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Well I'll be damned...people like this really do exist


This human seems to harbor deep hatred for people who for whatever reason like cannabis. It’s almost comical.

Something tells me this human went through a traumatic experience involving people who liked to smoke “weed” or “stoners”.. Maybe some "stoners" teased and bullied him relentlessly while in school or at some point in his life, the army maybe?...

Either way this person isn’t normal. An I doubt he get’s invited to any party’s.

Even normal people who aren’t really for cannabis would find this guy an eccentric fanatic.

Extremism in just about anything is a bad thing, the middle way of life is what should be sought after by humans, the world would stand a chance of being a better place.

If knew someone like this, and had to be around them like for a job; I’d be tempted to try to devise a way to taint their coffee with cannabinoids….

“oh… what’s wrong mister fanatic“… “Say your not looking to well, your not on the Pot by any chance, are you” ? “You know what that stuff will do to you“… “I am sorry, but I’ll have to report you“… “its for your own good“.
"He stayed busy in the ER repairing broken bodies from all sorts of accidents and violence from people smoking dope. "

ROFL Damn violent pot smokers!

But clearly someone forgot to tell Micheal Phelps and Bill Gates that smoking pot makes you a loser...