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Welcome to Narnia..:SneakiNeekz's L.E.D. GL40 S.O.G. Dr.Bud Style!


Yes C.F.L./Fluorescent's are great for low budget build's, but when your ambient's 80ish*F all year (Maybe dip into high 70's come night lol...) it heat is a constant problem. Noting this, the room I have my 185W panel in has extremely poor ventilation and reaches high 80*s and the plant's look not a bit heat-stressed, just need more frequent watering. L.E.D.'s seem to put the plant into overdrive, like their on steroid's or something, they are extremely hardy. Even in my tent which stays like mid 70's, you lift a leaf, and you will see a puddle of water from traspiration, never seen that before under Fluorescent (Outdoor plants on EXTREMELY hot day's I have...), it's like they metabolize better. I have a feeling I will have to tackle odor soon enough lol! Pop in whenever Womyn! Good growin' ! :tiphat:


So about a weeks gone by without updates, way past due. Here they be.

Group shot, disco funk...


Easier on the eyes...





AK (IND) Day 30



More of the IND AK...


Ho ho ho bitches, it's frosty in here...


Spreadin' her FIM (Ooh, that sounded dirty, bwahaha...)...


The more SAT leanin AK...




Another Day 16 Sour D shot, sans disco funk...


O.G. Kush S1 Day 21 (Fan's starting to slim in shape, but nodes are nice and even...).



And last of all the Sour D runt at Day 10! Must not of got a good root system before flip, cause she totally skipped the stretch lol...



And in other new's, big room ladies are starting to plump up. The Blueberry stud's load is finally blowing, got a couple nanners dried earlier, and dusted a few lower branches of the big room gal's (Gonna be interesting, the mom's are all different local "unko kine" sativa's with some that finish fast as well as really frosty.) so cool beans soon enough... Funny thing really, the Blueberry stud's making the most stink in my room in the lil pc case with no ventilation. Hashy musk with the artificial blueberry pancake hint in it. The IND AK has a sweet hashy smell, SAT AK kinda just light skunk must and grassy/hay mainly, Sour D definetily has a semi bitter grapefruity tinge to it. O.G. just smells like chlorophyll so far...


Errthang's goin' g homie. Hectic life ATM lol, wife, kid, grow's, skating... Been tryna stagger out that weekly update lol. Few days back I tossed some o the Blueberry nanner's on the lower nug's of all the strain's in my garden (Bout 7 ladies...), and there's some little seeds forming, anybody know how long they take to fully form? Their all gettin a bit more frosty, some calyxes startin ta swell on the AK (IND), and she been smellin like rotten sickly sweet strawburry's! Other gal's just chuggin along. Got 2 new INDY cut's from a friend goin in there soon, letting em get a little used to the solo's before I flip em, since the straight from showing root's diesel never stretched. Got u on the updates tommorow. Maybe even a few flick's of the gal's under the big panel. AK's are 4.5 week's, a diesel and og at 3.5, a diesel at 3 week's, and another gimpy diesel at 2.5 week's, as well as a couple unknown cut's I threw in yesterday, either OG or BB never labeled so mystery... Ya confusing bro lol, getting over the mini perpetual, gonna get a fatter wattage panel soon...


Active member
Looking good Neekz - nice to see the frost starting to accumulate in the last week or so. Yum :tiphat:


Ya man, I needa get me a macro len's, cause this damn phone cam (Almost top-of-the-line...) ain't cuttin it. Ton's of some really, really fine trich's,can only imagine how it will look dried with the calyxes shrunk... Gotta order some more wattage ASAP, this is definitely not gonna dent my need's. I estimate 3.5 /max off the 2 AK's, maybe 2g's off the 2 oldest SD's, and I dedicated the O.G. and runt SD for strictly seed run with the Blueberry stud. Gonna have the Blueberry ("BlueBall Pheno") x AN-94(SSxAK48 S1 "Melon Pheno"), Blueberry ("BlueBall Pheno") x Dutch Grass (SSxAK48 S1 "Bland SAT Pheno"), Blueberry ("BlueBall Pheno") x Sour D ("Lime IND Pheno"), and Blueberry ("BlueBall Pheno") x 805 O.G. Kush Bagseed ("Hella SAT Pheno"). In my other Cab I got some seeds cooking as follow's, Blueberry ("BlueBall Pheno") x Hawaiian Heirloom Sativa ("Single blade, frost on the stem, 7 week finisher Pheno"), Blueberry ("BlueBall Pheno") x Puna Budder ("Bushwacka Pheno"), and Blueberry ("BlueBall Pheno") x Hawaiian Heirloom Indica ("3 blade, NERF Ball Pheno). I am pretty sure this Blueberry of is of DJ Short lineage as well (Had some funky schmunky leaves in veg, as well as purple calyx...) , so these should be some interesting arse crosses (A lot of local cut's I got from some old uncle's who have been running em since they were handed em in the early 90's...). These cut's I got have some of the weirdest growth characteristic's I ever seen in person, and I even got a SAT cut that is so vine like in growth that it's stem is virtually round with no discernible "sides"... Good thing's ahead.. Thx for stoppin by Twist, cricket's been noisy lately hehehe!


