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Well acting up on 24 plant Bodhi grow. Using municipal water?

Ok guys. I have 24 200 gallon pots. Everything's looking great. This morning I go out and find my irrigation has not come on. Hit the button to start manually and it comes on instantly. Figure it's an issue with the timer. Upon further investigation I find my 2500 gallon tank is almost empty! Of course it's Saturday on a holiday weekend...I have treated water from the local irrigation district available and I can easily hook that up to my irrigation. Obviously I will have to use it if I can't solve my problems by morning.

Question is for someone smarter than me is how badly will this destroy my microbes? Totally I imagine. I'm guessing it could depend on the level of chlorination? I can reapply teas after my well is straight. I'm just really concerned about switching them to treated water all of a sudden. Anyone that can give any thoughts or ideas on the situation appreciated.


New member
Depends on how heavily chlorinated the muni water is. I would let it sit 24-72 hrs in an open air storage barrel, garbage can, above ground pool, etc. Let it off gas the chlorine.

I'm the water master on my co-op well system, the county makes me shock treat the well/storage tanks with chlorine whenever we test +pos for colliform bacteria.

I dont worry because I have 20K gal personal storage for my fire hydrant, which Im tied into for my garden. But the advice above is what I tell the farmers on the system that have no storage and take it right of the main line.
Thanks Surfgimp. I will do that as much as possible. I can use a transfer pump with hose out of 55 gallon barrels. Would you expect any negative effect to the plants if I had to run it straight from the muni water? Other than mass microbe death?
Good news. I found a leaking manifold on the sprinkler system for the lawn. That's where all my water was going. Cut off the supply to that system and had about 1000 gallons in the tank by morning. All good again. Thanks for the help surfgimp and bakedbandit.


Active member
Fill yer tank, let it sit overnight .
Then water like normal .
More microbes are gonna die from you freaking out and the soil drying out than anything else .
Take a breath, it will be ok :)
Fill yer tank, let it sit overnight .
Then water like normal .
More microbes are gonna die from you freaking out and the soil drying out than anything else .
Take a breath, it will be ok :)

That will work if it's chlorine only, but not if it's chloramine, like most places use these days.