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no proof of krusty's expertise

no proof of krusty's expertise

no-one said:
gotta say krusty at least sq is posting fresh pics of his grows and yeilds! think the last pic you showed of anything interesting was from 96?? or their abouts! and to be honest i have my doubts that it was even your grow! anything you have shown since then has been mediocer at best! maybe you should stop calling bullshit on others till you can prove your own shit!:eek:


Do you even grow anymore? Did you? You always talk about "oh, I got XXX yield, and I got XXX that" but you've shown us like 10 pics that are nearly 10 years old.

Are you too pussy to show us any of your pics?

This thread should remain closed (as should krusty's mouth) if krusty doesn't have anything new to show or contribute.

Your mouth flapping is getting pretty boring these days. "You suck, I am the best" - we got it dude. But it sure would be nice if you can put up some pictures to prove your worth.

If you can't, you're just another punk ass kid on the internet saying they can grow twenty thousand pounds from a flashlight.

I don't really care for your attitude, but you've shown us ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. How people respect you for a good grower, I have no clue.... it can't be because you know how to polish your own ego so well.


New member


hey, SomeoneI'llNeverKnow/ButtBoi, where'dya go? your master make you do a 180?

minion, fear not.. the klown can defend himself.


Active member


..... i think our boi got banned. not sure, just a hunch. last nite he made a really lame post/new thread. it gone, him too?????:p
..... peace
..... HGC


New member
krustys gone..that sux...needed someone to drywall the downstairs bathroom..

noman..who u be?...nice rant..dont make em like they used to....

hmmmm..you say no cutty da floor..'wtf you talkin about willis'...we need for drainage cuz we too cheap to buy 2"+ plumbs...thats shits expensive ya know.....how you plant to cope with not sinking the res...just raise em???

Yea and if in tibet..it doesnt void the rental warranty...we set 5 gallon buckets in a dug out concrete floor and shit in them all the time...

anyway, merry christmas in advance...


Active member


..... i'll mud it, tape it, and float it for you ese. no problema!!!!!;)
..... rez: i agree w/liability issues etc. BUT, any enterprising twit who gwanna go for this system and has any skills at all should break out the jackhammer and have at it. temps are critical
... BUT, ....., you CAN get around that w/raising yer buckets higher etc etc etc etc...
... need i sai more????? :rolleyes:
..... fs, bro you n brudda no-one can use hgc as new punching bag. lol, i just brain dead happi hippie kamper, ....., w/lil bit off drywalling skill too. but oi don't do windows!!!!!
..... long live the klown!!!!!
..... maybe he get the help he needs to deal w/his social skills. i mean hey, we r all breaking the law here, so we may as well be one big happy family, ALL FAMILIES have at least one asshole hangin round ryte?????:rolleyes:
..... peace
..... HGC
..... p.s. really, it's too bad, cuz the guy DOES have a following and DOES pretty much speak true. just seems hew can't deal w/op's rights and opinions. thas sad, cuz thas how we all learn, ....., from each other. may he find his own peace of mind and get back into the game as a positive force w/in the mj community at large...
..... peace
..... HGC , wait a minute!!! i already sed that huh!!!!!
..... :rolleyes:


maybe the posts get deleated cause we sick of reading bout how much u love krusty and would rather read somthing of value?


New member
NoMan, you talk a good 1 :p. Tis about as far as it goes though just TALK, and talk is cheap as we all know. You registered just to post that dribble.... good luck!

It's funny, I searched most of the kfb nayayers posts and wow, you guys are real helpfull and informed on hydro. NOT! With the exception of no-one, Hygrade and 1 or 2 others.

I think why dewds here truly appreciated krusty is because he could explain things well and knew what he was talking about!

In the few disagreements that I seen between him and a couple of you guys he explained his theories convinsingly. While you cried about his alledged coke taking, being an asshole, not listening to you (boo-hoo), not admiting he was wrong.

Not one of you proved his theories wrong.
I seen one of you guys bs-ing about heat transfer from the compressor to airline >onto buckets (into nute solution)
but when dewds checked their lines nothing :rolleyes: Then krusty explains why it's bs, then the dewd who made this claim starts talking shit not backing up his argument with fact or reasoning behind these claims, instead just str8 trolling.

Another example of this:
krusty promotes 24/7 feed. 'no-one' disagrees with this and says water using a timer (some on-off schedule) because some dewds plant is overwatered using 24/7. Krusty gets pissed as someone who says his system don't work and has been trolling him is noe trying to give advice on it.
DO we still NOT see the problem?????