Looks like some nice sized nugs

Meh, if I did a SCROG off-the-bat, it would be better lol. Id say the U.F.O. is about on par with your array at the moment, and your cola management made me realize just how efficient our setup's can be! Mostly just running this to get a little hang of some of the pheno's I am gonna be running in the big set-up, make a few bean's, and the little head stash is a plus. I dried a tiny lower nug of the strawberry smellin AK and she smells like light honeydew melon. I definetily will hold off throwing anything else in there until I get 100w or more in there, as the light is gonna be more useful for cloning/veg for my 185w setup.


Active member
What a coincidence...

What a coincidence...

Dude, a friend just bought the same tent and a 135 watt LED light, and was wondering about ventilation/odor control too. I am subbed, and will keep you posted on my friend's solution. He will be doing a Hempy bucket with a Scott's OG done SCROG style.



Dude, a friend just bought the same tent and a 135 watt LED light, and was wondering about ventilation/odor control too.

Hey Phrank, thanks for stoppin by! Ventilation is handled by a single 80mm intake fan, and 120mm exhaust fan.
The 69cfm 120mm pc fan is just a tad too big for the top exhaust sock, but the diameter is perfect, and I just duct taped around the sides. Odor ain't too much of a worry, I just can't have it smelling OVERWHELMING lol, would make the non-smoker's in the house uncomfortable (I swear their more paranoid than I the pothead...). But back to the point. With the fan mounted uptop and the sock unrolled inside, I noticed the lid to a 50-pack cd-r spindle fit's perfectly in there. I am gonna fashion a low resistance filter using that as the housing, HVAC carbon filter sheeting layered, and another 120mm fan pushing through it. The 69cfm fan equates out to a 10x air exchange at full speed (Tent's only about 6.9ft/2. I run it at half speed right now, and temp's creep .1-.2*F above ambient...) which I am sure can handle cooling the heat from any L.E.D. array that would fit in it.

All in all Phrank, I would have your friend go with P.C. fan's, as the L.E.D. isn't really gonna bring along much more heat to the mix, and he won't need anywhere near the power anything bigger put's out. Maybe a 4" duct booster if you can get it cheap, but PC fan's can be better IMO. If your gonna make a scrubber, Coolermaster Blademaster, or another high-static pressure version should do the trick. I wouldn't go full on inline, unless I was daisy-chaining 2 tents IMO. Hit me back on what he goese with, definetily wanna see another 40 in the mix!


New member
Interesting choices for ventilation and carbon scrubbing. Probably quite a bit cheaper and quieter than using a 4 inch 190 CFM inline fan and a big ole carbon filter...which isn't likely to fit inside the tent, but rather will likely need to be relocated to an external box of some sort (then run a dryer hose between the tent and the box).

Anyway....I too have a GL40 and have vertically strapped four individual 24 watt T5 strips to each corner frame support post. For only a 100 watts of power, they do give off a noticeable amount of heat...so I have been searching for ideas how to add cooling and carbon scrubbing. With so little height, I have been adverse to crafting any internal scrubbing/ventilation solution, or even hanging lights from the ceiling (when finishing up anyway).


Yeah I am Med. user so I haven't made a scrubber nor plan on anymore lol. Right now the GL's being used back n forth for a little veg duty but I got a majority of the original's in here ATM. Chopped the fruity AK, coulda went a bit onger, but another potential reveg is worth it. Got 1.1g lol from the FIM top. Leaving the popcorn to finish out the seed's. I am cooking up something in the future for the GL40, just gotta get some spare moolah lol.


New member
For the benefit of anyone else with plans for scrubbing a GL40 or a DR40, I think it may just be possible to horizontally hang both a Soler & Palau td-100 and a 4x8 Phresh filter and have it ventilate out the top (or perhaps the back). It might just fit within that 1.4 x 1.4 space. It would be a very tight fit, and the bends in the 4 inch ventilation hose would be tight, but it might just work. I would be curious if anyone has ever tried this.