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Weird Deficiency


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So the strain is Willies from Oregon. I have some that are barely showing it and others from a friend that are extreme. None of the other strains are showing any of this, just the Willies...ideas?


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The strain naturally has red stems by the way. It's only on the growing shoos, starts near the stem/leaf junction. Leaves are turning weird whitish and warped, lil holes in them almost all twisted and mutated looking.
Please let us know what you are running them in(system type) what nutes you are using and how long this has been going on
From here it looks like a deficiency of some of the micro nutrients, Not sure if its due to ph or lack of nutes or improper balance of nutes. How about some more info?


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They are in 5 gallon pots, Pro Mix, Advanced Nutrients. They have gotten straight water and 800ppm fert. last time (appox. 4 days ago). It def. look like a micro nutrient def. to me as well. They were fine on Friday, came back Saturday and this just sort of blew up.


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Once i inherited some fucked up plants from a douchebag. There was a crappy batch of Fox Farm that went around and was causing some weird root rot. This guys decided to dip the roots in this copper stuff and they ended up looking exactly like that! To a tee. Once I got them I transplanted them into some 707 and gave them pure water. They turned around and went right back to normal and looked great within a week.


Active member
Doesn't TMV cause dark blotches/sores on the leaves? I don't see any of that. I'm sort of leaning toward genetic deficiency in the plants as they are under the same conditions as other healthy plants but only this strain is struggling.
Dude, trust me when I say, get those plants out of there. They might not spread, but then again they might, and then you are royally fucked. Read my posts in the mosaic virus section with my experience. I think I have it under control now, but the plants that looked like yours did not recover after a month of everything i tried. I would suggest hitting your plants with 325 mg aspirin per gallon of water foliar application. I did it with my own strains when they started to show signs of what the other plants had, and they took off and are growing like champs again. I don't know if it was the aspirin, or if my strains are more resistant, but something seems to be working.

Secondly, you want to eliminate EVERY SINGLE fucking bug in that room. They are the main vectors. Hit them with every fucking thing you got. Get some bayer to take care of anything in the roots, and get some avid for the foliar or something similar but hardhitting.
Even if you do not have any bugs visible, believe me with what you have you want to make 110% sure.

It's strange, my plants looked EXACTLY like yours, but without the white leaves. Once I tossed them in the garden and just left them alone to see what would happen, they started turning white like you have got. The leaves like that (the white ones) will eventually (soon) die. The green but twisted growth will remain deformed and new growth will be as well. At least that is what I observed.

I am seeing signs here and there in my flower rooms still, but new growth is healthy, so I am praying I got rid of the worst of the problem and that as long as I keep my plants healthy, even if they do have some virus, it will be completely manageable, at least that's what I am observing so far.

Please update with progress on the virus thread, I will be posting some pics and a full report within the next few days as well of my experiences.


Active member
yeah, what's strange is i grew that strain last time with no problems at all....and the new cuttings are from the same mother???


So I've been dealing with the same thing this last week. 10 different strains in various ages from clone to 6 ft tall shrub. In different mixes of soil I've been working on. So lots of variables and they ALL came down with this. So it's something common amongst all the plants. Only things the plants from prop area to veg to flower room is physical space. So that would be viruses and bugs traditionally.

And...... water. Since it mostly resembles micro nute deficiencies which are rare in my experience. So zinc and a few others get locked out by high PH

I grow in organic soil, water/teas only no nutes. I only check source water ph every once in a while. I checked it and it was 8.5 instead of a normal 7-ish. I checked the net and found that the city changed water sources a couple weeks ago. This is basically in Portland. I looked through my pics because something similar happened before and sure enough it was March of last year.

So I PH'd my water and brewed a compost tea and watered to about 30% runoff. Next day they perked up. Looking better today. I figure tomorrow will show marked improvement.

Pic of what it was. Growth tips stay tiny and severely twisted. Starts taking on zinc def signs.

In person, none of this looks like TMV pics. Just micro deficiency ph

Will see whats up when I get up in the morning.

Such a weird fucking thing


Active member
I also noticed last night that the bushier plants, the growing tips NOT exposed to the light are fine....Makes me question the idea of a virus...
Thats not TMV its a micro deficiency. I still have not heard what the PH is going in or coming out, till you have that you cant even start diagnosing the problem. All this bs about TMV makes me think most dont know what it looks like. If I had to guess Id say its a lock out of copper or boron . It maybe a lock out of a few things, First things first WHATS THE PH


Yeah merkaba, it would help us help you by going to the sick plant guide, and filling out the questionnaire.

Would love to help you get it resolved


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