crackheads trying to peddle shit.

No it's not. Don't be a drama queen.....

Try comming on the mardigrass weekend -much more people.

Pot's still illegal in nimbin.... People still get busted for dealing there.... What sane person would deal to blow-ins that "Came all this way just to score..."?

Only the 'crackheads' or desperados come running out to "Sellya stick" as you open the door of your car...... The rest value their freedom and suss people out first.....


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Dam wat a story rex, youve got me wanting ton head to nimbin mardi gras now!!! sounds so god dam exciting :D


New member
hi mates ozzie stoners!
i'm a italian grower..now I am in Australia for 5 months for a epic backpackers trip across all this beautiful land ..
i think for April 30 will be at Nimbin for the mardigrass festival .. and I would be very happy to meet some of Ozzie icmag growers to share and exchange views and few seeds produced by my crew in Italy that I could carry with me .. I am very interested to Ozzie sativa "landraces"for my new breeding project in Italy!
I apologize for my bad English!

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