This is why you will see dewds like syk, DHF, innersanctum and others most (prolly too worried they'll get ragged on by the sites members/mods to comment) calling BULLSHIT!
It was pretty obvious that krusty was an asshole, prick, dickhead whatever you wanna call him.....


3 Q's:

no-one without dissing me why haven't you @ least introduced acry's buckets or your kfb variant to the boards?

Hippo where is your xfb construction thread? (detailing probs and who to rectify these along with other usefull info)

Diggity why are you such a PRICK?


Active member
another beautiful day in the neighborhood...

another beautiful day in the neighborhood...

..... gotta love it, another day above ground. wha happen dhf's post????? hmmm...
..... cloud 9 g'morning., fiesty today ain't ya. lol!!!!!
..... you bring up a very valid point in you post. who gonna step up????? quien sabes!!!!!:confused:
..... i real sorry for all the peeps who are now w/out the klown to hold you hands while he spoon feeds this system to ya. hey guyz, it ain't that difficult. REALLY!!!!!
..... nitrous has done an EXCELLENT JOB w/system. couple tymes!!!!! blue haze looks like he's got it goin' on too. syk will suceed, and maybe dhf will too, hope so, hope all yas do great.
..... anywho, y'all need understand that w/no man said, and others, is we seen this melodrama persist for couple yrs now on least 3 diff canna boards in g' old cyberspace. it goes on and on w/out any relief. same old scenerio, ya end up putting on chest-high waders so's ya can get through all the shit laying herebouts. it gets old....
... everytime, everytime a thread's headed in a positive direction, EGO has brought about it's demise. really pisses you off when ya trying real hard to absorb every kernel of info b4 ya commit tyme money effort and space to a controversial method/system that IF you do things ryte, will make you one big happy kamper. if not, oh well, back to the drawing board.
..... i can handle peep's abusive intercourses w/out it riling me usually. but when irt begins to deter from my ability to learn something that can make me lil jingle jingle for me poor pockets, then i get pissed off.;)
..... that's why you see so many peep dumping on krusty. they sick of the shit. most adults have learned adequate social skills to interact w/one another. if krusty learned them, he threw em out the back window b4 he ever started to post stuff.
... i learned plenty from krusty in spite of krusty. lol!!!!! but it's hard, damn hard.:p
..... i never got on him until he decided to go after me for his apparent perseption that i was being wishie washie w/responses i made concerning flaws in thew system. lol, go re read what n how i sed what was said. i was being sacastic, he couldn't see that and decided to go off on me about how i was talking shit about hgim behind his back in a chatrm and so on. lol, y'all read what he posted of his log of that convo. lol, why even keep something that trivial for so long , unless you have an additionbal agenda?????
... just b4 krusty was banned, he started a new thread. the posting was typical krusty at the end of his rope. totally out of line. it concerned his take on situations between icm admin and himself, that WERE NONE OF THE GENERAL COMMUNITIES BIZNESS!!!!! truely bush league, and i'm assuming that was the stwaw what broke the camel's back. iu dunno...
... anyway, i was so disgusted, that i tried to post. by the tyme i was done writting, the thread was gone and my post was null n void.
..... yea, there's flaws. but every system has same flaw, HUMAN ERROR, AND, ....., LAZINESS. cut a corner here, save a penny there. it will come back to haunt ya.
... 1) drip lines: they can and do get clogged up. no biggie, just be aware.
... 2) placement of nute lines: that can lead to clogging, ya gotta stay on top.
... 3) secure the plant properly: even in laVA ROCK, I FIND THAT THE PLANT HAS TO BE TIED IN ALMOST TO KEEP IT GROWING STRAIGHT UP AND NOT tOPPLE, lol caps...
.... 4) air lines: hehehehehe every way i've configured my air, manifold or looped, i've had heat. not that the heat got as far as the buckets, but it was enuff to disintegrate the line w/in 10' of the compressor. mine is lil bigga i think than the klassic krusty model. also i find water in the lines too. from compression of air. i fix heat w/25' of copper b4 it runs onto the rest of the buckets. but i can see that hot air could run as far as the buckets.
..... 5) mechanical breakdowns: float valves, pumps, compressors, timers, lights, all have same consequences in other systems, just worse in kfb's. everything s'pposed to work together in harmony for each thing to do it's own part of the equation.
..... 6) humidity: it's hard to get it up there and keep it up there w/out planning and investing $$$$$. but it does make a profound difference in equal balancing the rest of the equation. makes nute uptake betta mo even, keeps, temps lil bit lower, assisting a/c's or heat exchangers. but fans from heat exchangers do suck up lotta humidity and circulate lotta air that helps dry out plants and can throw pollen round from rogue he/she kunts that COULD slip by ya. stress from missing any the necessary elements of the system, CAN force hermies in untried/unproven plants.

