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weird question


Smokes, lets go
i made some bubble hash about a weekago i used this metal broom stick to agitate the mix well apparently some of the leaf got into the handle bc today when i was using it to mix my 55 gal res a buncha leaves and crap fell out and got into my res, should i drain the whole res, (already put 250 ml of A in there) plus i use RO so its a pain in the ass to fill and drain will it be ok with pot leafs in the res or do i have to drain this shit and start over?


Registered User
lol... I'd just use a handy fish tank scoop (or whatever, a hand) & get it all out... easier than draining & making new water :)


Smokes, lets go
i use 3/4 inch tubing for my flood and drain so blockage won't be an issume the pump has a filter on it so it won't even get sucked up by the pump im just worriend that pot got moldy in my broomstick all that time it looks like black gunk now i don't have anything to scoop it out with, that will reach bc its a tall 55 gal barrell


Registered User
It was in there a week, but all other things being equal, roots are pretty strong, esp in an otherwise healthy environment...

Just the same, nutes are cheap & it isn't that much work for piece of mind, esp if the girls are cool with waiting.

Guess Roots Excel might not be a beneficial at all... and if that's the case, I've fed my girls some nasty water in the past & still got white/healthy roots. That's my primary reference in mind.


Smokes, lets go
got most of it out with the business end of the broom, gotta get these ladies water soon been setting up this system for 2 days, hard to do when your back is fucked


Registered User
LOL... I think growing is partially to blame for it bro! Seriously, I now think it's going to be my back that takes me outta the game, not the pigs.


Smokes, lets go
true. im sure i will hire a helper soon, this is getting rediculous i got 2 slipped disk a herniated disk and degenerative disk disease and sculloisis i shouldn't be doing this shit lol shit hurts ,thank god for hash and norco