..... if you get everything ya need to run it, the system's supurb. even missing key elements here n there will still provide mo betta results than you could ever imagine until ya try the system. but first ya gotta learn it.
..... there's enuff competent peep growing w/it now to assist any newbie ryte now. krusty did a good job teaching it after ya got thru his bullshit. so best way to have someone step up isa to communicate. throw sticks n stones if ya must, not a big deal, in fact it's part of the mystique. just bear w/each other and try things out youself. of course, do it thew EXACT WAY krusty sez if ya can afford all the bells n whistles. if not, do the best ya can w/what ya got n you be ok. just get in and drive the damn thing...:eek:
..... yea, some of us watched and participated in diff sites w/krusty over trhe last few yrs. it's been frustrating. but reasons he aint still here to help yas all, he brought on hiself. true story. he can't let things go and move on in a positive fashion. that's an injustice to himself, and the rest of us.
..... feckin' dikhead, lol!!!!!:p
..... no-one, hey ese, good idea, post some acrys stuff he a funi guy.;)
..... rest you current krusty growers, growing treez is waaaaay mo fun than them itty bitty lil closet type grows some yas mighta been used to huh????? good luck all yas.
..... newbies, pay attention, ask qustions, AFTER, ya figure out what ya need to ask, and do yer homework. there's a ton of krusty bucket info on the net now. some by him, some by othres. it covers it all.
..... damn, that's a great way to start the day hgc, lol, smoke a fattie and climb up on yer soapbox and howl to the masses. lol, just like krusty woulda done.
..... bwaaaaahahahahaha!!!!! :cool:
..... peace
..... HGC


New member
oprah winfrey gots harpO hookups

oprah winfrey gots harpO hookups

Hey cloud, its acrys system, so why would no-one show it... no-one already demo'd his interpretation of trees and acry has his..just go to OG...no-one has an FAQ on the buckets...

recap of the entire tree style krust noone or acry---

Big buckets + vert lites ...derrr..

as to aeration, its very simple shit if you just understand a few things about pressure, area, transfer, and time... the most effective way to add additional air is through injection into the main water line and adding a 3rd water hose to the bottom bucket ala nft... Essentially this is hurtbacks dwc addition adapted to KfB... as hurtback has proved, gapless root zones and water injected aeration created by flow injects more overall dissolved oxygen into the water and promots more root support tahn dnagling roots in the bucket gaps. DwC is however, not effective money wise and as krusty mentions the root zone is entirely fucked and water logged the entire grow. What to do? Fuck them, both useless, so create your own hybrid.

Here.... most comopressor are sold in air cooled sound proofed cabinets with heat dissapating tube and used out doors to aerate lakes. The reason for compressors for lake aeration is based on one thing ~DEPTH~ of the lake... the 3 inch or less depth of KFB does not require 30 psi..that pressure is lost and not realized, just adds heat and noise at the preformed chasse exit. So the thomas is operating on near open flow except for the outlet and soaker pressure. The outlet pressure creates heat and the soaker does not back pressure enough to need the additional psi. So you now have a pump at 3 amps pumping a single CFM..lmfao..my wife can queef that and she just needs kibble and cum. Use a high flow low psi to low pressure airstones.. OK...this will create less heat/noss and transfer more air into the water.. As lovely budly and i bosth tested with oversized car compressors to test before buying all this other shit not had round the house, found that to pop water you need to overjam the soaker to teh point of near bursting with multiple cfm and psi constriction the thomas is not capable of in neither of our stats. after tickering a bit...now have more bubbles in my buclets than krusty and use a fraction oif the watage.. Then you consider that the water falling through the buckets typically crates enough oxygen anyhow, the addition of any off this is only gonna add a slight amount off additional oxy and root growth anyhow--more of a pita than nits really worth if you design the bucket better out right like acrys version of buckets. wanna try em too. so simple and cheap with run to waste option ;)

Heat dissapating pipe

"When air is compressed it gives off heat. This heat of compression, plus the heat from friction, can make a blower's outlet air temperature high enough to fry an egg. When the inlet air is 100°F and the pressure is 55" H2O (2 psi), the resulting 150°F discharge air can soften plastic PVC pipe. This 8" diameter thin wall galvanized steel pipe can be used to cool the compressed air before it reaches the plastic pipe. "

end of story

ps posting same time hgc..hope were not redundant or contradictive


btw wheres krustina :eek:


Cloud-9 said:

Another example of this:
krusty promotes 24/7 feed. 'no-one' disagrees with this and says water using a timer (some on-off schedule) because some dewds plant is overwatered using 24/7. Krusty gets pissed as someone who says his system don't work and has been trolling him is noe trying to give advice on it.
DO we still NOT see the problem?????
yep the problem of over water went away after the guy did what i told him to do but then he freaked when krusty cained his ass for doing it! if he keeps doin what i said to do in secret his plants will prolly be ok if not well who knows??
Cloud-9 said:

mate if u had been on og u would have seen ive been doing that for two years now! but to be honest if someone is not prepared to "read" im not prepared to help out! if u cant read whats their u dont have what it takes to grow in a pro manner! people pm me daily with real qustion and i answer them as best i can! but im not answering questions like "ware can i get 5 gal buckets" people that ask that shit should give up now!

Cloud-9 said:

no-one without dissing me why haven't you @ least introduced acry's buckets or your kfb variant to the boards?
im not going to re post all the info here that i have done on og! u want the info go to og and learn to read! see above for ressons why! as for acrys grow dont u think u should ask him for his system questions?

Cloud-9 said:

Diggity why are you such a PRICK?

why cause he dont blow krusty like the rest of the idiots??


New member
Shit where's my manners.
Welcome SQ!!!!

Wow......... I suprise myself sometimes.
Just re-read that post earlier and seems someone didn't get his wake n' bake on tis morning :D

Hey HGC I know you's a good guy and what you have highlighted in the post above confirms this.

I do not retract my statements from earlier, although attitude was @ 10! (on a scale from 1-10) and maybe it could have been phrased mo betta. Dewds suggesting k should show us how to wash our dough etc. LOl as I said earlier good luck mpd :)

Still.......... perserverance ;) I get ya HGC there are many who know the system inside out. Nitros has some tweaks I seen krusty approve so I know he's the guy to be watchin.
not too mention dewd pulled 53oz from a nlxbb monster!

I know theres still a hella info out there but it was the attention to detail I appreciated about krusty ya know...
Ah well as most know he's still available via e-mail.... may even get this kfb site up and running. So what the eck, this is the last time you'll catch me gassin bout krusty unless some b'stard prods me :D

peace to all, specially those I have offended.
Back to the learning for me.............

EDIT- no-one I was posting while you posted so I'll just answer those replies real quick:

no-one stated:
im not going to re post all the info here that i have done on og! u want the info go to og and learn to read! see above for ressons why! as for acrys grow dont u think u should ask him for his system questions?

I dont have a problem trawling for info that is free as it will only help me :) maybe from this I can help someone else as I see you have been doing @ OG for a while now :)

What I meant buy that is why chase krusty around bs-in with each other?

Show everybody why its easier with hydroton, or in acrys buckets etc. by posting a link, pics etc.
I understand you might not want to do this as it is time consuming, or as youve pointed out its not your job :)

But I just reckon if you are right you should show how, if making such a point to argue your case using your time to do so........... ya dig?

regarding digity being a prick, he is no doubt!
you said:
why cause he dont blow krusty like the rest of the idiots??

No because he post utter crap just to annoy dewds!
Last edited:


quite eazaly! do u grow hydro? if u do u would know its one of if not the most commen problems u can have! but thats becides the point isnt it ken? ur just here to be one of krustys buddys right?


no-one said:
quite eazaly! do u grow hydro? if u do u would know its one of if not the most commen problems u can have! but thats becides the point isnt it ken? ur just here to be one of krustys buddys right?

yes i grow hydro, yes my pump runs 24/7, no i've never had any 'overwater' problems.

you can't overwater in a good hydro stystem.

its simply lack of O2 to the roots.

maybe caused by your lack of air compressor?


mate if u honestly belive ur above statement u either do not grow hydro or are a idiot! did u see syk plants? yeah uno the ones "with" a compresser that were tragicly overwatered? how did that happen then? mate dont try to come off as a guru on a subject u are clearly and undereducated idiot on ok:p


no-one said:
mate if u honestly belive ur above statement u either do not grow hydro or are a idiot! did u see syk plants? yeah uno the ones "with" a compresser that were tragicly overwatered? how did that happen then? mate dont try to come off as a guru on a subject u are clearly and undereducated idiot on ok:p


hgc: were you're plants 'tragically overwatered' ?

i dont see him complaining.

cant u just fuck off to sharks tank or something, seems like you just came here to troll.
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